Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
It's Mami's fault - :D I threw it all in at the last moment based on what I saw at Mami's. These guys I always took for being legitimate purveyors of news aggregation.
Ahahaha, Now you guys get to wear the dunce hat. I was sooo sick of it. Next time I want a larger size! Always remember if it is an onion article it is far from true but guaranteed funny. You got punked by the king.. all hail Mami...
Did Fetcho really think that stop and kiss was real NYC law enforcement policy?!?
OK - my bad! Will air the retraction next week. I am not the first media personality to get suckered by a clever story...
It would be something a Jew in power would do!
I can't wait for that lol
Don't feel bad Fetch. You were actually one of several thousands people on YouTube that believed that the Onion Stop and Kiss video was real!
I fell for it... Doh !!
It's Mami's fault - :D I threw it all in at the last moment based on what I saw at Mami's. These guys I always took for being legitimate purveyors of news aggregation.
Ahahaha, Now you guys get to wear the dunce hat. I was sooo sick of it. Next time I want a larger size! Always remember if it is an onion article it is far from true but guaranteed funny. You got punked by the king.. all hail Mami...
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