May 16, 2014

September 11th Memorial Museum Dedication Today! 9/11 Families Disgusted!
*Fast and Furious - The Twin Towers
*Fast and Furious - World Trade Center 7
*Shear Ignorance NIST and WTC7
*Fast and Furious - 911 Reactions
*9/11 Analysis
*jewish involvement exposed
*More information here


rodin said...

Chloe Breyer looks Jewy, as for Alice Greenwald... It was a radicalised ethnic group that did 911, YOURS

Unknown said...

alice greenwald OY VEEEY
$24 shekels a ticket OY VEEEEEY
6 figure salaries for museum execs OY VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY
when are they going to add a holoc0$t wing ,this museum is antisemetic