December 31, 2013

Fukushima Clues

I did some scrounging and found this. You may find it interesting. I sure did.


Anonymous said...

"Is Rense trying to tell us that he is Gay?"*
{When questioned a/t # of marriages, Rense compared himslef to a hollywood star who was married many
times. Information has surfaced in the last year that this star was both gay & a german jew.
A recent radio show that Rense aired has caused us to become deeply concerned, `The Gay Golden Age
of HollyWeird." The only book that Rense auhtored & made him was a/t AIDS. Rense's favourite subject
is Alien Abductions & Anal probings. &rense walks like some1 who has taken it 1 too many times.
Also, Gay German Jews in general have a love of the The Gay Golden Age
of HollyWeird, 1950s america & the antebellum south of mental patient Scarlet O'Hara}
*#anonymous has obtained secret working papers of new joint project b/n Henry Makow & John Friend

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are, would you please re-write this so that it is readable and understandable? I honestly-to-God do not know what you are saying, and am confused by whatever point(s) and "evidence" you are trying to make and present.
