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Internet Voice In Reality - Epithany Shocker! |
I just finished reading Rodney Martin's essay - essentially a long resignation letter; with associated reasoning as to *why* those who describe themselves as "White Nationalists" were always doomed to an ignominious failure.
The "Truth" is and always was it was set up to fail from the start.
The Armchair Generals, Demagogues and Charlatans who jumped aboad the WN bandwagon have never presented a "United Front" to the world. It's always been little fiefdoms ruled and exploited by those who lust after attention, Infamy,or the ability to have a platform from which to extract cash from the credulous - indeed very much like American "Tele-Evangelism".
Despite my personal misgivings about Rodders own behaviour - using Mami's essentially as a recruiting ground to drive people to his own site/network over the last couple of Years - I realized that we set ourselves up for that by providing this free net-resource to any and all curious enough to *Learn* something more than Other alligned sites offer.
I can't fault him for using us for that purpose: We invited it merely by existing online. This caused me to regard him, and all the others out there behaving in a similar fashion as nothing more than Modern "P.T.Barnums";all looking to make a buck by growing and farming their own audiences.
Now (on present evidence at least),I can see from reading his decidedly despondant trashing of "White Nationalism" as it exists today that he is merely voicing what a lot of us have perceived for ourselves - but never wanted to utter out loud - mostly out of fear of the reflexive reactions of the more vocal Trolls and fantasists out there. The fact Rodder's has publically voiced his honest thoughts about the state of Online Resistance should be applauded by all, Especially those of us who genuinely want to see those who would impose their culture and politics upon us thwarted.
He points out that the Political realities surrounding such online activities and Philosophies were more numerous, well funded and organized than many who frequent these parts were willing to recognize. After all, who would bother to get off their sofa and invest time and energy to fight for a cause if they knew the dice were loaded before they started?
Yes, the NGO's, private left-wing Think-Tanks, Liberal Lobbyists and obviously Government funded and controlled "Thought-Crime" organisations like the SPLC and the ADL etc have always benefitted from the financial largesse of those who steer and control Humanity via the mechanisms of Financial (and therefore *Human*) manipulation.
*They* have historically operated from the position of setting up Both sides of an arguement - in order to control both the dialog that ensues, and any societal change that results.
We Call them "Jews" Today. And they have entrenched themselves at the top of all the Major levers of control to ensure their projects successful completion.
Look at all the smokescreen organisations they have created down through the millenia to create the illusion that Humanity was choosing it's own path to the future. From "Organized" Religion, to Mystical Eye symbolism, From Feudal "Kingdoms" to Corporate Brainwashing. With all the "Secret Societies of the Great and the Good" acting as the Glue to hold their plans together until they enevitably come to fruition.
These are all the "Real World" institutions *They* created that still exist today.
And no amount of bemoaning their existance Online within the minor electronic ponds that *they* encourage us to use is going to have the slightest effect on them in the "Real World".
They have tried and tested techniques to maintain control despite our defiance. The Police forces over here refer to it as "Kettling": The practice of driving the Crowd into an area where they can be held fast. And then await tiredness,thirst,hunger and the need to go to the loo to take all the fight out of that crowd. Then the Authorities can move in to quash any resistance at will.
What we see daily across the Internet is a mirror of that technique. They have us all cordoned off in our respective Online communities. Free to let off steam and vocalise our defiance to our hearts content. But in reality,it achieves nothing - except to keep those who *should* be organising,grouping together and actively forming some real resistance to what is being imposed from the top-down from going outside their front doors and actually doing so.
And with no "Real-World" resistance? Nothing changes. At least nothing that *They* don't feel benifits them changes.
So, I can understand *why* Rodder's has chosen to point out the hopelessness of the situation we face today. I give him Kudos for having the Guts to step up and point out exactly why "White Nationalism" in a world that is increasingly Multi-Cultural could never gain the popularity needed in the "Real World" anymore to reverse that change. Why it's doomed to remain a well controlled operation that allows small men with over-inflated senses of importance to coral and encourage their like minded bretheren into equally small and ineffectual online groupings.
When "DARPA" was given the green light to give this resource called the Internet to the world, that was always the way those in control saw it's usefulness.
If we are prepared to pull off our own self-imposed blinkers and look at what we really are achieving? Then these Truths become self-apparent.
All I can do as an admin here is attempt to point out to you all how *I* perceive the problems we face if we remain chained to our glowing screens and key boards: Rather than attempting to go beyond our Electronic Prisons.
What YOU, the reader does with this information is entirely down to you. Think about it. Rodney Martin obviously has.
foon1e - 2015.07.18
As depressing as this was to read, it really does ring a bell.
Martin regarding "White Nationalist" gatherings (AmRen / AFP):
"...In many cases they are all too willing to accept Jews and Homosexuals as “contributors to the Cause”, just attend AmRen or the American Freedom Party conflabs, it will not be too difficult to trip over a Jew and land in the lap of a Homosexual while hearing speakers opine at the state of “White Culture” and “White Civilization”..."
Thanks for posting this today foon!
You're welcome JT: It just struck a chord within me - felt it had to be said.
Martin spends most of his time ridiculing everyone else in "White Nationalism". Then, he complains because there is a state of disunity in the movement?
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Name one WN leader who does not do that. - lol. WN is notorious for this behavior.
So what is Rodney going to do? Quit? How does that help anything? I'm left with more questions than answers.
Wow Rodney Dangerfield Martin has thrown in the towel? No surprise there. No one liked his message.
Red Ice radio is doing fine promoting white peoples interest. Why is that?
Rodney sounds like a whiney jew who no one likes his message and now is blaming everyone else for his failures.
Poor poor wounded knee Martin.
Really, "promoting White Interests", well the Confederate Flag is down in South Carolina, taken down by White Politicians, "Gay Marriage was just made the "Law of the Land" and it was done so with the key vote by a WHITE Justice , Kennedy, There has NOT been a single "White Nationalist" victory on any front since the Cultural Marxists began their all out assault in 1955. No, neither Red Ice, nor Renegade, nor David Duke's Video's nor all the preaching to the very small Choir is making not even a half step of progress. In 10 years the State of Affairs of White Nationalism will be worse than it is today. Just look at the comments here, all prove my point, tough talk all submitted under fake names. I wager the toughest talkers here would shit their pants and deny all their prior posts on message boards, delete their email accounts if their real names were revealed.
PS - I bet VT Saxon still lives at home, has never kissed a girl, has no job, has a criminal record ( for stealing ladies underwear from the Salvation Army Thrift-store) and blames everyone for his personal inadequacies. I also bet he talks about being a tough warrior based on his extensive World of Warcraft combat experience.
Sounds like more subversive pessimistic garbage to me.
See wounded Knee that's why no one likes you!!
Your easily trolled and you let all the online drama get the best of you.
