August 12, 2013

Are You Smarter Than A 8th Grader

So, do you believe American children are smarter than their counterparts in 1912?  And forget about computers—most of these kids didn’t even have electricity.

The following Eighth Grade Exam is from the Bullitt County (KY) Schools in 1912.  Note that there are several typesetting mistakes on the test including a mistake in the spelling list. The word “eneeavor” should be “endeavor.”

No Googling!  Begin…..NOW.            See test here


Ben G. said...

Apparently whoever wrote this title isn't. Ha!

(Sorry, I couldn't help it...)

Someboodeh said...

These tests would be classified today as child abuse. Damn, my head almost exploded!

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Even in the fifties and sixties we would have had trouble with much of this.

RJ said...

this is some kinda joke right? Damn flouride! I need to crack a few books.

Anonymous said...

My Mother grew up during the depression, left home and went to work at the age of 16.
I was always amazed at how smart she was and how much she knew, not to mention her flawless penmanship.
The sad reality is that our educational system isn't working no matter how much money we throw at it.
Can you say dumb, dumber, dumbest?