October 13, 2013

Vintage Scorpio: Jew Wise Stories

Scorpio tells several Jew Wise experience stories on this vintage episode of Scorpio's Grand Conspiracy Hour.

Scorpio's Grand Conspiracy Hour archive



Noor al Haqiqa said...

Thanks. Just yesterday I was wondering when Scorp would do another programme. This may be old but definitely very entertaining. Made me consider doing a piece on how I became Jew wise... Actually, we should ALL do a piece on how we became Jew wise... Maybe folks could begin to relate....

Christopher Marlowe said...

I was wondering where Scorpio went....

Hey Scorp, this would have made a great Halloween show. These are great stories. I had to turn it off at bedtime so I wouldn't have bad dreams.

Christopher Marlowe said...

Note: Great show. You have such a pleasant radio personality, and the show is so easy to listen to. But please don't tell everyone "fuck you" at the end. The audience is your friend. ;)