There is only on difference between you and mike sledge.
Mike.sledge is funny.
LMFAO! I normally stay out of these little schoolyard spats so all I'm gonna do here now is give an unbiased score so far based on just what I see above & nothing else -
VT Saxon - 1
Wounded Knee - 0 (despite best attempts)
Someone else can update if & when necessary; that's all the time I care to spend on it... :D
I see more feed back from fake names and fake accounts, i.e. internet tough puppies. Better hurry home, mommy needs you to clean the basement. I'm still waiting for that 1 example of a White Nationalist Victory?????
whats with all the attacking of fellow people with the same motivations and ideas? Instead of attacking people in the jewish supremacist/ white genocide movement you attack your fellow 'brothers in arms.' No, i am not crazy about every single idea that every individual spews. But instead of wasting your energy on Kyle Hunt, Andre Anglin, or others. Maybe you could attack Sheldon Adleson? Or Sumner Redstone? Or Abe foxman? Your continued attack on people who have done some good things shows you are a petty and jealous man Rodney. Either leave the movement entirely. Or shut up about others who are actually doing something. PS VT Saxon has a wife and many white children, so good work attacking another white father.
I certainly concur on your first remark but I am saddened by Rodney's screed, but I understand. I go there myself from time to time because it is frustrating and extremely difficult to move ahead. Our adversaries control 99% of the information which is 100% bullshit, and money is no problem for them, and people who should see what the jews are, don't have a clue, or are un-alarmed, and don't care anyway.
@Schlomo, interesting, again coming from a fake name. Again thank you for proving my point. BTW, if you have bothered to watch and listen to me on PressTV, Fars News and Al Etejah English, you would know I do indeed attack Adelson et al.
Still waiting for that example of a White Nationalist victory???
Still waiting for someone to tell me where I am wrong.
lets see what else you have done Rodney. You have given Charles Giuliani a platform to bash National Socialism and Adolf Hitler. You have attacked a 60 something year old woman (Carolyn Yeager) who has done such a good job in exposing the German genocide before, during, and after ww2. You bash Kyle Hunt who got the white genocide conversation going with his white man march, he also along with Tomas Goodrich created the Hellstorm documentary. I was always skeptical of people who called you a shill or a agent, but with every time you attack another defender of western civilization it proves their point.
A textbook example of the White Nationalist in action, look closely at his pants
@ Schlomo, you are so committed you still use fake names. I dare say you are like the tough guy in the picture I posted above. Still pissing his pants when he is hiding behind shades. Let's see, Yeager-Kahant ( she is over 70) has attacked White Nationalism in far greater terms than I have. Kyle Hunt is a crybaby who opines at "taking back America while he passes the hat and makes You Tube videos that only low information groupies watch. As to "White Genocide", that is false and used by assorted crybabies. Suicide yes, genocide no. When people willingly blow their brains out, that is suicide. Frankly I wish the likes of you and other cowards would hurry up so and take a ride on your ceiling fan so the more dedicated and quality people can and will emerge and do real work. Finally, you may recall, I did an entire 3 hour show in response to Charles's shows on Hitler. Now, would you care to disclose who you are and take ownership of your proud ideas and provide a single example of White Nationalist Progress? Yea, I didn't think so.
I have to disagree with you, Rodney, on Kyle Hunt. I think recently Kyle has been doing a tremendous job. And you can't blame a host that is dying due to a parasite on to suicide. It is the parasite that is attacking the host even if the host is not able to defend itself. Never blame the victims. Rodney, I understand your frustration. Maybe you just need to take a time out and refresh your thoughts.
Hey Rod, first step in getting of a hole is to stop digging. Your actions of slandering people is really quite Jewish in nature. Once again, I believe you did good work at ANN and wish you would have focused more on what you were doing and not others. I think your antics are the reason why many people like myself who are gainfully employed, own my own home, have dollars to support this cause stay away. I am not going to risk my career for just anyone. i will discuss these topics with my dear friends and family. And did anyone in Estonia vote to have their nation flooded by african and muslim immigrants. That is right, no they did not so calling it a white suicide is not entirely accurate Rod.
Why should anyone care what the former administrator of an amerindian tribe and political promoter of diversity thinks about White nationalism?
Rodney “Wounded Knee” Martin: Amerindian Tribal Administrator:
Rodney Martin has been an infiltrator and attempted subverter since the start.
To be fair, Rodney has done much good. But so has Dr. Duke, Dr. MacDonald, Thomas Goodrich, and countless others. The difference is, they don't spend their energy attacking people with similar points of view. And if i were you Blut, I might take some of Rodney's advice. We don't treat our women like the sunni muslims treat their women on the Arabian Peninsula.
"Blut" is a text book example of everything I wrote about and the picture I posted above, EXCEPT, "Blut" would not even try to confront the black guy, he would just hide and write crap behind fake names. "Blut" is the guy that is effeminate in real life but talks tough online. Speaking of "infiltration and subversion", has anyone ever seen "Blut"? He talks trash about women in the same manner homos and pedophiles do. "Blut" and his Closet Club" has not figured out that you do not expand bloodlines without our women. "Blut" also writes for the Renegade Tribune which has also had Homosexual writers. He also gives a pass to Mrs. Kyle Hunt and her consorting with Black Rappers in NY. We've seen the pics. Maybe "Blut" is one of them???
As to Estonia, it is still vastly White and they elected those opened their Borders and re-elected them AFTER they opened the Borders, the same goes for America.
Still waiting for that example of a White Nationalist Victory or Progress and still waiting for people to self identify and cease being cowards regarding the beliefs they say they so STRONGLY hold.
Interesting, no one has provided either.
You obviously did not read my article or you wouldn't say Rodney has done good since he is a fraud. Also, I never said what Rodney claims I did.
Actually you did. i was in that chatroom that night Blut. And yes, Rodney has done more good then you have bud.
Wow! I've never really even had an opinion on this guy before; as I said I stay out of personal schoolyard spats (and just try to deal with what really matters), but this latest slapfest has really exposed some "ugly truths" that shouldn't be ignored! If polarization be the ever-present tactic of the parasites (as we all know it has been for millennia) then it's really quite simple to see who REALLY works towards that end in any overview! :o So fuck it...
Firstly just a random comment. If I had to guess Rodney Martin's height simply based on everything I've read since he posted that article I'd feel pretty safe in betting on 5' 1" :)
Wounded Knee said - "...watch and listen to me on PressTV..."
No thanks! How's that "stardom" (giggle!) on a biased mainstream foreign propaganda/media channel caressing your already over-inflated ego? Doing what you accuse others of doing and talking tough online, by telling others to hang themselves (from ceiling fans) no less, REALLY endears you to REAL nationalists (or anyone for that matter)... NOT! Normally I'd just say grow up, yes YOU grow up, but people your age espousing this kind of crap will only be taking that crap to the grave while alienating themselves from EVERYONE (even those who pretend to tolerate your immature nonsense) on the way. Again normally I wouldn't lower myself to such callous remarks but as your shitty actions speak louder than your shittier words... good riddance!
