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Alex Jones obviously wants you all DEAD ;) |
UPDATE 15/01/2014: To be clear, I had no idea what the toxicological results would be before having the testing done (how could I of?) and I OBVIOUSLY wanted the results to be conclusively in Youngevity’s favor. I had taken their products for years, got my son and parents on it as well as many friends! Needless to say we have all stopped.
I always assumed, as I am sure many of you have, that Youngevity tested their products before putting them on the market and that they did regular “quality control” inspections to keep their products up to standards.
Had the tests come back negative, i.e. no heavy metals or other toxins, the title of this post would have read “Rest assured, independant lab tests prove Youngevity’s BTT 2.0 is clean” or something to that effect.
It was so expensive to do all this testing (over $800) that I was planning to post the results one way or the other, but I never expected the results we found.
I know that this information is a shock (it was to me), but would you have prefered I keep the results to myself? Don’t you think you have a right to know what’s in what you are taking? Personnally I was very shaken and distraught when I first got the results. I called the lab techs immediately.
The testers assured me that the results were correct, as they always do multiple testing, especially when they get high contaminant values, as in this case. They even had to do the fluoride testing separately to measure it correctly (at an added expense to me).
Don’t be mad at me, I am but the messenger. I never said BTT 2.0 does not contain all the good stuff they claim it does, although I am not so confident now.
If attacking me legally or otherwise for telling the truth will make BTT 2.0 a better product, so be it. But perhaps Youngevity should rather put their energies into eliminating the contaminants from their products, if they can.
I had taken Youngevity’s Beyond Tangey Tangerine 2.0 (BTT 2.0) daily ever since it was introduced last year and had taken the Original BTT long before that. Several months ago I had BTT 2.0 tested by an independent Swiss laboratory and it was found to be “unfit for human consumption“.
I thought about suing Youngevity or threatening to expose them if they did not refund me for all the years I took their poison. But my conscience told me it was more important to warn people…
The choice is yours…take it or not…but at least now you can make an intelligent choice!
Alex Jones also sells the life straw which makes many shekels of carbon credits.
To add to Jones' chutzpah, he entered into a controlled opposition phony dispute with Mark Dice, who made an issue of Jones' Tangy Tangerine containing mercury, arsenic and lead, to capture those suspicious of Jones and to divert away from even bigger problems with Jones, such as selling out to the same Jewish Zionist chauvinist cabal that he did.
Jones was earlier exposed as a fluoride fraud hypocrite (removed by one degree, you could say, but he probably takes it, too) by a listener who called up his dad's dentistry operation and found out that they're using fluoride there.
Where is your proof? You showed nothing.
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