August 06, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.08.06

Guest: Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom talks about the British Intelligence decrypts from WW2

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1 comment:

Christopher Marlowe said...

This is an excellent primer for people who don't know about the holohoax. There are a lot of facts given that quickly prove the falsity of the 6 million figure. Kollerstrom is a great guest, and he also gives some information that I hadn't heard before. For example, he says that the plant near Auschwitz was used to make coal into fuel.

Another interesting point Kollerstrom makes is that the holohoax is becoming a new religion, and is meant to replace Christianity: instead of the man/God Jesus Christ suffering and dying on Golgotha, and then triumphing over death; we are given the false myth of 6 million Jews suffering and dying for no reason without God. The holohoax is the NWO or JWO religion of nihilism.