PS. As for attempting to bitchslap everyone who uses an online handle rather than their real name (Doh! Only the overwhelming VAST MAJORITY of internet users no less!)... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Please by all means continue digging your own grave/the entertainment...
"Actually you did. i was in that chatroom that night Blut. And yes, Rodney has done more good then you have bud."
^ You are so full of shit.
This is the pettiness Rodney is talking about Blut. Admit you were caught. And just try to be a better man.
You're hilarious. It makes total sense to say something in a public chatroom and then lie and claim one never said it. Real believable. Also, have you read the comments he has attributed to me? Nobody talks like that.
Rodney “Wounded Knee” Martin: Amerindian Tribal Administrator:
BlutundBoden H.H. said - "You're hilarious."
Anyone who posts the grammatically correct abbreviation for "you are" in Mami's comments definitely gets bonus points from me regardless of anything else they say or do! LOL!
The fact you are so defensive about this proves that you said it, but now regret it. People make mistakes. You should just say you were wrong and move on. And I don't care what Rodney did for a living. In fact, I think it should only be white people who are tribal administrators. It may eliminate much of the fraud and theft that occurs on Reservations.
Larry Simes aka Rodney Martin has a history of "fake" names himself. He posted on a fake FB page fraudulently set up on Carolyn Yeager's name. Regardless of what name he uses, whether Larry Simes of WV Foudnations, etc., why does Martin take such pleasure in attacking other WN's and in gloating about white defeats?
If you like Rodney Martin’s “resignation letter” you should leave the WN movement with him. If you leave the movement and leave it alone, the movement will leave you alone too. Fair enough?
After appearing out of nowhere 2 years ago Martin used internet broadcasting, publishing and fund raising to proclaim his own moral and intellectual superiority over other WN’s who use the same medium. His most vicious broadsides were launched at WN’s, not against Jews or anyone else, with the use of such terms as “pond scum”, “white trash”, “cowards”, blah, blah, blah, bolstered with pornographic images, even as he denounces the use of pornography ...by other people. (Smile).
Perpetually angry, insufferably arrogant and contemptuous of all other white people whom he considers beneath him, his final parting shot, after two years of failing to sell enough $30.00 memberships to make ANA profitable, is smearing other WN’s. Rodney Martin’s idea of real world activism was calling for a “night of the long knives” and the killing of other WN’s who were more successful than he. Thankfully his calls went largely unheard and unheeded.
Ask this question: WHAT REAL WORLD ACTIVISM DID MARTIN EVER ACHIEVE? The answer is: NONE. His only presence is on line, unsuccessfully trying to sell $30.00 memberships even as he condemned fundraising by other WN’s.
Most of the Whites Martin viciously attacks don’t even know he exists and have never interfered with his “work.” If, as he says, everyone else is wrong, let him do the right thing, lead by example and achieve the success that has eluded others. The real issue is not whether Martin will “leave” WN’s, but whether he will leave them alone. WN’s have left Martin alone and he should return the favor.
Can Rodney Martin better lead white people than other WN’s? If he thinks he can do so, then he should DO SO.
LOL, sorry to disappoint "Bob", but no Larry is not and never was me. In fact I asked hi to stop his bullshit. In fact he was a Renegade fan and that is why I told him to not do shit on my behalf. With that said, "blut" was caught and instead of manning up like an "Aryan", he blamed some other chump.Does anyone know what "blut" does for work? BTW, @ Itzda, I am 5/11.
Still waiting for that example of White Nationalist Progress or victory and for real names :)I also take NO joy in defeats, I am sick of the same nonsense that leads to defeat after defeat after defeat. Only a low grade moron keeps charging San Juan kill with a cap gun.
LOL, well Bob, if all those Grand Pubahhs don't know I exist, why did so many appear on my Show, ask to appear on my show and are now sending me emails either agreeing with me or hating on me??? Bob, you make the age old mistake that so many others do, focusing on "The Leader" or "waiting on the Leader", NO Leader will ever be good enough for the shitstains in the American WN Movement. Waiting on one is just an excuss to do NOTHING.
Bob said, "WN’s who were more successful than he:, I have been waiting for an example of that great success? Does White Nationalism influence anything except long talks on lowering the age of consent so you all can get a date with a girl who plays with dolls?
I understand Rodney. The state of our fellow ethnic europeans is in dire straights. And I am sure it pisses you off as much as it pisses me and everyone else off. And yes, is the state of the USA is in poor shape too. And I agree, some of the people who speak for this 'movement' have not done as good of a job as others. I would just like to see you take the reigns of the All Nationalist Network, and make it into something that you and all people of european heritage can call our own, and not worry about what the pretenders are doing. One of my favorite sayings is: 'water seeks its own level.' Don't seek the pond scum Rodney.
"The fact you are so defensive about this proves that you said it"
^ Nice fallacy. I thought you were there? Why would you need any proof?
OK, raise your hands, how many here have homes on wheels? How many brush their tooth ....Blut? How many got caught wearing their momma's clothes? How many (besides Blut) have wondered what it is like to kiss a girl that is not your mother, sister or first cousin.
@BM: Your chutzpah at attempting to use the excuse against Rodders that he "appeared out of nowhere 2 years ago", whe you literally created your own Blogger profile tonight just to attack him (probably because any other ID you've been using til now has been justifyably spamboxed) is amusing!
Especially as anybody with half a brain and Google could have come up with a far better nom Du Plume :)
...& if this is another attempt by "Tim" to whinge on? You are cordially reminded that this *is* the Internet. It's not governed by any Mythical "Constitution";as it's not bound to any particular Country. Mami's Admin staff are similarly "International". So our own Personalities,Moralities and Philosophies are bound to differ widely from your own. It should be remembered that only the most Potty-Mouthed, Ad-Hom Attacking,and frankly Insane are spamboxed around here. So if you've been similarly treated in that fashion? I suggest you adjust your own attack modes to avoid such treatment in future.
Apologies for interrupting Rodders. Please,do continue :)
He was in the Chat, he is a WITNESS, Blut, you are busted. Hey, I hear a few Renegades went to a Queer NY Counter Currents conflab, wow, no wonder you all hate on the ladies. I guess you all go for the Caitlin Jenner thing for your preservation of what the fuck ever you all do in your closet.
I never said it so he's full of shit. If I was willing to talk such filth I would stand by it.
Blut, i was in the chat. Along with Brian and Nick aka no remorse. And why would you stand by that trash anyway? I have said things in my youth I regret. Just man up, and move on!!!
