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Did Operation Paperclip allow Hitler to escape to The Andes? The FBI thought so. |
Is it really possible that the Soviets have been lying all this time, and that history has purposely been rewritten? No one thought so until the release of the FBI documents. It seems that it is possible that the most hated man in history escaped war torn Germany and lived a bucolic and peaceful life in the beautiful foothills of the Andes Mountains.
If this were true, then how did all the big named revisionists miss it? Irving, Weber, Zundel, etc. Its utter non-sense. This site, despite having some good articles and shows and podcasts, has entirely too much Beavis and Butthead and not nearly enough serious research.
It's your responsibility to "Do The Research" CB. We just post what we find out there that interests *US*.
If you don't like it? Whinging isn't going to change our policies. Maybe if you go whinge to the FBI themselves, they might be more able to help you? After all, so many of your fellow WN's are already either doing their bidding, or activly informing on you all the time.
Go tell it to the Marines,Son! ;)
Curt, I take it that "This site," you're referring to is Disclose.tv, not Mami's. If this is the case, I agree wholeheartedly. Notwithstanding it is the differing views of the administration of Mami's that produces the panorama of viewpoints valuable for exercising tempered discernment. For many of us who've dove down the present rabbit hole it's obvious that the agents have mistaken Hitler for a pre-incarnation of Elvis Presley.
Its 'Hitler was a jew' and 'Hitler gave his girlfriend golden showers' all over again. Just think for a second what a real historian like David Irving would say if he saw that? What would he think of this site? You can be as condescrnding toward me as you like but it doesnt change facts. These kinds of elementary and tin foil head posts discredit your site and put it in the company of David Icke and Coast To Coast. There is post after post about real issues and real history and issues revolving around the jewish question and then you take a giant dump all over your masteepiece with something like this. Real talk.
Have my eyes deceived me or does the first line below the "details" of the photocopied redacted FBI report, displayed on the Disclosed.tv website, show the words, "Hollywood, California?" Kinda obvious conclusion to be derived here to one familiar with the primary tool of Jewish make believe.
AS usual CB, your own cognative dissonance forces you to trot out the usual tired old refrains from those who *insist* on promoting the old Guff about Hitler:Rather than have the necessary ability to even Consider *any* alternative to the (Jew Constructed) narrative.
You never listened to the 1 1/2 hr video on the page - if you had bothered,you'd have instantly realised it was a recording of a jeff rense show,where he interviewed Author and Historian Harry Cooper. The FBI documents in question were additional evidence presented in the article.
Mami's has NEVER been a site that supports one Idiology over another. We are open to all sorts of Input and information that furthers Individual investigation of a whole host of disparate subjects.
You're always going to find the Humourous alongside the serious here. And many other shades of Grey in between. We'd (love* to be mentioned in the same breath as the 2 sites you mentioned - only we don't exist for a profit motive unlike them. We are dedicated to getting "Truth" out - wherever that may lead us. Just because it doesn't Jive with your own viewpoints isn't important to us. we cater to more than Just CB here. And that's the way it'll stay - until the last one of us turns out the lights finally.
Harry Cooper writes tin foil head books based on hearsay and he writes them in a sensationalist style as to lure as many mouth breathers in as possible. Dont ever call him a "historian" again. Real history is dry and boring, not sensationalist like Mr Cooper's writings. Here are a few other headlines from that ridiculous tinfoil head site you linked:
"Slender alien recorded watching family in Mexico"
"Russian disclosure - Annunaki in Antarctica"
"Bush exposes 911 truth - Bush admits to explosives used at the world trade center on 911"
This is the kind of garbage you are muddying the jew wise movement with. No offense.
If you look over that FBI file in its entirety you realize that it reads like a supermarket tabloid with all kinds of wild claims from all kinds of different weirdos over several years. The FBI had to investigate every one of these wild claims because after all, its Adolf Hitler we were talking about here. They investigated them all and dismissed them all. Hitler and Eva killed themselves for the same reason Goebbels' wife poisoned the children. They knew what the Red Army was doing to German men, women and children as they occupied defeated Germany. They knew that they would be sodomized and mutilated and much worse. They knew that their desecrated bodies would be paraded around like trophies the same way Mussolini was and the same way Gadaffi would be later.
You should probably delete this thread.
