September 03, 2013

The Kevin Barrett Show 2013.09.03

Ole Dammegard: The same assassins killed JFK, RFK, MLK, Olaf Palme, John Lennon…here are their names! 

Guest: Ole Dammegard, author of the free book Coup d’ร‰tat in Slow Motion (PDF), “a deep investigation into the assassination of Olof Palme and also reveals the astounding links to major events like the killing of JFK, RFK and John Lennon as well as the sinking of m/s Estonia, etc.”

No Lies Radio
Kevin's blog


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dr Kevin Barrett is a great person to listen to because he communicates so clearly.

However, all along he has defended one "camp" of the 9-11 truth "movement" and that is the Dr. Steven Jones / Richard Gage "nanothermite" theory camp.

Every bit of logic and data and evidence we can find shows that Dr. Steven Jones and Mr. Richard Gage have deliberately led us down a dead-end path that did not result in more 9-11 truth. Dr. Barrett abandons his usually sound and solid logical thinking, writing and talking when it comes to his support of Dr. Steven Jones and Mr. Richard Gage, two people who are really an insult to honest 9-11 truth seekers everywhere.

I am able to discern Dr. Steven Jones and Mr. Richard Gage really being about supporting Israel in regard to 9-11 and supporting what Israel is doing in the USA and in the Middle East, so Dr. Barrett is hurting his own cause of supporting the Muslims in regard to these matters when he supports the nanothermite non-explosive nonsense.