For the record I have been on PressTV nearly EVERY day for the last 8 days ( I was on again a few hours ago) and on other International Networks in EVERY interview I hit the Jew every time. I never complain, crybaby, bellyache or play victim. Try it sometime. No one likes a pussy on the ground begging for his "rights" or crying about "genocide" when the fact is you are blowing your own brains out. No one will give you rights, you have to take them.
You're a liar, dude. Plain and simple. I never said it so you couldn't have been there to witness it.
Is there any chance you are going to do another World View Conversation show? Or are you done with your network Rodney?
Blut! let it go pal. It's a internet chatango site
I don't talk about women like that and never have.
And I don't know why you are lying about it.
First step in being a man is to own up to your actions. Try it sometime bud.
"Blut" won't even own his so called "convictions" (in real life) think he is gonna acknowledge his statements on a chat? He is a "Renegade", I think that is a New York Leather Gang, complete with Ass Chaps.
You know what they say about people who continually call everyone else a fag... (If Schlomo thinks it's a fact you can "prove" something because someone makes what he deems a brief defensive comment then this must be an absolute rock solid open & shut case!). Just about every comment here by "someone" has contained mention & accusation of homos, underaged sex, incest and outright violence against anyone that doesn't tow his line or at the very least is in his capgun sights. Hence my earlier reference to this whole thing just looking like a primary school playground spat and my comment of "grow up".
I seriously don't have a bone in this catfight but just observing it speaks volumes about the characters involved.
So are the days of our lives...
I think I can call something I see with my own eyes a fact Itzda Joos.I am just saying Blut should just own it and move on. Its not a huge deal.
I have never attended such meetings, the Renegades have. AmRen is full of them. Counter Currents is run by one.
I listened to Martin's podcasts for a while at first; but, after hearing Martin attack other WN to the point of absurdity I stopped listening.
Reading Martin's comments on this page have not only solidified my dislike for the guy, any time his name is mentioned I will now direct people to this page to show how disgusting he is.
Schlomo Rothstein said - "Its not a huge deal."
"Little things always loom larger in a small mind" - Source Unknown ;)
Yes, and there are a LOT of small minds among the American, and I stress "American" White Nationalist motionless "Movement". Talk about a world class Circle Jerk. Our European Comrades look at Americans and puke, they do far more with far less. Kyle Hunt and Joe (PayPal) Northpal said there is a lot of progress, but do not cite a single example, just like a televangelist, stroke the crowd to keep the cash coming in, and just as I write about, were keenly interested in my prior livelihood and how I retired, well stupid low life fucks, I have the same retirement as one of your star guests Angie Gage gets, EXCEPT mine is NOT for mental issues. I couldn't help but chuckle when "Paypal" Northpal said he wanted to "preserve America" and not give up a single inch, what a freak, well big guy, go take back Detroit for starters, who the fuck wants that? Anyone who wants to "preserve" or "take back America" are NOT Nationalists but rather are Kosher Konservatives" "America" is the root of Jewish Corporatist power. As long as there is an "America" there can be NO White Western Civilization. So keep that shit up while you watch your NBA, go to the Mall and buy your fuckbooks and be a great "American". Typical "White American Nationalist, give me a break. The "AmerIndians" that I worked for, and the Persians and Arabs and YES, the Blacks and Jews know far more about preserving their Identity than so called "White American Nationalists. For one, they do NOT make excuses for being abject cowards, i.e. "ohh I might loose my job at Wal Mart if I stand up for what I believe in" or " Mommy might take my iPhone away if I do something", I have heard both. Pardon me while I puke. Kyle Hunt says he has to live off "Movement Welfare" because he can't get a job, translation, he wants to be David Duke and Don Black and sit on his ass and stroke the dumbasses and stroke his penis, now that is White Nationalist multi tasking. The shit talking of our women, the shit talking of our Veterans, and refusal to reach out to decent white working families with the skills and experience kills White Nationalism. Think White Nationalism or a "Militia can take down ZOG, think again, at any first potential engagement, 7 percent would run at the sight of ZOG's real and professional and well disciplined troops, the remaining would be mowed down in less than 20 seconds due to their lack of order, character and discipline. Of course it would never come to that because White Nationalism is 1) an online Hobby and 2) ZOG always knows what is going on because it finds the low life from the White Nationalist group with character flaws such as pedophilia, drugs, etc and uses that to flip them and make the an Informer OR the Imperious Leader himself is the Informer. Kyle Hunt likes to make accusations about everyone being a "Informer" or "Agent", usually those who bark that accusation the loudest do so to keep the focus off themselves.
@WV foundations: Does this mean you're going to renounce "movement welfare," disable the "Donations" button at ANA.ANN and stop selling $30.00 memberships?
I wonder if all the White Trash and tough talking Trailer Park dwellers who call me "Wounded Knee" really know what the battle of Wounded Knee was really about? It was about the Red man standing up for their Ancestors and Culture and telling the occupiers of their land to fuck off and that they would rather go out with honor than submit. Unlike today's cowards who call themselves White Nationalists who talk tough from behind computer screens and with fake names and piss themselves when their identities are revealed, the Red Men at Wounded Knee, even though they knew they would be wiped out, held on to their honor and dignity and went out as warriors. I would be rather be called "Wounded Knee" than be a White Nationalists on his knees, so all of you cowards can fuck off and die as cowards. Robert Matthews would laugh at all you pond scum and agree with me.
Hey Wounded Knee:
You didn't answer my question. Are you going to continue your on line fundraising ("movement welfare") and selling $30.00 memberships in ANA?
You haven't revealed your real name dick head
Using terms like "white trash" and "trailer park dwellers" really shows what kind of a pseudo intellectual elitist scumbag this guy truly is.
Also he can't see the influx of people coming around to our side of thinking because his imaginary ivory tower is much too tall.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! This is great stuff! Now I know exactly what TV-watchers are talking about when they shuffle around saying to each other "Hey, did you see [blahblah] on TV last night?!" :p
(Damn! I need more popcorn!)
I'm talking official White Nationalist language. Profanity seems to be the primary language of White Nationalism, so I decided to speak the lingo you use at Renegade, et al.
LOL, at least I have a wife freak, you go to bed with Rosie Palm and her 5 Sisters OR your power tool and bang away on your key board about the need to lower age of consent so you can legalize pedophilia, that has been widely discussed at Daily Stoner.
HINT- "Bob" is Caitlin Jenner
You can get a very accurate insight into a person's true character by how they interact with others in chat rooms.
When are you going on the Heraldo show, Rodney? You are the perfect Hollywood caricature of the violently insane "white supremacist". And, will you agree to wear the ss uniform and beenie when they offer you a few shekles?
This is actually a serious line of questions.
Hey genius what show is that you are talking about? Go brush your tooth.
Are you actually Rodney Martin?
It's hard to believe, reading the comments here, that you would be so blatantly anti-White.
