April 11, 2014

"In the Spotlight" with Keith Johnson 4/10/2014

On this premiere edition of “In the Spotlight,” Keith continues to argue against those who believe that Sandy Hook was an elaborate hoax.
Sandy Hook researcher CW Wade joins the program to discuss his April 7 AFP debate with school safety expert Wolfgang W. Halbig.

American Free Press
The Barnes Review



Anonymous said...

6 minutes in, Keith Johnson declares:

"I believe there are people out there who are deliberately putting out false information concerning that tragic incident that occurred at the end of 2012. And I believe that they're doing it to discredit the Truth movement, the alternative movement."

He's talking about Fetzer and Smallstorm, of course, but neither he, nor MCP, nor Mark Glenn and others want to come out and say it. MCP, in particular, only wanted to repeatedly cast aspersions and not address any evidence for nearly half a year.

Look into 9/11. If Fetzer is a Sandy Hook government disinfo operative, it doesn't make sense to isolate the investigation of his behaviour to Sandy Hook, given that he has a 8+-year track record as an alternative media researcher.

Sandy Hook and Boston are indeed two different events, as Deanna has pointed out. But MCP and Keith Johnson actually think Jeff Bauman was a real victim, and that there's nothing suspicious about the first bomb scene, despite Bauman being nicknamed "Wolverine" for how fast he allegedly recovered, and saying he felt "sad" when he looked down at his legs that were allegedly blown off. Would you be sad, or would you be in intense shock or fear?

1776blues said...

Halbig is a shyster and Fetzer has scrubbed his podcasts he had on the Holocaust from his website. It too three or four attempts for him to even briefly acknowledge that Mossad was involved in the JFK murder. So, no, I trust Keith, Deanna, Wade, and MCP more than I do these two clowns who say they are going to Sandy Hook. Halbig, the son of a Holocaust survivor should send up a giant red flag!


Mr. Halbig had the audacity leave a comment asking for money on an article about Karen Klein, For those of you who don’t know, she was a 68-year-old school bus monitor who was bullied by a pack of thugs and some people saw the video of it and put together an Indigogo collection for her that garnered her some $200,000 in the end. But she didn’t ask for any of it. People just did it because they wanted to help her out.

But he’s not always asking for money. In this little comment he left on a website last year, he ranted about how Obama “hates the Jews” and how Jerusalem “is the capital”

wolfgang halbig • a year ago

Christopher Marlowe said...

1776blues said: "Halbig is a shyster and Fetzer has scrubbed his podcasts he had on the Holocaust from his website. It too three or four attempts for him to even briefly acknowledge that Mossad was involved in the JFK murder."

--> I went to Fetzer's website, and found several podcasts discussing the holohoax.
-- Feb 28, 2014 on Frederick Tobin, the holohoax denier.
--Feb 5, Arthur Topham.(holohoax denier)
-- Dc 20, 2013, Topham
-- Dec 11 2013 an episode about the "Holocaust" (in quotes, meaning "so-called holocaust")

Fetzer didn't scrub any holohoax revisionism from his site.

I don't know anything about Halbig. He's obviously confused about WWII, and what transpired. I don't put my trust in people, but rather in FACTS. Anyone paying attention to the FACTS could spot the sandy hoax and the Boston hoax ages ago. In a real shooting, they would NEVER leave the bodies of 20 first graders in the school, rotting overnight. They would have rushed everyone to the hospital and tried to revive them. You would have seen a steady parade of stretchers and ambulances and helicopters. I can't believe the retardation of MCP and Mark Glenn on this topic.


Spot on Christopher! There are only two categories of people who believe in the gov't version of sandy hook: idiots or disinfo agents. they rely more on "being safe" than on intuition which is what the nwo does not want us to use as they really have no weapon against that.

Anonymous said...

FauxCapitalist said...

6 minutes in, Keith Johnson declares:

"I believe there are people out there who are deliberately putting out false information concerning that tragic incident that occurred at the end of 2012. And I believe that they're doing it to discredit the Truth movement, the alternative movement." [...]

^ This is more of the same textbook joowey "Flip the Script & Project" gambit we've seen at the core of GlennCo's (incl KJ) & Deanna's pro-joo-SHoax-story campaigns since their inceptions. ref:
...to say nothing of the sock drawer of pro-joo-SHoax-story shills infesting Mami's comments.

Separately, I posted @ Fetzer's blog,

"Dr. Fetzer, shouldn't 2 items be in "Wolfgang's Questions", which are not there? These 2 don't ask why such & such didn't happen which can be dismissed under the catch-all "human error" banner. Rather, these two irregularities are backed by hard forensic evidence that they DID happen, question being WHY?

1. The "free houses" recorded on Christmas Day '09. I heard these all trace to "victim families", and that they all went up for sale after the event sometime. A personal visit to the SH Clerk/Recorder's office for hard copies of these records-- and some questions of them about the "normalcy" of title transfer recordings on Christmas Day with *ZERO* sale prices, would be in order, yes?

2. The complete cessation of all internet traffic to/from SHES since the end of the '08 Spring semester. This was only discovered by a researcher about a month ago.

