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Kike Adams-The Health Deranged-er |
The July 29th article, titled MSNBC host says newborn infants don't count as 'alive', criticizes MSNBC TV host Melissa Harris-Perry and rightly asserts that killing a live baby is plainly murder and an outrageous thing for an tv host to advocate.
However, Adams then goes on to repeatedly compare infanticide advocates to "modern-day holocaust deniers." (libertyfight.com)
What a cunt this guy is. I can't even see what the two have to do with each other. This is just code for letting the jews know that he is one of their pawns imo. I mean after all he is affiliated with fat body and zio whore, Jone$
Look at the Shnozz...Look at the Shnozz...Look at the Shnozz, The Shnozz,The Shnozz!!
He's more than just a prawn. He's the whole Zio-Jew Cocktail.
He can hide behind the name but he can't hide the hook.
Look at that pic.
He'll suck your cock for a dolla.
HUH!?! He has been drinking AJ's koolade.
Mike "The Kike" Adams was on the AJ kool-aid since day one!
Natural Jews is just an extension of the AJ "Empire"
If you didn't know back then, everyone shoulda knew after this "hit" piece....
Now since the new prison planet comment section is no longer under control of the jewish monitors a new system designed to gather personal data for the NSA at least allows honest comments. Please go to war and respond to prison planet because now you can even say jew put up links and say what you want. So what they can track you down. If everyone is too much of a coward to reply the jews still have complete control over the media. there are so many references that disprove the holohoax that it is easy to get the truth out.About every other responder on pp tries to link everything to Adolf Hitler and some times I think I am the only one who defends him.So go there and respond and don't let them get away with their lies any more.
It's too bad because normally Mike Adams isn't a c*nt.
Natural News reports on a lot on the crimes of big pharma and big agra. I read that site fairly often and I seldom find error in anything Mike Adams writes. Perhaps he has been hanging around Alex Jones too long. Birds of a feather, I guess.
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