Me thinks you are are Troll.
The problem here is Rodney quit and decided to lash out one final time at the white race.
Rodney has one card left to play, people don't use their real names. Whoopty do, how do we know Rodney Martin is your real name? I've not seen your birth certificate, has anyone else seen one. Tomorrow I could change my name to John Rain, Ben Peterson, Horace Mann, Barry Soetoro and it won't mean a damn thing because anyone can use a false name.
I suspect maybe Rodney Hussein Soetoro is trying to distance himself from a belief he once held because he's planning on doing more work for some Indian Tribe(s)?
I'm not sure anyone would have seen your long winded and often repetitive goodbye had I not posted in Mami's chat. You certainly didn't send it out to anyone. Run along now Rodney and ride off into the sunset but first turn your poor excuse for a network over to the Charlie who repeats Jewish myths about Hitler. In fact, why don't you ask him to have his little butt buddy Michael Anthony do a weekly show on the ANN. MA knows all those juicy Jewish Hitler myths.
Score update -
Wounded Knee - 1 (it's just a mercy point for the poor guy - let's just pretend someone scored an own-goal)
Home Team - 27 (it's an estimate - it'd be downright cruel to print the REAL score!)
@ 1776, nice try but speaking of "Birth Certificates" and "real names", what is yours Mr. Internet Tough Guy? Why are all the tough talking White Nationalists so terrified to step up and use their real name and express their views and beliefs? Why do they shit their pants and delete their email accounts when their real identity(s) is revealed on mail lists or on their favorite online forums? Why do they even use fake names at what few in person meetings they might attend? Ohhh hear that 1776, your momma just called you to come rub her feet, now chop-chop. Interesting, the ANA Page has received more Likes from pro White people and we have received more membership requests from Military and decent people since I wrote this Essay than ever before. Its amazing what happens when you take out the trash. Never said I wasn't a National Socialist moron, I said I am not an American White Nationalist. Try reading for comprehension. Oh, btw, you may want to read about Hitler's and Speer's long talks about those "Indians". They both thought they were really cool warriors. tell me who was one of Hitler's favorite authors? Come on, do it without using google genius. And @ Itzda Joos, your fantasy score keeping is hilarious, its a perfect example of why American White Nationalists are loosers, everything you do is "online" based, you are "E-Soldiers", your "home team is all Internet based, etc, I know you are such a pussy you would not have the guts to say the shit to my face in real life that you type here. Yes, I know you are going to type "YES I would" with one hand while you are jerking off with the other.
BTW, I have associated with, am friends with correspond with, and have interviewed more REAL people, who lived in and served the Third Reich, than all the posers here combined. I regularly correspond with 3 elderly now former Third Reich Citizens, send them gifts, receive very nice original Third Reich items and visit them on occasion. A few things can be learned from them, 1) they detest White Trash American White Nationalists 2) they honor their women 3) they detest the use of Third Reich symbols by low life trash 4) they find American White Nationalists flip-flopping on race to be laughable, i.e. the Renegade, AmRen, American Freedom Party, Counter Currents philosophies, "If it looks, talks and acts White, it is White".
Don't talk to me about who is and who is not Pro-White
@WV...Well if applications from "decent" people and their $30.00 checks are flooding into ANA because you wrote an essay attacking other white people...you must be flush with cash!
Your only "activism" is running internet web sites, internet podcasts and your FACEBOOk page, writing new slanders against other white activists.
What are you doing with all that cash?
Wounded Knee said - "And @ Itzda Joos, your fantasy score keeping is hilarious, its a perfect example of why American White Nationalists are loosers, everything you do is "online" based, you are "E-Soldiers", your "home team is all Internet based, etc, I know you are such a pussy you would not have the guts to say the shit to my face in real life that you type here. Yes, I know you are going to type "YES I would" with one hand while you are jerking off with the other."
1. Yes, it is hilarious! :D
2. I'm not "American" or a "White Nationalist".
3. "Everything" I do is neither online nor anything you need bother yourself with.
4. I'll just say for this one - if only you ACTUALLY "knew" :)
Oh yeah, and...
Bob, ( Just made your Fake profile 2 days ago) try taking ownership of your strongly held beliefs under your own name.
Rodders: I have to step in here to remind you. Not everyone out here enjoys the luxury of a 1st Ammendment to protect them from unjust treatment at the hands of their particular Government or Justice system.
When your own Government eventually passes those "Hate Speech Laws" that affect Us on *this* side of the pond? You'll find it better to make it more difficult for the authorities to find *you*; at least slow them down so you don't get "Dissappeared" too quickly.
Cherish your constitutional rights while they still exist. They're all that stand between you and the Jew owned Industrial/Military Complex that *really* runs all our Governments.
It's difficult to spread the Truth about Jews,Historical frauds, or any other essential piece of the current paradygn we all live under if *they* have foreknowledge of who we really are.And, as much as your security Apparatus likes to publicize itself as having precient powers strong enough to Trace everyone? They Don't. Not really. That's just another of those "Psy-Ops" they need you to believe so it's chilling effect helps them control the masses.
By all means, continue to spread the Truth as those of us who understand what really goes on behind the curtain. But this constant Bickering between yourself,and the rest of the rabble who just get a kick out of making you react to their taunting emotionally has to and will stop.
You will never make anyone trust you,or what you have to say by way of explanation if you continue to give the Trolls exactly what they wish:You lashing out in anger - instead of reasoned facts and discourse to make your case.
Therefore, if you can't control your outbursts of Ad Hominin attacks,childish retaliations and Bitchiness? Then i will be forced to close this discussion down.
That would be a shame, as I did respect the essay you wrote that started all this discussion. You pointed out essential truths about those who profess to "Believe" in the online version of "White Nationalism". Truths which were always going to stir up passionate responses and rebuttal from those who have an ideological or financial stake in keeping the whole thing going. Truths that could only result in the display of extreme Text-Book "Cognative Dissonance" we all have been reading here.
Your Cause can never be helped by responding to trolls *like* a troll. They only carry on poking and prodding you to get exactly that response. And you play into their game if you do so.
Instead, focus on the "facts". The point you repatedly made about *someone* out there being able to point out just one "Victory" their online community could claim was prehaps the best example to stick with. Along with the lack of cohesiveness,and ego-stroking that appears to be all they really are about.
You purportedly worked as a "Congressional Aide" in your past? That must have taken some skill and decorum to fulfill during the course of your duties then?
Try exercising some of that now.
Hope some of this gets through to you.
WV Foundations.....Martin was not a "congressional aid", he was an intern. Not the same thing.
Martin goes on line to attack other Whites. David Duke was elected to high public office, writes books, appears on main stream TV and attacks Jews. Rodney Martin solicits donations on line and attacks David Duke even though he adopted Duke's business model. David Duke's business model, however, isn't working so well for Rodney Martin...and it's not fair and that means David Duke and other Whites are dirty rotten scoundrels because Martin is a flop and obviously that's the fault of other whites who use profanity, post on line and live in their parents' basements.
