July 17, 2013

Scott Horton 2013.07.16

First interview Mike Swanson

Mike Swanson, founder and chief editor of WallStreetWindow.com, discusses the low wage, part time jobs being created during the current stock market boom; the permanent war economy; how inflation lowers the standard of living for everyone but the ultra rich; and the government’s excessive spending that is crowding out private investment. (Duration: 31:50 — 7.3MB)

32k Download

Second interview Philip Giraldi

Philip Giraldi, executive director of the Council for the National Interest, discusses why Edward Snowden is a whistleblower, not a traitor – despite what the media is telling you; the possible public backlash against the NSA’s lawless spying; the ugly reality of “what winning looks like” in Afghanistan; and why Snowden had better watch his back if he flees to South America. (Duration: 31:08 — 7.1MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org

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