Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
I support what the Fetch said about not taking the bait of discussing every false flag event, for most alternative researchers and broadcasters. It depends on who you are. If you are Alex Jones or Michael Rivero, then it would be suspicious to suddenly see them not discussing every one in detail, as that is their MO, and with Jones, it's to sell fear and instill hopelessness.
Also, you should expect someone like Fakeologist to discuss these events in detail, since he's alleging that all mass-promoted events are mostly or totally faked, yet he said he is "bored" by some of these big events and doesn't want to get into the details much, such as the Boston bombings, but details are necessary to demonstrate the extraordinary evidence for the extraordinary claim of hyperfakery.
Fetch referred to the foreshadowing of the event in movies and TV shows from the early 90s and even earlier, and Charles Giuliani was even shocked by delving into it himself, that it goes way beyond that one Simpsons episode, the Lone Gunmen episode, etc.
Fetch mentioned Supertramp 18 minutes in, saying how they may have been given a tip-off about the plan for taking down the World Trade Towers (1993 and 2001) with their song, Crime of the Century. I didn't think much of that idea when I first heard it proposed by Fakeologist, but I really think there is something to it, and especially considering the verse of shock in the song, about pulling off the masks of those involved, and seeing you and me, which I think refers to the complicity of the mass media, top government officials and even ordinary individuals posing as actors in the operation and as fake victims.
More fascinating points. At 1h1m, Noor said she was concerned about what she could say about the Charlie Hebdo issue, being that she is in Canada.
The good news is, you can say a lot, so long as you're not "willfully promoting hatred," and you're not that big of a figure.
We can question the Holocaust here, unlike in many European countries. Since any "hate crime" charge requires the consent of the province's Attorney General, it's a political crime, and in response to a letter by the Ontario Civil Liberties Association on behalf of Arthur Topham's case, the Attorney General's office revealed that charges are made strategically, so the average person doesn't have to worry. These people at the top view us like insects, and they know how to make most of us scurry when they go after the most cogently outspoken ones.
Then, at 1h2m, the Fetch mentioned that Lee Rogers used to promote the meme that the Jesuits are running the world, and Fetch set him straight on that. It's true that there are many high-level officials in government and business that have had Jesuit training, but the real issue is, to what extent do they have a Jesuit-centric identity and network with other Jesuit-centrists in that way? This is why you can't compare Jesuit educated officials to ethnocentric Jews, because there's no evidence that most of these Jesuit-trained people are actually operating in the name of Jesuits.
Then, at 1h3m, Noor mentioned how Alex Jones and David Icke first captivated her, with all their amazing information that she had never heard before. And this is what people love. There was even some formerly banned commentator on this blog who resurfaced under a different name, putting out all sorts of information about one of the regular radio hosts posted on here, and some just lapped it up, and the controllers know very well that most people just love new and possibly damning information, regardless of the source. No, I will question the source as well as the information, and most of us have done that with Alex Jones, for instance, so anonymous commenters on blogs should also be no exception.
I have to say, after listening to myself in that programme, there is so much I did not say, so many thoughts I did not pursue, and well questions I probably did not answer fully.
Just to address what Faux alludes to regarding what I could say re Hebdo.
I am just a teeny fish in a huge ocean so the eye is not on me, but I am known as an associate of a few who are actively under the gun ~ for materials from his blog that I have taken and posted on mine because I appreciate the brilliance of the concept.
My words were more a reaction along the line of "Oh I am talking not writing ~ better not let my mouth run off on a tangent without a bit of a filter."
But it is an interesting position to be in. As you say it is the cogently outspoken ones they go for. I am not cogent ~ just outspoken!
Thanks for your comments Faux but I'd like to know what happened to your Skype while doing your first 2015 show. I wanted to post it but it was too choppy. Do you have a personal recording of it? If so can you share it?
Like I told some of my American friends they can pass lots of hate laws up here but at the end of the day, if I go on the bridge in my town and have a big banner saying that Jews run the place, I'll just get a 150$ find and maybe a night in jail.
Hi Zap, and unfortunately, there is no good recording. I just did the usual Skype connection and didn't find out until the end of the first half hour that it was mostly all choppy, and then I got completely disconnected.
I'm thinking of ending that radio show and posting podcasts directly to my site, as I already did a couple of them, like when I interviewed Arthur Topham. That way the archives will always be free, commercial-free and the RSS feed will always work.
A timely follow-up to the concern over Canada's hate speech laws.
Here's an admission worth its weight in gold, by the Jewish broadcaster, Ezra Levant, admitting that the laws were lobbied for by left-wing Jewish activists in the 60s and 70s in response to a bogus neo-Nazi threat.
Zap, this video would make for a good post on the main page.
And here's Levant in 2009 discussing how the Canadian Jewish Congress actually built up the Canadian Nazi Party.
Fascinating show, and I'm only 18 minutes in.