Until and unless Martin disables his on line fundraising and stops selling $30.00 memberships in his faltering ANA, he has no standing to denounce David Duke or anyone else.
Another question: Where are all these ANA/Martin supporters claimed by Martin? What are their names? Why don't we see them out in the streets? During his two years of "white activism" Martin has boasted of increased membership and increased donations after each of his public relations blunders. Why don't we see them out in the streets carrying out Martin's "ground game?" The obvious answer....they don't exist and he has no "ground game."
He has on line fundraising instead.
Bm The only difference between the 2 is one is paid for their work;and one is expolited as free labour under a very Jewish system that *loves* to withold payments for any reason. I am also given to understand that Ex=Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five of the KKK Duke solicits Cash from *his* sacred Flock of followers? How is that any different to what RM has been doing? Even his Doctorate was purchased,and is as fake as the rest of the Online White Nationalist tattoo fetishists movement.
To answer your question regarding RM's supporters? They're probably remaining out of the lime light for exactly the same reason you chose to create an Online ID named after a Dog De-wormer! (No Offence, but "Bob Martin" has been the Number 1 Brand of Dog De-Wormer over here for decades!)
Until nameless net-Voices like yourself can actually step-up, go public with your own radio/podcast/website/Network pushing the truth out to any and all that might come across it? Then you're nothing more than "White Noise" in the background; acomplishing nothing..
I may very well be "white noise" and "accomplishing "nothing," but I"m not selling $30.00 memberships and soliciting donations without anything to show for them and I'm not making gutter language attacks against other whites.
Now you attack David Duke, his supporters (who elected him to high public office) and almost all other white people, some of whom have tattoos. I"m not into tattoos, but lots of people seem to have them and what do they have to do with the socially engineered dispossession and ethnic cleansing of white people against which we should all be opposed?
Interestingly enough, Martin proudly hosted David Duke as a guest on one of his podcasts and proclaimed Duke as the keynote speaker at one of his (Martin's) conferences that was ultimately cancelled.
You ask what's the difference between the two? David Duke pro-White message is presentable anywhere and Martin's foul mouthed, gutter talk, sexually charged anti-White outbursts are not presentable anywhere...except on "Mami's Shit" (interesting choice of name) and on Martin's own web sites.
BM. You *still* fail to get it. This is *NOT* a "White Nationalist" website.
mami's *SHIT* was originally set up as a place for Grizz (mami) to store and distribute all the podcasts and info he felt got lost in the mix at Consen and later Cybersage. Just a place to post his "Shit" (Geddit?!)
We've had a few admins who give up their free time to help out - with Moderation and finding interesting stuff to post and keep the site up to date. It's a labour of Love, not a commercial concern. We just want to get the Truth about *who* is ultimately responsible for the state of the world today out to anybody that'll listen.
Some of us like to look backwards in History. Others prefer to focus on what is actually going down today - and where that's likely to lead us in the future.
Therefore you'll have to forgive most of us for not following *your* Nazi-Party-line of Germanic Aingst. Just because we're wise to the scam of the Holohoax,doesn't mean we are in any way on-board with the whole "Hitler was misunderstood and Blameless" crowd.
BTW - Mr Duke isn't as good an example of Political fortitude as you're painting him to be. I quote from his own wiki:
"Duke unsuccessfully ran for the Louisiana State Senate, United States Senate, United States House of Representatives, and Governor of Louisiana. Duke is a felon, having pleaded guilty to defrauding supporters by falsely claiming to have no money and being in danger of losing his home in order to solicit emergency donations; at the time, Duke was financially secure, and used the donations for recreational gambling".
Now, If any of that is inaccurate, why hasn't he had it re-written or taken down? Why hasn't he sued Wikipedia for the years it's been up there? That Isn't attacking Him. That's just asking a good question.
All you are attempting to do here is Besmirch the reputation of a self-confessed WHite nationalist that didn't match up to your own conception of what one should be,or sound like. Well? So What?! I have personally met a lot of WN's here in the Uk who are far more profane than RM has been online. It's mostly a brutal and Facist Movement with no redeeming attributes except wanting to start fights with those on the other side of your own Higalian Dialectic - left wing liberals and socialists. (and stirred up by the same Jews that sit at the top of both sides stirring the pot)
It however stands absolutely no chance of ever amounting to anything-especially when it comes to effecting political change. It's just another loud club. One that you sadly allow yourself to be afilliated with. What a shame.
Its funny Carolyn Yeager doesn't even waste her time attacking wounded knee me fuck all the squas on the reservation Martin.
Lmao :)
Hey foon, you say you "...have personally met a lot of WN's here in the Uk...". That may be so BUT I would put to you that they were basically just a handful of the usual street-level bully boys that are ALWAYS paraded by the mainstream media you yourself would also normally attack. What I think you're missing (or maybe ignoring) is that there ACTUALLY is A LOT of nationalist or even "Nazi" (a mainstream term you & others like to use) sentiment amongst the many echelons of society above the ones you noted encounters with here. I say this because I have many friends & family members who operate or have operated within these various echelons over decades and it is VERY apparent when you've been around it long enough - it just doesn't get bandied around to all & sundry who don't have connection to these people. A common sentiment here is that "it just doesn't need to be advertised" and very obviously when it is advertised by the types you refer to it's either to reinforce a false stereotype or because yes, you're dealing with a few immature thugs (which again has the same effect of reinforcing the stereotype).
This needed to be mentioned as an actual truth (a word you use a lot in your comments) that I have actual experience with and because it presents a realistic alternative view to that which you are presenting. I'm sure you'll wish to debate the point, probably disagree or question the validity of my comment or even my qualification to make such a comment. That of course is entirely your prerogative. However, it doesn't change what I and others know.
There are points that I agree with you on though. They are the following comments you made above re Rodney Martin -
> "constant Bickering between yourself,and the rest"
> "You will never make anyone trust you,or what you have to say"
> "You lashing out in anger - instead of reasoned facts and discourse"
> "you can't control your outbursts of Ad Hominin attacks,childish retaliations and Bitchiness"
> "Your Cause can never be helped"
Having read through this thread, I can see why Martin 'mad-dog' Lindstedt calls his show "The Movement Turd" - a very apt description of this (bowel) movement. Defending "Dr" Duke as a great leader is laughable. I actually lived in Louisiana back in the days when Duke was running for for office there. The allegations Foone listed from wiki are absolutely true and furthermore, many people within the WN movement down there were well aware of his bad behavior: Embezzling money, reckless gambling and trying to mount any female who would spread her legs were all well known aspects of "Dr" Duke's personality.
