March 25, 2014

Netanyahu was wrong about Iraq having nuclear weapons. Do you now trust anything he says about Iran or Syria?
Also see:
*Iran Propaganda debunked in less than 6 minutes


phyllis66 said...

Never trust a jew.........NEVER, EVER!

Unknown said...

Honestly, I really would like to know, how pairs of socks filled with earth would be needed do dig the tunnels we were told were dug by allied POW? Then to dump it under the noses of the Germans and for them not to notice.

This story is a Hollywood embellishment, if you don't mind.

And BTW Netanyahu is a war mongering, psychopathic liar!

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Believe Nutty? HAHAHAHAHA. He and Obama both deserve awards for the all time dishonesty Olympics.

Anonymous said...

But it was Janu who attacked last day of the olympics. It is the russian way. Putin did it during the olympics in Peking too.