June 14, 2014

Jeff Rense Radio Show - Missing Rifat File - 2014.06.11

Click here to get the missing Tim Rifat June 11th hour 1 file.

A big thank you to Hollowcoats who gave me a link to the unedited recording which is still not available at Rense.


Shabigus said...

Well done.

Woodchuck said...

zapoper is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Can someone who's a big Rense/Rifat hour fan, please explain? I've given him several hours of ear-time, trying to figure out what he's on about, and I remain baffled! Cobalt 60, how much djooz.gov fear him for his special mind powers, the windowless vans outside his home, blah blah. He'll ramble non-stop until interrupted. I don't hear Rense really engaging him much... just letting him run with an occasional "wow, Tim" or whatever.

Is it just "escapism" for his fans, imagining giving TPTB what they deserve? When Mami's was posting their retro shows from a decade+ ago, I gave a couple of those a go, and again, wtf? I guess his blunt bashing of djooz is tasty red meat, but beyond that Rifat's shtick baffles me.

And his site http://mindovermatter.ru -- that's another wtf? Are the happy customer/owners of his Money Jewelry Psychotronic Generator his most ardent fans?

zapoper said...

WOW Pat! You just discovered " THE BIG SECRET " good for you. LOL

zapoper said...

Please! Someone explain to Pat why Rense and Rifat are full of shit because he lost the plot.

Anonymous said...

Great commentary, Pat. I've commented on him previously, and Rifat is either a tease or intentionally discrediting serious talk about Jewish power, and Rense is complicit in it either way.

Tim said...

LOL zapoper

@ pat colon no worries mate just take another hit from your bong lololol

Anonymous said...

Rifat is a waste of time. He is purely for entertainment purposes and even than I don't find him a bit entertaining.