One of the most telling threads is over at Stormfront, where a (troll) user typed in "Dear Dr. Duke. - I have gay-jew ass cancer and want to leave my house to you". (type that phrase into goo-goo for verification). Duke took the bait and was ready to accept the guy's house - lol. Duke's response has since been deleted, but I saw it for myself back when it happened. Many, other people saw that thread as well. Ask Tommy Metzger what he thinks of "Dr" Duck - lol. TT knows where the bodies are buried, rest assured.
As for Rodney, I've never been a supporter of his, but for god's sake, y'all are kicking the man while he's down. He is exiting the 'movement' so why keep attacking him? He actually makes a good point about what Wounded Knee really was: one of the last stands of American Indians trying standing up for their people. Why is that such a horrible thing? Surely a WN could appreciate their position even though they are from a different 'tribe'. This is another technique used by WN's to try and destroy other 'leaders' in the 'movement': He's not really white, he's a mamzer or a jew etc etc. I used to take this stuff very seriously back in the 1990's and now I see it for what it is - a clown show.
Well Itzda, We each bring to the table what we have personally experienced. That is a "Truism", along with "truth" being subjective for the most part.
How else can anyone speak with any authority on a subject unless they have actual experience on what they speak of? My experience with the BNP back in 1991 was geographical - i lived very near their "Bookshop" in Eltham:A place that was under seige from Lefties,communists and other deluded wankers who thought it was ok (And actually tacitly encouraged by the Police and Special Branch to do so) to attack the building daily.
The behaviour of anyone visibly standing up for those who ran the shop was equally as bad: By fighting "Fire with Fire", the skinheads and Ultra Right wing pseuds encouraged this violence by setting upon those adversaries whenever they thought the press wasn't looking. Back then, we all thought it was just British Foorball terrace politics,and our press encouraged that viewpoint.
Hindsight has taught me that there were agitators on both sides - Jewish Mostly - that had been tasked with creating and perpetuating this flashpoint;so the Government of the day could use the publicity to demonise anyone who would even slightly think pride in your own Countries History, or a justifiable mistrust of Immigration was a bad thing,
This was 25 years ago. The Implosion of British "White Nationalism" that's occurred ever since has been overseen by those self-same forces - martialled by Jews. You only have to look at what's become of the EDL since - openly supporting Jewish Causes - to see how things were turned around and co-opted.
So, No Itzda, I don't need to debate the point. We are all products of our own experiences. And mine have soured me forever on the subject of "White Nationalism". As it's practiced,advertised and controlled today, I see no real change in it's lack of effectiveness compared to 25 years ago.
Those "Points" i made to RM were just to help him realize that arguing *with* trolls in the same fashion they were attacking himself was a waste of time. It only perpetuated a cycle of abuse and counter abuse that solved absolutely Nothing.
Pretty much like having anything to do with WN's these days. It solves Nothing.
Hey "Bob", Intern?? LOL, I was a PAID Staffer you idiot. I got a check and had a Congressional Staff ID. Idiots often brag about what they don't know, they don't know.
I do NOT attack "Whites" and I have NOT attacked all White Nationalists, just the American version and circus side show acts. BTW, why can't you use your name? and provide that example of a White Nationalist Victory or example of real progress or an event that was influenced by White Nationalism?
@foon1e, so far no one has picked up on a key point, many mental midget White Nationalists have taken great exception to the "tone" and "language" in some of my posts, YET that is the norm used by them and 99.9% of White Nationalists on 99.9% of all White Nationalist blogs, forums and podcasts. Interesting I have held up a huge a mirror, they did not like their own reflection. Perhaps they now know what many, many white working class people now see.
Speaking of "profanity", there is a "podcast", on now, yours truly is one of the subjects, profanity is used regularly by the no nasme/fake name tough talking hostess, when heshe isn't stuttering and sounding like a closeted Cletus Hogg. How very timely.
How can anyone defend the childishly psychotic outbreaks of the now discredited Rodney Martin? Rodney's comments on this page show clear as crystal his character.
I found this site to be one that I visit every day before work to dl very informative podcasts to listen to while I slave on. But, I have my doubts about a couple of the admins credibility and critical thinking abilities.
Sorry to offend if anyone is as fragile as Martin; but, it's my honest observations.
Essentially I simply take the same stance here as Madpiltzer. I've had a little fun yeah (something definitely promoted here at Mami's) but I haven't slandered or defamed anyone or lowered myself to profanity or ad homs. I haven't REALLY taken sides either despite how any criticism, commentary or satire may appear to others. I don't agree OR disagree with every point any commenter has made about Rodney Martin or his detractors or even maybe enemies, perceived or actual.
I see what EVERYONE has to say and let their own actions and words speak for themselves.
My personal opinion at this stage after seeing this whole debacle (article & comments) is that Rodney Martin (if indeed every comment made under his assumed moniker is his) is not a noble person, quite probably not trustworthy and most definitely not leader material (for group of followers). I couldn't really give 2 shits about his opinion of "white nationalism" - it's the way he's dealt with it that is the REAL and ONLY real issue here. At the very least his comments here have made me doubt his character beyond a point of redemption. That's really the only conclusion I can come to based almost entirely what I see on this page. If that "offends" Rodney or anyone else then so be it - how you transform energy I give off is up to you.
Lastly I make no apologies for having the opinions I do - I'm simply being honest. At least I can walk away from any or every situation knowing full well I've done nothing that I wouldn't be proud of.
Looking forward to the next provocative article! :)
@MadP - No admins to my knowledge are defending RM on this thread. I acknowledged that he made one good point - so what? I've had numerous run-ins with him and as I previously stated, I've never been a supporter of his, quite the opposite in fact. However, I am willing to admit when someone makes a truthful or pertinent statement.
@ Scorpio, I remember Tom Metzger exposing Duke more than twice.lol
@ Rodney, get a grip. You've been put in the spam box as much as the trolls LOL.
As for THAT LADY, she seems to be there only to stir up shit and that's why I stopped posting her shows.
I'm tempted to shut down this thread (Because it's so fucking childish)but I guess it's up to Foon.
Have fun my friend...
@Itzda Joos, you said "Lastly I make no apologies for having the opinions I do - I'm simply being honest. At least I can walk away from any or every situation knowing full well I've done nothing that I wouldn't be proud of"
Interesting, what have you done? Please share? If you are so "unapologetic", why use a fake name? If American, and I stress AMERICAN White Nationalism is so successful, NO one should fear loosing a job, or face any other blow back.
For 2 days I have challenged White Nationalists to 1) identify themselves and 2) name a specific White Nationalist Victory,neither has been posted. Thank all of you for proving the key points of the Essay.
Seems to me it is all of you that are "discredited".
Cool your jets, Rodney. Demanding that people reveal their identity is off limits for obvious reasons.