For what it's worth, I went to the FBI site and typed in Hitler. They had four
PDFs available about this topic. I uploaded them to kiwi in a ZIP file:
Taken from this page:
As i previously said CB. Just because *you* don't wish to consider anyone elses theories or Archival investigations, doesn't mean we're not going to post what *we* find personally interesting here. It's not *your*, or any other Interested parties personal fiefdom.
If you really do believe that you loudly profess? That History *must* be Boring? Then this certainly ain't the site you should be visiting. Why do you bother i wonder?
Curt; good work. You've placed truth where it belongs in a concise manner without overmuch offense.
Zapp; great work!
@ Curt Beasley
Well said sir! Methinks there are many more people then we even know who share the view despite the best efforts of those who would have us believe otherwise ;)
Where in zee world iz da Fuhrer?
Yeah Curt! How do guys who studied one part of the war, not know about everything else? hahaha these dummies. OH yes, Curt is all about dat serious research hahaha.
"You can be as condescrnding toward me as you like but it doesnt change facts."
Yes, we can and we don't need your permission to do it :)
What FACTS WOULD THAT BE? You of course don't say.
He said, "Real talk." Top keks negro.
If you don't like the site... DON'T VISIT. There's plenty of ghey pr0n for you to seriously research.
Keep calm and carry on. ( ‾ʖ̫‾)
Hitler was in the same old age home as my grandpa. He used to sit out in the common room after breakfast and announce: "I am going to gas you all!", and he would let out a huge fart. Then he would take a sniff, and say, "Mmmm. Zykon B!" And then he would laugh.
It was funny the first couple of times.
A bunch of people showed up to his funeral, mostly from out of town, and the motel 6 was booked solid. They played a lot of Wagner at the service, and a lot of old guys gave eulogies, mostly in German, which everyone seemed to understand. And then they would stand up and make that salute every now and again. I did it too because I didn't want to be unfriendly. A guy from the ADL was standing outside taking everyone's picture as we came out.
They served bratwurst and sauerkraut afterwards, which made it worth coming all by itself.
TMS: There's every reason to believe that *ANY* site on the Internet which professes a particluar bias regarding what Information it chooses - or not - to post *is* propaganda of some form. Not everything we find online is going to Jive with our particular prejudices. But *someone* out there might be encouraged to investigate such reports further just by our posting the Links to those reports here at Mami's.
Remember Uncle Gordies maxim as he applies it over at VA: The 60% Bull/40% True Mix.
Just because we understand there's certain personalities over on that site with vested interests in promoting some truths over others? Doesn't mean we will discount everything on their front page either. We're forwarned, and (Hopefully) possess the Brainpower to decide for ourselves what matters and what doesn't.
Same goes for sites like FE, Rense,and even AJ's scaremongery efforts. We peruse,Pick and choose whatever interests US.
Delcroix is entitled to post whatever interests himself here at Mami's; just like he does on his own Blog. Same goes for myself. We think it's far better to expose minds to concepts and viewpoints that their own Cognative Dissonance would automatically reject. No One has a monopoly on the "Truth" after all. And sometimes little pieces of the puzzle we're investigating in our own ways come from the most unlikely of sources. So long may his particular interests continue to be posted up here. You aren't forced to read any of his,or the rest of our postings - it's not compulsory. And if you do - and the facts you're exposed to within these articles make you feel uncomfortable, or knee-jerk reactive - then that's all good too. At least it gets a reaction-rather than just a "Meh".
Finally, only a Jew would seek to put limits upon anyone seeking to expand their knowledge of all matters - no matter the source. Jews don't like us thinking for ourselves. Thought you already understood that-seeing as you're supposidly "Jew-Wise" yourself?
Foon1e; I disagree. Having perused the FBI documents provided by Zap, it becomes evident that these Argentina-documents are the dreams of Jewish wannabe policy makers. I suspect the documents where released with the assumption that no one with a grain of skepticism would read them, while the "Not-See" cabal [Dennis Fetcho's occult revelation of Nazi] would site them as "documentation" to create yet another distraction. I'm assuming that you, Foon1e don't hate people that are susceptible to believing fallacies, but rather would try and lead them to truth. But again your ambiguous diatribe justifying spreading bullshit makes one wonder.