I support what the Fetch said about not taking the bait of discussing every false flag event, for most alternative researchers and broadcasters. It depends on who you are. If you are Alex Jones or Michael Rivero, then it would be suspicious to suddenly see them not discussing every one in detail, as that is their MO, and with Jones, it's to sell fear and instill hopelessness.
Also, you should expect someone like Fakeologist to discuss these events in detail, since he's alleging that all mass-promoted events are mostly or totally faked, yet he said he is "bored" by some of these big events and doesn't want to get into the details much, such as the Boston bombings, but details are necessary to demonstrate the extraordinary evidence for the extraordinary claim of hyperfakery.
Fetch referred to the foreshadowing of the event in movies and TV shows from the early 90s and even earlier, and Charles Giuliani was even shocked by delving into it himself, that it goes way beyond that one Simpsons episode, the Lone Gunmen episode, etc.
Fetch mentioned Supertramp 18 minutes in, saying how they may have been given a tip-off about the plan for taking down the World Trade Towers (1993 and 2001) with their song, Crime of the Century. I didn't think much of that idea when I first heard it proposed by Fakeologist, but I really think there is something to it, and especially considering the verse of shock in the song, about pulling off the masks of those involved, and seeing you and me, which I think refers to the complicity of the mass media, top government officials and even ordinary individuals posing as actors in the operation and as fake victims.
More fascinating points. At 1h1m, Noor said she was concerned about what she could say about the Charlie Hebdo issue, being that she is in Canada.
The good news is, you can say a lot, so long as you're not "willfully promoting hatred," and you're not that big of a figure.
We can question the Holocaust here, unlike in many European countries. Since any "hate crime" charge requires the consent of the province's Attorney General, it's a political crime, and in response to a letter by the Ontario Civil Liberties Association on behalf of Arthur Topham's case, the Attorney General's office revealed that charges are made strategically, so the average person doesn't have to worry. These people at the top view us like insects, and they know how to make most of us scurry when they go after the most cogently outspoken ones.
Then, at 1h2m, the Fetch mentioned that Lee Rogers used to promote the meme that the Jesuits are running the world, and Fetch set him straight on that. It's true that there are many high-level officials in government and business that have had Jesuit training, but the real issue is, to what extent do they have a Jesuit-centric identity and network with other Jesuit-centrists in that way? This is why you can't compare Jesuit educated officials to ethnocentric Jews, because there's no evidence that most of these Jesuit-trained people are actually operating in the name of Jesuits.
Then, at 1h3m, Noor mentioned how Alex Jones and David Icke first captivated her, with all their amazing information that she had never heard before. And this is what people love. There was even some formerly banned commentator on this blog who resurfaced under a different name, putting out all sorts of information about one of the regular radio hosts posted on here, and some just lapped it up, and the controllers know very well that most people just love new and possibly damning information, regardless of the source. No, I will question the source as well as the information, and most of us have done that with Alex Jones, for instance, so anonymous commenters on blogs should also be no exception.
I have to say, after listening to myself in that programme, there is so much I did not say, so many thoughts I did not pursue, and well questions I probably did not answer fully.
Just to address what Faux alludes to regarding what I could say re Hebdo.
I am just a teeny fish in a huge ocean so the eye is not on me, but I am known as an associate of a few who are actively under the gun ~ for materials from his blog that I have taken and posted on mine because I appreciate the brilliance of the concept.
My words were more a reaction along the line of "Oh I am talking not writing ~ better not let my mouth run off on a tangent without a bit of a filter."
But it is an interesting position to be in. As you say it is the cogently outspoken ones they go for. I am not cogent ~ just outspoken!
Thanks for your comments Faux but I'd like to know what happened to your Skype while doing your first 2015 show. I wanted to post it but it was too choppy. Do you have a personal recording of it? If so can you share it?
Like I told some of my American friends they can pass lots of hate laws up here but at the end of the day, if I go on the bridge in my town and have a big banner saying that Jews run the place, I'll just get a 150$ find and maybe a night in jail.
They do like to make examples of well known people. Isn't it convenient that Dieuxdoné was convicted nearly on the same date as the Paris BS?
Hi Zap, and unfortunately, there is no good recording. I just did the usual Skype connection and didn't find out until the end of the first half hour that it was mostly all choppy, and then I got completely disconnected.
I'm thinking of ending that radio show and posting podcasts directly to my site, as I already did a couple of them, like when I interviewed Arthur Topham. That way the archives will always be free, commercial-free and the RSS feed will always work.
I agree. That might be a better way of doing it and I'll be posting them so your numbers might not drop dramatically.
A timely follow-up to the concern over Canada's hate speech laws.
Here's an admission worth its weight in gold, by the Jewish broadcaster, Ezra Levant, admitting that the laws were lobbied for by left-wing Jewish activists in the 60s and 70s in response to a bogus neo-Nazi threat.
Zap, this video would make for a good post on the main page.
And here's Levant in 2009 discussing how the Canadian Jewish Congress actually built up the Canadian Nazi Party.
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