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For those determined to be divisive. |
The only people i can see deriving any genuine pleasure out of all this are the Chosenites;The Trolls;The MSM (who can point to us all and use this argument as evidence of our "Crackpottery"), and the Various Pundits,Pod-casters and "Self-Appointed-Experts" who are all seeking to build reputations and followings out of the Issue.
In a "If you can't beat them,Join them" frame of mind, i thought i'd contribute some more Sandy Bollocks for your consideration. Why not? It appears you all have so much free time to consider such stuff. So please click on the link to view more Sandy Bollocks for your edification. (SandyBollocks)
The first sculpture was a pyramid. Clearly you are "illuminati"!
We can thank one man as the originator of the events of the last year in opposing virtually all of the questions raised about the official govt-approved narrative of SH, and that is Mark Glenn.
In January 2013, he got MCP and Hesham Tillawi firmly on his side, then Keith Johnson joined the fray, and then MCP influenced Deanna, and since December, I think MCP and AFP realized they could really use this as a lucrative publicity operation.
By the way, MCP still thinks DallasGoldBug isn't a Sunstein operative. This from the guy who has been crying out so much about alleged Sunstein shills, as if Cointelpro wasn't around decades before Sunstein's memo, and as if 9/11 wasn't heavily infiltrated with shills and operatives.
@Shabigus: Lololol
Well said, Faux Capitalist. Well said.
The same Mark Glenn who claims to be a Traditional Catholic yet loves to engage in the heresy of Marcionism by cherry picking through the Old Testament for signs that the Jews want to wipe everyone out. Yet he clearly avoids everything in the Old Testament that shows the prophets warning and chastising the Israelites throughout the same text.
The old Mass has tons of Psalms in it as prayers in the Ordinary and the Propers of the Mass. If he is ashamed of that, as a Catholic, then he will be easily ashamed of anyone in the so-called "movement".
In a normal world, looking through a normal lens, we would say this man suffers from a lack of conviction. I can't stand the guy anymore. And I used to like him quite a bit.
MCP is the biggest bag of wind to ever hit the "airwaves". The guy doesn't say anything. He merely pontificates for 2 hours as some kind of Grand Poohbah.
Max French was alright until he started having that Italian dumbbell co-host his show. Keith is OK, but in my view he is a little immature. Jonathan is a radical in whom I place no trust.
Mark Dankof is the only man on that network who gets it and is grounded in reality and does not allow little things like this to unsettle him. I take that back in advance if he has been co-opted by the others to join their side in Sandy Hook. Haven't listened to TUT in quite awhile. But I do know you won't see him discarding the Bible like Mark Glenn does.
Really, I see no active debate going on about SH. It's over and has really been over long before last month's "debates". Nothing can be proven. The only thing that has been going on is the MG crowd, suspiciously blind, slandering those who rightfully recognize all that is extremely odd about SH. I'm missing exactly why this was brought up again here. Oh please! Don't delete my comments again.
I agree with you foone it is extremely divisive and Jew inspired. But which side of the fence are you on? I'm on the side that agrees it was just that, that some kid went nutts. Gun sales have gone up BTW and gun advocates are putting up great fights against anti gun registration. I agree with Keith Johnson if they wanted to go to such elaborate extremes why didn't they say oh and Lanza is a Jew hating holocost denying 911 conspiracy theorist?
Again, I agree, this is a topic that is just as you say, it is divisive bollocks and splintering the truth movement, no doubt about it. This is why I believe that many of the promoters of it are posters (and im'posters) at Mami's and are very cunning and will do everything in their power to keep this topic alive for the very purpose that you stated. I think it is good that people like Deanna and Keith Johnson are on the opposing side. At the very least if they are proved to be right, it should shed light on those who continue to bash them. If Deanna definitively proves that Sandy Hook was just as it went down than I hope many eyes are opened and that those who continue to promote it as a hoax are the enemies. Time will tell how this will end up but one thing I have never doubted is Deanna's integrity. She is a class act and will come to the right conclusion in the end.
The whole problem with Sandy Hook [and Boston] is not something new. It is a re-hash of the problems of various stories concerning 9/11, e.g. planes or no-planes, thermite or conventional explosives, victims or vicsims, etc...
The Problem is due to several factors, chiefly the lack of trustworthy evidence [or the knowledge that evidence is trustworthy], and the INABILITY OF THE AVERAGE RESEARCHER TO FORMULATE A LOGICAL ARGUMENT.