I spelt it out as it is Michzel. Frankly, we don't give a toss what *you* think about it. People like yourself exist only to push *your* own belief systems upon others regardless of the objections of anyone who would apply critical thinking to any subject that arises. Your opinion about the FBI docs found on their own website is laughable - seeing as you lack any forensic abilities or tools to make a catagorical statement about their veracity or otherwise. All you push is opinion. Nothing more.
So,disagree away boy.Heaven forbid that your beloved Political icon actually ran away after the trouble he caused and hid like a little bitch ;) That's all your protestation is really about anyway. Lol
Any reasonable person must conclude that this essay COMPLETELY trashes this silly myth:
So...a website that is propaganda for Supposed German butthurt is the final arbiter of what Happened? Despite the many verified escapes to the Americas documented regards Operation Paperclip? And the other pre-prepared escape routes all the top Nazi Heirarchy had at it's disposal.
That "Essay" ia just about as believable as this Evidence and Movie that's about to come out : http://www.greywolfmedia.com/
That also has events,names and dates that have been researched and verified by it's 2 authors. Basically, so long after the events in question? There'll never be a 100% reliable account of what happened to Hitler. The Russian account is Jewish Communist rubbish - they'd never have disposed of the remains if it were true. As the world would have demanded physical proof that Hitler was indeed dead.
The simple fact there were no verifyable remains gives credence to the rumours of Hitler's escape. The FBI documents suggest some truth to that too. But what you choose to *Believe* is all that matters in the end to Rabid Hitler fans.
Foon1e; I still contend that the Justus-for-Germans article is conclusive. You've constructed an argument around one source sited in the essay. Here's the text of another source sited:
Dental detective work gets to the root of Hitler mystery
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
A NEW portrait of Adolf Hitler's last days before he committed suicide in the Berlin bunker emerged yesterday, [October 25, 1999] revealing how the Nazi leader was tormented by tooth decay, abscesses and gum disease that caused "terrible bad breath".
The whole tooth: Prof Michel Perrier with some of the photographic evidence used to confirm that remains found in 1945 were Hitler's The study of film footage of Hitler, enhanced by a computer, has confirmed that remains found by the Russians in 1945 were his, helping to end half a century of speculation about his fate and validating an identification technique of increasing value to forensic scientists.
A paper was presented yesterday at an international conference in London by Prof Michel Perrier, 52, of the University of Lausanne, and will be published in the Journal of Forensic Science. It links newsreel footage with X-rays of Hitler's skull, jaw remains found in the bunker beneath the Reich Chancellery garden and his dental records.
Even if Hitler had a double, so many characteristics in his teeth match in each source of evidence that Prof Perrier said yesterday he had no doubt that Hitler died in the bunker.
Hitler married his mistress, Eva Braun, during the night of April 28/29, as Soviet troops advanced towards his bunker complex. On April 30 he committed suicide with his wife. In accordance with his instructions, their bodies were burned.
Russian forces found the remains and conducted the autopsy of the bodies the following month, said Prof Perrier. "What they found were charred pieces of bone, such as pieces of skull, the lower jaw and part of the upper jaw consisting of a bridge with nine units."
Nothing was revealed to the public until 1968, fuelling speculation about Hitler's fate. That year a book by Lev Bezymenski contained a description of Hitler's autopsy and his remains.
The jaw remains were compared with dental evidence given to the Americans by Hitler's American-trained dentist, Hugo Blaschke, who had been arrested in 1945. Blaschke, an SS general, had treated Hitler from 1934 until shortly before his death.
When his testimony was added to that of his assistant, Kate Hausermann, there was a great deal of material to check the jaw remains against, and they seemed to match. "Hitler had very bad teeth. He had periodontal disease. He had many reconstructions, some done before the time of Blaschke," said Prof Perrier.
There were no X-rays of Hitler's jaw available at the time, which could have helped to provide even better confirmation. Then, in 1972, archives in Washington released five X-rays of Hitler's head, taken on July 20, 1944. They revealed bridge work, periodontal (gum) disease and "very unusual dental work", said Prof Perrier. These matched Blaschke's evidence and the Russian autopsy.
Prof Perrier has now provided further evidence to link the remains in the bunker to footage of the Führer. He combed Swiss archives for newsreels of Hitler and produced computer-enhanced images of his teeth to compare with the autopsy, X-rays and Blaschke's report. Prof Perrier found clear-cut matches between the computer-enhanced footage of Hitler's teeth and the bunker remains.