@Scorpio, tell me why it is "off limits", we have entire blogs, forums and podcasts run by fake names. Sorry, if people why scream the loudest should have the courage of conviction. The Marxists had no such problems or lack of courage when they were in our position and faced recrimination for engaging in their activism.
Rodney wrote: "For 2 days I have challenged White Nationalists to 1) identify themselves and 2) name a specific White Nationalist Victory,neither has been posted."
Now, I maybe stretching it here but maybe you're not in the right place for this answer.The last time I checked, Mami's wasn't a WN site. I just post it because it's part of the truth.
Now get lost before I ban your ass!
Zap, isn't this Post about White Nationalism? Wasn't that one of the issues in the Essay that Foon talked about?
Zap & Foon -- Perhaps you shouldn't post anything WN if this isn't a WN site then???
So now we shouldn't post anything WN because you say so Rodney? ROFL
Would it be in poor taste to say Rodney's gone off the reservation?
Yeah, just couldn't help myself. :P
French-Canadian accent??
WN Post w/ a whole lot of WN comments seems fair to ask the questions I have.
Rodders - under normal circumstances, i don't bother with WN postings. The only one here amongst the Admins who does tends to be 100% for them is Whooli - and Zap to a certain degree. He has historically provided a good service for the likes of yourself and others by cleaning up and making most of your podcasts into listenable affairs.All in the name of offering alternative viewpoints to the mainstream to as wide a listenership as possible. Why? Because no other bugger was bothering to i guess.
When you have a team of Admins all bringing their own particular interests and vices to the table, you have to expect a veritable pot-pourri of information and sources; not all of which will be eagerly accepted by those whose minds are already closed to certain....possibilities. And very much like those of the Abrahamic persuasion, WN's tend to be blind "Believers" too. So we expect a certain amount of push back from the usual sources.
This post was originally about your essay - one that would have escaped out notice until 1776Blues posted a link to it in our chatango. I read it. Found i agreed with a fair amount of what you was saying about the state and nature of the WN scene as it's currently practiced. And thought to repost it here;so others could read what you had to say - plus my own particular take as an added bonus. Your continued replying in the same venacular as those who were using Ad Homs and Personal Biases to attack *you* didn't help matters. You should have risen above their baiting and just focussed on Facts - I've pointed all this out before. That didn't mean we are, or have ever been an exclusively "WN" Blog. We're a News aggregator first and formost - with a bunch of sometimes Lippy and irreverent Contributors.
Reposting links and diseminating information is what we do here. It drives traffic to the website of the source material,as well as enlightens those who are too lazy,or net-savvy to go out and find this info themselves...and that;s pretty much it really. Anything else the Trolls and Fuckwits who are only commenting for the purpose of stirring shit come out with concerning us is just the product of Unbalanced, or malicious minds. And theres many Humdreds of Thousands of those out there commenting/raising hell on many different sites of all persuasions.
Grizz said it best when he and Zap Started this Blog:They wrote some simple rules above the Chat Room that *should* be easily observed by anyone wishing to chat/Comment here:
"Say what you like, free speech is welcome. Trolling, speed typing, spamming and being a asshole will not be tolerated"
Those rules still apply today. Anyone who doesn't care for them has the option to opserve them or GTFO.
@Foon, you said, " Your continued replying in the same venacular as those who were using Ad Homs and Personal Biases to attack *you* didn't help matters. You should have risen above their baiting and just focussed on Facts"
You said you read and agreed with my Essay, then you must understand that what you propose in the above statement is IMPOSSIBLE with the current WN Mob Squad. Thus I adopted THEIR norms and they didn't like it. Isn't that interesting?? I held up a mirror and they didn't like their own reflection. Just last night, Renegade's Host for the night said, and I quote, "I do not trust a man who does not use curse words", he then went on to attack me for using curse words. We still have fools who attack my wife and children, despite the statements of many who have seen them in person and have seen their picture and know them to be White. Blonde Hair/Blue Eyed Daughters and a Red Hair/Green Eyed Wife. and a Brother in Law who is in Prison for Skin Head activities. As to money issues, I have spent more of my own money on Movement related matters and donated to Movement related matters than I dare say many of those on here combined. Membership Dues are a mechanism to separate the Hobbyists from the serious person.
There must be a purge of the likes I have attacked or White people everywhere will be in the same situation as they are in South Africa. Interesting that no one has been able to show an example of anything White Nationalism has accomplished besides the Charlatans I have attacked poo-pooing the problem, our young men ending up in the Gulag, and our women raising children on their own and being called "whores" and "sluts" by the little boys I have called out. Drug addicts always deny they have a problem until they hit rock bottom, White Nationalism needs to hit rock bottom. Unlike many, I do have a family to think of. I have skin in the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLpfbcXTeo8
foon1e said - "Your continued replying in the same venacular as those who were using Ad Homs and Personal Biases to attack *you*..."
Let's be honest here, the vancular, ad homs & personal biases were pretty much ALL coming from Rodney Martin in the comments here. It was in pretty much EVERY comment he made and it most definitely wasn't "replying" in same - the evidence is here for all to see.
WV Foundations said - "I held up a mirror and they didn't like their own reflection."
In the article or the comments here? In at least the comments all you REALLY did was hold up a mirror to yourself and on the back of the mirror facing us was yet another picture of yourself. That's what we didn't like!
@ Itzda:
You're wasting your time attempting to reason with WV. From his history and more clearly this web page the guy is either an agent provocateur (pitiful at that) or suffers from what we call a Psychotic Personality Disorder.
These personality types are incapable of empathy, live for the worst kind of Jerry Springer drama, and sling their feces at people and throw temper tantrums when we get offended.
Oh, yes, there you have it, "the accusations of "Agent", et al, coming from the no name/fake names. LOL, give me a break. Interesting that all the demands for "transparency" in White Nationalism, comes from those who cower in their closets of fake and no names.
A great example of "White Nationalism" putting Race aside for $$$
Would someone please give the record player a really good, hard knock 'cos the needles been stuck so long it's worn a massive groove! And while you're at it please change the record - I'm getting pretty sick of hearing the same 2 chords of this crap over & over, ad infinitum!!!
Having been an activist since 1992, I've met a swath of characters all portending to be patriots. I noticed that there's always been a majority who were genuine, good people... however somewhat gullible--I must admit that included me. There were a few leaders among these that attracted the lowlife with spurious agendas. Others were just looking for a way to make a buck while deceiving others and sometimes themselves into believing they were doing something worth while. Salted from one end of "the movement" to the other were those who would identify themselves with the term "White Nationalist." Things have changed since then, I suppose, but I've found that those who identify themselves as White Nationalists have been bamboozled so many times by covert egomaniacs, fools and agents that it's an all but meaningless label. You're spot on Rodney. And I'm sick and tired of people labeling me with that go-nowhere term.
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