March 08, 2014

The People Speak with Rock Cash 2014.03.04

Guest: Dr. Steve Pieczenik

BBS Radio


64k CF Download


mephistopheles lux said...

This guy is a gatekeeper who downplays Israel.

Anonymous said...

Party on, Zap. This show is well worth a listen.

mephistopheles lux said...

Pieczenik that is.

RJ said...

It was Pieczenik who first said it was israel who did 9/11 on AJ's show and was nixed from his next few shows that he was scheduled for. Not exactly sure how that's gate keeping. I use to follow the guys blog. He bashes all the big dogs in office these days. I'm sure he's a jew huckster out to sell books etc. But I heard it live on AJ's show when Steve had AJ slack jawed for 20 minutes.

RJ said...

mephistopheles lux said...

Fair enough RJ, but on Rock's show he said it was Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, Hadley and Rice. Notice anything wrong with that picture?

1776blues said...

Steve is a favorite guest on the AJ show! And I do believe he is Jewish. No surprise here!

1776blues said...

Pieczenik was born in Cuba of Jewish parents from Russia and Poland and was reared in France.[2] His father, a doctor from Dombrovicz who studied and worked in Toulouse,[3] fled Poland before World War II. His mother, a Russian Jew from Bialystok,[3] fled Europe after many of her family members were killed. The couple met in Portugal, where both had fled ahead of the Nazi invaders.[3] Pieczenik was born in Cuba—out of wedlock in 1943.[3][4] After living in Toulouse, France for six years, Pieczenik's family migrated to the United States where they settled in the Harlem area[3] of New York City, New York.[5] Steve Pieczenik was eight years old when his parents received their visa to the US.[3]

zapoper said...

@ 1776blues I wouldn't have went through all the time and effort to convert the original .mp4 stream to .mp3 and work on the audio levels if I didn't think that it wasn't worth it.

Of course parts of it is full of shit but there are still interesting parts to this interview.

It seams like most people view all this as a black and white thing without seeing all the subtleties of the multiple gray shades.

I'd like you to point me to a radio personality or just an average guy that holds and says the truth and nothing but.

zapoper said...

A member of the CFR too BTW. People who listen to the alternative crap and believe every word are morons IMO.

zapoper said...

Is this clear enough or should I elaborate? LOL

Anonymous said...

Mr. Zapoper, your English is really good at this point, and am wondering if someone is helping you improve your English, or what you are doing because you are using words that are not commonly used, which is a sincere compliment.


Anonymous said...

Wow that Pieczenik is slimy. When i heard him first on AJ, he was making out that his ancestry was from the south of France, going back a thousand years.

Those wacky ashkinuzis at it again.

BnC said...

anyone that is a guest on alex jones is suspect, especially if they have jewish ancestry.

Anonymous said...

RJ Livegood said...
"It was Pieczenik who first said it was israel who did 9/11 on AJ's show and was nixed from his next few shows that he was scheduled for. Not exactly sure how that's gate keeping. [...]"

Borrowing the words of MCPiper, from a podcast where he describes both Pieczenik directly, and himself (MCP) indirectly by projecting it back outwards towards those TM characters who we need to be leery of, lol:

"[...] You know, someone can be an AGENT, working for somebody or some intelligence agency, or some force, and genuinely be anti-zionist, or genuinely be a critic of Israel. But they may still have another AGENDA. Because even some of these intelligence agencies have, how can I put this; you know, the left hand doesn't always know what the right hand is doing. [...]"


Anonymous said...

Good observation, mephistopheles.

I noticed the same thing when he was reading out the names of the neocons -- all non-Jewish names, in contrast with Carl Bernstein, who told us who the leaders of the neocon movement are.

Yes, Pieczenik did talk too much about Zionist Jews in his one appearance on AJ's show, but I later wondered whether it may have all been planned that way, because too many people had started catching on to AJ's gatekeeping.

I later heard that he came out in favour of the theory of crisis actors at Sandy Hook, which Alex Jones never pushed himself, and I think deliberately so.

Being a regular guest on Jones' show is reason enough to question his motives. Also, I thought early on, hey, this guy is an apparent master in psy-ops, so what are the chances he's not employing some sort of psy-op in some way when he's on Jones' show?

By the time he had done that one show, he had already made the bogus prediction of a U.S.-Israeli attack on Iran, so his credibility had been highly damaged by that, with even Jones making this ridiculous statement:

"Spread the word, World War III is about to start.“