April 22, 2015

Animal Farm For Modern Man



Anonymous said...

One difference, of remembering at the time and thinking now, is that the pig with the vision, Old Major, meant to represent Karl Marx, is portrayed as having sincere beliefs, whereas Marx was a hired pen, and despite entirely writing the first volume of Das Kapital -- which argues that nothing has value apart from its relation to gold -- his heart wasn't even in that, and he referred to it as economic scheisse.


rodin said...

Snow in April? Lovely here in Scotland....

Anonymous said...

He's in front of a green screen. I didn't realize that until last year, but it may have snowed in his location in Colorado at the time he recorded.

quaere verum said...

Alright Rodin were are ye fae in Scotland . Am in a wee toon caed Bellshill?