May 23, 2014

Who gives a flying Fuck!


The Persian Drum said...

Hi Zapoper,

While your point is well taken, you haven't taken into account that there is invariably the by-product of vocal reverberation under spinal pressure, which is always overlooked and thus detrimental to the longer term prognosis. In this respect your headline is a little misleading however I appreciate the gist of your argument and the passion in which it's put forth. Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Wait for the Guardian to burn that butterfly
Burn the butterfly, Guardian !

BnC said...

ZAP went through MK Ultra and Monarch. Looks like he's having a flashback :P

Anonymous said...

I give a flying fuck : )

Anonymous said...


ConCenStasi said...

your god damn butterfly caused a sandstorm over here in the sahara, thanks a lot zap

zapoper said...