August 17, 2013

Baha'i's In My Backyard

Bahá'í Faith (wiki)


Anonymous said...

Very interesting. Poses more questions than it actually answers.
My question is how does a "faith" with only 5 million members worldwide in 2007 support itself in such an opulent fashion?

RJ said...

agreed sigil, and the fact this was built in the belly of the beast (occupied Palestine) and under such secrecy is very interesting. I smell gifelte fish all over this "faith"
Also very interesting that Bahai had a weapons inspector in Iraq prior to the crime against humanity called the Iraq war.
We must be ever vigilant concerning secret society's, secret community's and secret religions.

Unknown said...

And remember, Bahai is the "collective" belief system, the "one" that accepts members of all other faiths ;)