November 10, 2014

H.Res.707 - Condemning all forms of anti-Semitism and rejecting attempts to justify anti-Jewish hatred or violent attacks as an acceptable expression of disapproval or frustration over political events in the Middle East or elsewhere.

***Legislative text FOUND HERE***


coincidenceskeptic said...

America....the land of the free.... Right. Falling into lock step with Putin's latest legislation.
I think they protest too loudly...which tells me they have plenty to hide - like the Nazi connection to Zionism.
Now, we have Zionists doing all the shit they accuse the Nazis of.
Yet, there is no proof for those accusations...but, we have plenty of proof for Zionist crimes.
I am an American - of German, Austrian, Russian, French, Romanian descent. I also happen to be Jewish. But, the only part that means anything is the American part. The rest is just history past.
The only reason I have not cut my ties with Judaism is it allows me to attack Israel's actions while allowing me to laugh at the Hasbara crowd when they call me an Anti-Semite.
But, if they mow the lawn in Gaza one more time, I may change my mind.
Frankly, it is rather embarrassing to see our government and media on it's knees metaphorically blowing Ziocock.
Israel does not represent God fearing people...It truly is the Synagogue of Satan.
I devote the few years I have left on this Earth to correcting this violation of the Ten Commandments - Thou shall not bare false witness.

WHOOLI said...

air-ono said...

so if that bill is passed, it's all over red rover

this site and all sites critical of jews is kaput (outlawed) WOW!!!!

and this is the 1st i've heard of it

air-ono said...

GOOGLE: H.Res.707
apart from the government sites, the only other sites in the results are
1. MAMI'S (this post)
2. another against it
3. and one site in favour of it, by guess who...

this is absolutely mindblowing
a piece of shit legislation that can bring the walls crumbling down and only 3 sites mention it

air-ono said...

hey smart guy
is it a non-binding resolution

from wiki:
In a house of a legislature, the term non-binding resolution refers to measures that do not become laws.

Unknown said...

Has legislation EVER stopped growing sentiment?

Has man EVER built anything to actually stop the tides moving?

Puny man CAN NOT contain NATURE!

Anonymous said...

How can you guys tell if it's a binding or nonbinding resolution?

foon1e said...

Also from Legislative Wiki:

Houses of a legislature often adopt non-binding resolutions.

, a legislature also uses resolutions to exercise one of its binding powers that isn't a lawmaking power. For example, the United States Congress declares war or proposes constitutional amendments by adopting a joint resolution. A house of a legislature can also use a resolution to exercise its specific powers, as the British House of Commons does to elect its Speaker or as the United States House of Representatives does to impeach an officer of the government.

In a house of a legislature, the term non-binding resolution refers to measures that do not become laws. This is used to differentiate those measures from a bill, which is also a resolution in the technical sense. The resolution is often used to express the body's approval or disapproval of something which they cannot otherwise vote on, due to the matter being handled by another jurisdiction, or being protected by a constitution. An example would be a resolution of support for a nation's troops in battle, which carries no legal weight, but is adopted for moral support.

This resolution therefore can't be passed as legally Binding unless it's passed by both legislative Houses and signed into law by your President.