Hitler once referred to his dental problems openly, albeit indirectly, after negotiations with General Franco. Hitler's interpreter, Paul Schmidt, wrote that "they talked to or rather at one another" until 2am and failed to agree on anything. Hitler later told Mussolini he would "rather have two or three teeth out than go through that again".
Michzel - and I still contend that without *actual* physical evidence to coroborate such conjecture? That technique as described can't be viewed as anything like 100% proof.
Such a shame that the Russians chose to utterly destroy any of the remaining Bones,teeth and shards they based their "Forensic report" upon. Surely the amount of time that passed before they revealed their findings gives anybody pause for thought?
How long does it take to fake results anyway?
Nope. This in no way proves anything - not if it actually was Hitler,or one of his many doubles that got the lead poisoning treatment.
Keep trying by all means. But you're never going to be able to prove your theories one way or another.
I found another website that contains a link to a pdf (The death of Adolf Hitler; unknown documents from Soviet archives) that contain the original photographic evidence mentioned by historians regarding Hitler's death. http://www.nl-aid.org/suicide-hitler-proven-the-seduction/
Soviet! lolol
Next you'll be telling us all you *believe* the Lolohoax was a *real* event too? The "Soviets" (Jewish Communists) certainly did their best to create and perpetuate that myth! Even to the point of Building Ovens at Auschwich to embellish the Illusion.
*ALL* "Soviet" evidence is tainted,and can't be trusted.
I doubt you spent one moment investigating this forensic report, foon1e. The report begins with the words,
"NL-Aid provides evidence of Hitler’s suicide, confirming the reasoning of Trevor-Roper (British Intelligence and historian), dentist Blaschke, witness and editor Bezymenski and pathologist Sognnaes.
"In 2009, Hitler’s so-called skull was examined by the University of Connecticut and DNA analysis and bone’s identity proved it belonged to a woman, aged 20 to 40. The main question is: was Hitler’s suicide a cover-up or are the researchers deceived as dabblers by a false skull? NL-Aid examined previous evidence from National Archives and Universities all over the world, in particular dental records. As a backup, the collected documents have been examined and analysed by a Dutch dentist (who likes to stay anonymous). I will present all the details of this historical dental and pathological evidence which, for the first time in history, are published all together. These are rare documents from world’s darkest crypts. Hopefully, this will end all hoaxes and conspiracy theories. The conclusion of this article is that not research techniques should be the core, but research methods. I call it ‘The Seduction’, a leghold trap of scientists blind spot. And yes: Hitler committed suicide. Without a doubt. Though, some inconsistent and unexplained assertions are surveyed...."
The site contains all relevant forensic photographs and is as close to being exhaustive as is necessary for proving the point. Your opening and closing statements are like trying to deflect a conversation about apples by stating the moon lacks water.
I didn't need to waste one second of my life reading fabrications and outright nonsense written by people looking to create a fuss in furtherence of their own reputations.(Except obiously the one dentist who wouldn't sign his real name to the lies).
You cling to spurious research and admitted half truths to try and exonerate your own position on the matter. There is no deflection going on here Michzel. I have stated it openly and honestly:There is NO "Physical Evidence" - period. Therefore,there can be NO compelling "Truth" to be found - not now. Not Ever. Your resistance to this is the sign of the Zealot;not one of someone looking to find the absolute truth. Just another Hitler fan-boy desperate to further his own belief-system,lest it prove to be all just Piss,wind and Jewish Lies.
Well, foon1e; the images in the photo prefacing your post is an admitted photo-shop job. Obviously the author has no problem with fabrication. Perhaps you're projecting your misgivings on serious researchers.
I'll take that statement as yet another example of your deliberate attempts to obsfucate and smear the original article mchzel. If you'd bothered to read the original properly, you'd already have realized that the Photo was comissioned for the security services by an official war artist: Ostensibly to allow Agents to recognize a Fugitive Hitler if they clapped eyes upon his fleeing countenance.
I quote: "The first one is a genuine picture of Adolf Hitler and the following five were made by Eddie Senz, a New York make-up artist, for the OSS on 6 June 1944."
I guess this one has run it's course - as all the other useless Hitler articles on mami's usually do. All we get is WN's desperaterly attempting to support their hero with the most suprious anecdotes and wastes of time and effort going.
This thread is hereby closed - dead and Buried. Just like your precious facist Politician.
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