March 10, 2014

Spingola Speaks 2014.03.09

Guest: Larry Engel, Operation Censorship, Halbig Notes
This is Deanna's recording. RBN's was choppy.
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Anonymous said...

I have a good discussion thread going, entitled "Spingola Jumps Shark, Supports's Official Sandy Hook Story". Most recently there I've posted a deconstruction & criticism of DS's most recent attacks on Wolfgang Halbig, rich with links, etc. This link will take you right to it:

It's continued 5 replies down from there (Reply 76), where I deconstruct the "Interesting Timeline" portion of her Halbig/Delphi/Censorship webpage.

Anonymous said...

Pasting over a couple bits from my longer critique at
which address this Mar 9 1st hour of Spingola.

For most of this hour DS discussed Sunstein, Delphi, Sunstein, Delphi (repeat...)

" They're constantly 'schooling us' on Sunstein, Delphi Technique, mob censure bla bla, hoping that offsets or 'neutralizes' our ability to notice that they're wolves in sheep's clothing, schooling the sheep about those dangerous wolves they need to be leery of, LOL. They're what the Staussian neo-Cons call, "Pious Frauds"

On DS's characterization of WH's call-in to her show, ending with her replaying the clip:

" I recommend listening to that 7 min MP3 clip which DS links to above. Note that WH's criticism of DS's burning her precious air time fixated on Sofia and her S.Hoax video (DS did 3 or 4 solo shows devoted exclusively to attacking Sofia & her video, all are linked above somewhere), which amounted to a a very small portion of that WH call-in, is apparently the sole basis for DS's titling her webpage, "Wolfgang Halbig Asks Deanna to Stop Asking Questions and Critiquing Smallstorm's Video : Delphi/Censorship Operation".

Did you hear WH admonish DS to "Stop Asking Questions" anywhere? Quite the contrary. DS's choice of titles for her webpage sounds like more of the same "joowey rhetorical manipulation gambits" she's employed throughout her, anti-S.Hoax-skepticism campaign, beginning on Jan 15. "

Much more, included helpful embedded links, at:

Anonymous said...

Another snip from my longer DS/Halbig critique at

Deanna commented @ Mami's (see: March 6, 2014 at 7:42 AM):
in part, "...I asked him some very direct questions, many of which he avoided answering or else he changed the subject. "

I subsequently asked Deanna in that thread, and again in another later Halbig thread (see: March 8, 2014 at 12:16 AM)

"[...] could you please provide some examples of the "many" instances in this show, where in response to a direct question, Wolf "avoided answering or else he changed the subject", ideally with minute-marks? This so I can re-listen to the exchange, and see whether or not I agree? Coz based on the show I heard, it sounds like this claim may be another case of... "

Deanna didn't respond in either of those threads, despite having returned in both instances to post later comment(s).

In Deanna's last "timeline" entry on her Halbig/Delphi/Censorship webpage, Tuesday, March 4, 2014, her "...On the program I asked him if he was ever a homicide investigator but he avoided the question. When he called into my program on 2/11, he claimed to be a homicide investigator..." bit appears to be her 'response' to my twice-asked question of her.

So DS has provided ONE dubious 'example' of the (ALEGEDLY MANY!?!) evasions which she accused WH of committing during the show. Her "...I asked him if he was ever a homicide investigator but he avoided the question..." claim appears to be referring to the exchange beginning at the 51:00 mark of their Mar 4 "interview". Here's the MP3 of the 3/4 show again;
and I invite readers to advance to 51:00, and see if you agree with DS's characterization of WH's response to her latest interruption there.

What *I HEARD* was DS interrupting WH at 51:05, and then daisy-chaining 4 separate questions together rapid fire, for WH to answer. WH went about trying to answer her jumble of questions, when he was interrupted again by DS at 51:50, and she changed the subject yet again. Yet she characterized this exchange as, "...he avoided the question...".

Flip the Script & Project... does anyone else see a pattern here?

Much more @

Scott said...

Still trying to protect Israeli firster, "our number 1 ally", neocon, Wolfy Halbig, Pat? It's getting embarrassing.

