My picks for the best broadcasts of the week. Official 911 stories are debunked and video fakery is explored as well as who is really behind the attacks. Learn to make your own soap!
P.S. Ohalahan is using the latest Bluetooth technology.
bravo! Welcome to the real world jackasses! When you all wake up and smell the coffee you'll notice it smells like gefilte fish. Thanks for taking the gloves off Ohalahan.
This show was patrio-tard nonsense. Absolute drivel. Absent the ridiculous no-planer nonsense (good luck with that lol) it was Alex Jones all over again.
bravo! Welcome to the real world jackasses! When you all wake up and smell the coffee you'll notice it smells like gefilte fish.
Thanks for taking the gloves off Ohalahan.
Grizz is Christ-like and we are all his disciples. LMAO
BTW. I don't buy the whole 9/11 conspiracy made up by tin foil hat wearing idiots. 9/11 was done by 19 smurfs with box cutters. END OF STORY!
P.S. Don't listen to Ohalahan. He doesn't know shit from Shinola! LOL
I agree with Zap
This show was patrio-tard nonsense. Absolute drivel. Absent the ridiculous no-planer nonsense (good luck with that lol) it was Alex Jones all over again.
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