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Albert Pike. Complete Bastard! |
In a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, dated the 15th of August 1871, Pike had broadly outlined his long-term plan for the seizure of global power. Crucial to this was this was the fomenting of conflict between the nominally Christian West and the Islamic world Naturally there will be those who try to dismiss this letter as a forgery but it was already being referred to by Canadian Intelligence office William Guy Carr in the 1950s.
lol this is indeed a disinfo piece to hide the jewish power, nice posting lol
oy vey political zionism (state of israel) is just a victim to zeee horrible illuminati
(nevermind that all the political leaders of the islamic world are in the pockets of the zionist jews or crypto jews themselves)
First encountered link to this via aj lol
"...Or that the head of Islamic State Al Baghdadi is reported to be a Mossad trained agent."... Hiding jewish involvement? I think not Tim-Nice-But-Dim.
The only Dis-info being spread around here is yours.
it is very clever disinfo Mr Foon-y
The jews are the illuminati as shown in : ""The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia " (watch under the sign of the scorpion etc)
the third world war part ,and also the second world war part creates an artificial split between the jewluminatti and the political zionists as if they were different groups, and making political zionists (jews) the subervient victimgroup of the jewluminatti.
very clever disinfo very jewy.
Isis being run by the mossad is for the purposes of creating chaos in the middle east allowing for israel's potential enemies to be taken out or weakened (syria, lebanon, maybe later iran), promote the fake war on terror + having mass immigration streams to white european/western countries as stipulated by coudenhove kalergi 1925 and barbara lerner spectre
furthermore: " Albert Pike, a thirty third degree Mason. Masonry is a Jewish machination, as Rabbi Isaac Wise famously commented that “Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”
and this guy albert pike won't give ya disinfo? lol
Ahh...i c. You're commenting on the Picture that the author chose to illustrate his piece. Not on the actual article itself. Wish you had been clearer in your dismissal of the article in the first place.
Which in no way was about being as you put it " a dis-info piece to hide the Jewish power".
Plus, there's plenty of whitebread non-jews within the power structure of the "Illuminati". Traitors to Humanity exist at all levels of the control structures the Jews head.Some are willing:Some are Blackmailed. But all are working towards the creation of the NWO and one world Government goal. Calling them the "Jewluminatti" might sound clever to yourself, but it is hardly accurate.
The Jew Barbara Lerner Spencer on the Jewish plan to make Europeans Multicultural
Fact is, there is not, and most likely never was such letter between Pike and Mazzini; this was stated by Michael Collins Piper in the American Free Press sometime around January 2013. At the time I challenged him via email on this, but had to concede admitting the oft claimed original citation of this quote is not included in the book, I wrote,
"A pdf copy of Domenico Margiotta's book, Le Palladisme: Culte de Satan-Lucifer published in 1895 is available at http://www.barruel.com/livre3.html
"I spent an inordinate amount of time perusing it's 221 pages of French squabblings using a variety of search catch words for Pike's alleged three-world-war quote to no avail. Sorry for wasting your time on this. I first came across this citation in...."
I also spent a lot of time searching the online listings of The Library of Congress to no avail.
What I find of particular interest is that this forged script pretends to predict the rise of the "Nazi" party in the post-WWII writings of the once esteemed, William Guy Carr. It makes one wonder who the rooster was that made the egg fertile and where the NSDP first received the slang name.
This is a total jew turd if I've ever seen one.
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