June 23, 2015

David Duke Show 2015.06.23

Today Dr. Duke devoted the hour to the real history of the Civil War and the Confederate Flag. He explained that far from being a war necessary to end slavery, even Lincoln declared that the war was not over slavery. Moreover, slavery still existed in several Union states, but was actually an institution on its last legs and was already ending in country after country through the Western Hemisphere.
Dr. Duke contended that the attack on southern symbols and heritage such as the Confederate Flag are actually part of an overall Jewish-led attack on European Americans. In fact, for a century after the Civil War northern text books and statesmen paid homage to many symbols of the confederacy, in particular General Robert E. Lee. But this accommodation by northerners of southern heritage is not acceptable to today's Zio elite, who seek to exploit every conceivable division among us, whether it be regional or racial or whatever. Dr. Slattery also made the case that the Civil War created so much tragedy and left freed slaves, southerners, and many others in such difficult conditions that it is hard to believe there wasn't a better way to resolve things.

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