January 17, 2014

Zapoper's after school special 337

Retarted musings from the Zap. LOL



Anonymous said...

Where do I go to get my 27 mins back?!

For those reading this first to help decide whether to listen or not, you can jump to about 15:30 to skip Z's talking to himself and singing the Oz song over & over, lol.

So as to the WN "if you're not PROUD to be White, then you're ASHAMED to be White!" slogan, it's called a false dichotomy.

...and it ^ insults most people's intelligence. I listened to the recent Horus the Avenger show on JF's Realist Report; they were talking about their upcoming White march thing in DC, and Horus was touting how one sign they want to have is "Honk once if you're PRO-White, honk twice if your ANTI-White!" And JF was all, "wow, yeah!". And I was all, "wow, how retarded!"

That F.D. junk is designed to emotionally coerce & shame if you don't "pick a side" of their false dichotomy BS. Very joowey gambit I'd say! It might successfully coerce White retards to fall into line, and carry the WN banner, and make sure they marry a similarly retarded White spouse & have White kids, and idiocracy here we'll come!

Coz the F.D. slogan junk just insults the intelligence of the smarter Whites who SHOULD be bearing White kids, and chases them away.

So thumbs up on that part of your rant Zap. :)

zapoper said...

First of all have you ever listened to any of these so called alternative shows?

WHERE IS MY TWO YEARS BACK! Forget about your little 27 minutes. LMAO

zapoper said...

BTW. It's much more than two years but I'm only counting the days since Mami's went on line.

mephistopheles lux said...

Zapoper is clearly the tip of the spear! A Quebecois Alex Jones lol!

RJ said...

La quenelle !

Mami said...

When Zap talks like AJ he sounds like the dude who cant find a job.

Layed off and no money http://dreness.com/bits/funny/laidoff2.swf

Mami said...

Only white people have Karma LOL

All the black man gets is a Obamaphone

Anonymous said...

Great drunken rant, Zap. I'm saluting you with a quenelle.