We have devolved into a race of retarded monkeys. We have computers and technology, so we pride ourselves on being wiser than our forebears. But they knew how their technology worked. 99% of our monkey society has no idea how anything works.
But it gets worse. Although we are prideful about our magic technology, we know less about logic than our forebears. When they got an education, they were taught logic. Nowadays, people learn to read, and they think they are wise. But they can't explain Why they believe they way they do. They have been watching Talmudvision for so long that they think a "debate" is Bill O'Reilly telling someone to "shut-up".
And so we had some "debates" on Sandy Hook, and those who supported the official official story, in BOTH DEBATES, did not even bothering to prepare or read any of the evidence. They chose instead to stick to ad hom, and cling to the most prejudicial aspects of discussion, and to stay far away from substance.
I've gone on too long, but John Friend's approach is very fact-based and logical. His shows with Tom from Mass are very helpful on this topic.
"And so we had some "debates" on Sandy Hook, and those who supported the official official story, in BOTH DEBATES, did not even bothering to prepare or read any of the evidence. They chose instead to stick to ad hom, and cling to the most prejudicial aspects of discussion, and to stay far away from substance."
EXACTLY! You have to wonder why they would do that. It wasn't honest. It's very suspicious. And instead of questioning the event of SH, the ad hominems and insults started almost immediately after the event, not at subversive jews, but at those on the same side of the jewish question. If anyone wants to complain about divisiveness, lay it right on Mark Glen, the antiwhite, and his toady insulters and namecallers.
We should be talking about when Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is next up in court. He's been buried in a dungeon going on for 10 months.
Sandy Hook is just another event that doesn't lead to anyone being convicted.
@John DiCarlo- I agree, the blame for the divisiveness goes to Mark Glenn , the other TUT hosts, and their cult-like followers, who have done nothing but ridicule, mock and name-call since day one. I personally stopped listening to MG and the other TUT hosts long before Sandy Hook because I found it a bit suspicious that they consistently supported the Jewish media narrative around false flag shootings, unless, of course, a Muslim was accused.
@Don Damore- Yes, we should be talking about Dzokahar Tsarnaev, though it's already hard to know what's really going on, as some say the individual presented in court is not really him (now he has a thick Russian accent, when he didn't before, and friends supposedly don't recognize him) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t1sc4-Si1o
@John DiCarlo- I agree, the blame for the divisiveness goes to Mark Glenn, the other TUT hosts, and their cult-like followers, who have done nothing but ridicule, mock and name-call since day one. I personally stopped listening to MG and the other TUT hosts long before Sandy Hook because I found it a bit suspicious that they consistently supported the Jewish media narrative around false flag shootings, unless, of course, a Muslim was accused.
@Don Damore- Yes, we should be talking about Dzokahar Tsarnaev, though it's already hard to know what's really going on, as some say the individual presented in court is not really him (now he has a thick Russian accent, when he didn't before, and friends supposedly don't recognize him) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-t1sc4-Si1o
Mark Glenn must have done a good job to hit the nerves of all these NWO minions. Look at all the vicious attacks against him!
Well, since this thread has been restarted with more comments, I might as well chime in again with another point that has been on my mind.
Why does MCP keep bringing up Cass Sunstein when he previously took on David Ray Griffin for apparently not mentioning that Sunstein was specifically concerned about dispelling conspiracy theories about involving Israeli involvement.
Then, MCP has kept going on about alleged Sunstein operatives, as if there weren't already operatives out there in force since the 1960s, and he accepts the story of SH that alleges no Israeli involvement whatsoever.
An irony is that Fetzer is the one who originally alleged an Israeli connection to SH, while MCP has been implying over the past two months that Fetzer is a Sunstein operative.
Jebus! I post up a silly little article pointing out the futility and stupidity of taking sides in an argument that can NEVER be resolved. And you idiots pile in restarting the finger pointing and maintaining the Jew-Left/Right paradigm of taking opposing sides?!
Oh what a shock. YOU posted this drivel to further exascerbate this wornout topic with no place to go and now you pontificate as though you had no part. Not much of a surprise to me, YOU ARE THE SHIT STIRRER. Nobody is arguing the evidence of whether or not it was real. We're just taking further note of the side that uses ad hominems rather than argue their side with facts, of which you are a part of.
Mark Glenn must have done a good job to hit the nerves of all these NWO minions. Look at all the vicious attacks against him!
Christ, if I ever saw a convoluted, ass backwards, spew of disinformation, this was it. Mark Glenn is anti-White and any White who pays any attention to him is just an asshole.
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