"does anyone else see a pattern here?"

Yes, I see your lame attempts at trying to belittle Deanna. Yes indeed.

Anonymous said...

^ adapting the words of DS slightly at 8:40 in her Mar 4 WH "interview",

"I think people belittle themselves." ;)

Your tribe's lame attempts to make WH's S.Hoax questions go away, through the use of ad-hom attacks against him completely unrelated to his S.Hoax questions, is getting embarrassing indeed. :'(

SatanicJewsClues911 said...

Not a big Fan of Spoon Feeding Blindly... Deanna's feet are of Clay on Sandy-Hook,and are starting to show sign's of Cracking.....

NO Dis-Respect.. It is what it is!

zapoper said...

Hey Pat. You've said your piece. This thread is not your personal blog.

If you have something else to do today apart from typing on your keyboard, I suggest that you go do it.

Unknown said...

No birth records found for the 20 Sandy Hook Children.

Deanna said...

Wyatt Hill, You forget to follow up on the links that I suggested following your watching of the six-minute video.
Connecticut birth records that are less than 100 years old are not open to the general public. To be eligible to receive a copy of a birth certificate, you must be able to document that you are related to the registrant in one of the following ways:

Birth records less than 100 years old
You are the registrant, and you are 18 years of age or older
You are the parent, guardian, grandparent, or spouse of the registrant
You are the child or grandchild of the registrant, and you are 18 years of age or older
You are an attorney-at-law representing the registrant or the registrant’s parent, guardian, child, or surviving spouse
You are a state or federal agency employee and have an authorized release from the registrant who is 18 years of age or older
You are the Local Director of Health of the town/city where the birth occurred or where the mother was a resident at the time of the birth
You are the chief elected official of the town/ city where the birth occurred
You are a member of an incorporated genealogical society authorized to conduct business in the State of Connecticut (please visit the CSL History and Genealogy Unit website for more information). The other link is{27F0C12B-9832-4A65-96E2-F9F9764E5DC8}&SP=2 and click on User-based subscriptions. The maker of that video would have had to pay almost $1,000 to look at the SSDI Master Index. You must be one of the gullible people.

Anonymous said...

WH wants to collect 100 000 $ to sue the parents that they have lied losing their babies? Brave man...

How can anyone believe in this?

No one can prove either did anyone die or did the Mossad kill the babies. So I think this "expoert" and Israel firster is a fraud.

Aleksa said...

Even Ruperti is starting to see trough this Halbnig caracter!There is hope for Ruperti!

And Zap finaly got fed up of this shit hoax fakery bull shit!

Jim friend&john Fetzer,Simon Shack,Wolf Halbnig,Fakeologist,Hoaxbusters,Sophia Bigstorm,Pat Colo and the rest,all belong in the Recycle Bin!!

Even the blind can see whats going on!

Anonymous said...

Ok zap, I took a break from the keyboard, geared up with my MP3 player and took a long walk around the city, listening to my favorite Mami's mod singing A Capella, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow." Full blast. Repeating loop. I'm totally reinvigorated. Gimme all your lovin' zap, you da man.

So anyways, I posted a critique focused on Delphi-Deanna's Sun Mar 9 show. It mostly deconstructs:

1. DS's brazen mischaracterization of WH's Feb 11 call-in to her show. "Seek the truth; Deanna, only seek the truth."

2. DS's trying to make hay of WH's CSI business dissolving last week, which she tried to puff up into the utterly unsubstantiated rumor that the business was a 'fabrication'.

3. DS's trying to connect her own 'fabricated rumor' above, to WH's cred re the police visits to his home.

Notice above, *zero* attention given to WH's S.Hoax questions; only ad-hom smears against the S.Hoax-Truth Messenger. Even the "police visits" matter is separate from WH's S.Hoax questions. Though the police visits certainly do speak to the "guilty demeanor" which have exhibited for the past ~15 months since their orchestration of the S.Hoax charade.

Full DS 3/9 show critique at

Aleksa said...

Pa Colo@

How the hell did you escape from the recycle bin???