The 2nd item suggesting that SHES was closed since Summer '08, is corroborated by numerous videos showing the school's decrepit, unmaintained condition.

Again, the above 2 items are forensically evidenced, unlike several of Wolfgang's "why DIDN'T xyz happen" questions. "

Fetzer responded, "Good thoughts. Thanks for mentioning both. Important."
ref: http://tinyurl.com/qjjj4gl

Anonymous said...

9 minutes in, he makes the ridiculous "prediction" that someone with a gun who believes that the parents were in on the Sandy Hook event will kill one of the parents or children involved in the event.

Anonymous said...

1 hour 27 minutes in, Johnson explicitly says about Jim Fetzer, "he is such a disinformation agent."

At least he's being open and honest about what this has all been about, starting with the Mark Glenn, Michael Collins Piper and Hesham Tillawi broadcast of January 2013.

Folks, don't wait for explicit confirmation from people to read into they clearly imply by their aspersions, rhetoric and actions.

Anonymous said...

A few observations re this 2 hour, 3-way Shill-A-Thon:

I think Deanna said it all to Pete Santilli on Mar 31, ref: http://tinyurl.com/ofw939x

2:20 PS: So, you've said you read the reports, and, I'm not even going by the conspiracy theories. How do we know that we're to trust those reports? Can we?

2:33 DS: I think that, yes, I think you can.


Colin said...

The picture the MSM gives us of Adam Lanza's neanderthal mug is fake, hence he does not exist, hence Hook is a charade ... end of story, nothing else matters.

Johnson/Spingy et. al sicken me

Anonymous said...

More falling for the divide-and-conquer that has been keeping the human-race from saving itself for MILLENNIA.

Why can't you people see what is happening, and just move on from all of this SHIT? Why can't you focus on what is happening NOW, like the apparent "The Final War" that is being prepared using Ukraine and/or Syria as the catalyst?

This is just heart-breaking to see people still participating in all of this in-fighting, and I blame EVERYONE involved, and I mean EVERY ONE, for continuing this horse-shit. Just agree-to-dis-agree, and let's get back to where we can AGREE!

Jesus H. Christ, this is just such utter HORSE-SHIT.


Unknown said...

If you are going to try to wake people up about the mess we find ourselves in, the diet to feed them are meat and potatoes. Trying to wake up the walking dead with this story is not going to work.
It is important for the already awake to talk about, but you'll be wasting your breath starting with this story to wake up the dead.
You tell em it's a bullshit story only when you can see some signs of life.

Unknown said...

Really, the divide and conquer strategy being alleged by a commenter here is coming from the Keith Johnson/Mark Glenn camp. Johnson's garbage show was an attempt to rehabilitate his asinine showing in the debate. All of these people, MCP, Mark Glenn, Keith Johnson, and Deanna Spingola have done their credibility a great disservice by espousing and defending the government's narration on this obvious hoax. Unfortunately, there's nowhere to go with the Sandy Hook hoax information, but that doesn't stop the Mark Glen crew from mocking people who actually offer interesting evidence rather than ad hominems.

Anonymous said...

Shills saying who aren't shills, how entertaining. the Sandy Hook Nosers are getting desparate.

People, this was a fantastic show. Please give it a listen.

Unknown said...

Somebody who's on the wrong side of everything they comment on, in fact, only hurls ad hominems and insults, calling "shills". Now that's a laugh.
No one has to bother listening to more Keith Johnson's repeated crap, him and antiwhite Mark Glen.

Anonymous said...

Oh really joun "on tje wrong side of everything"? So by your comment I can only guess that you suppirt tje JWO since I oppose that. As I said Sandy hook nosers...

Anonymous said...

What Lindsey said at 4:54 a.m.
Most sensible comment yet.


Beep said...

"Look into 9/11. If Fetzer is a Sandy Hook government disinfo operative, it doesn't make sense to isolate the investigation of his behaviour to Sandy Hook, given that he has a 8+-year track record as an alternative media researcher."

No one in their right mind takes Jim "no planes" Fetzer seriously.

The Persian Drum said...

Lindsey's remark above is exactly right. All these 'Sandy Hoax' arguments and counter-arguments serve only to distract from the Elephant in the room.

Actual facts aside, the labelling of 9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston, Malaysian Airlines etc as 'hoaxes' has been a shrewd ploy to diminish the decades of work gone into the investigation and reassessment of the alleged Holocaust.

By quickly and loosely applying the term 'hoax' to every tragic event, inquiring minds will start to wonder if the 'Holocaust' has been likewise unduly questioned.

Who benefits from all this side-tracking and bickering? Perhaps those who fabricated the Holocaust, who perpetrated the September 11th attacks and are the prime-movers of wars.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I've come not to trust any of these people. There are scores of 'truthers', anti-truthers, shills, disinfo agents, and a host of others with their puny websites, blogs, YouTubes, and newsletters all claiming to have the correct info on such and such and so and so that it's enough to make one's head spin.

It's gotten to the point where no one really knows anything any more.

For all those who still follow this stuff I wish you all the best. As for me: I'm out!
