James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.
A surgically clean entry wound to JFK's trachea caused by a high velocity rifle bullet? One so clean the doctor claimed he performed a tracheotomy THROUGH THE WOUND?
Dr. Fetzer I have 6 years experience in EMS working in some of the most violence prone urban areas in Texas, have seen many bullet wounds and performed several emergency trachs, including one through a broken windshield for a pinned driver, and I'm telling you now this scenario is practically IMPOSSIBLE. It is my suspicion the doctor lied in his statement in order to explain away JFK's throat grasping in reaction to laryngospasm caused by drug injection.
Furthermore the bullet, per your explanation on other shows, had to have passed through a glass windshield first. That too doesn't wash, the bullet would have tumbled, causing an even greater amount of damage than otherwise.
I am at a loss to explain why you cling to such absurd accounts in regards to JFK. Perhaps so many books, articles, and lectures on the subject has rendered you reluctant to reexamine the material presented?
I will add if a bullet entered his trach from the front the bullet would have broken his neck on exit and a bullet hole must have been left either on the seatback or the trunk lid.
He was jammed between his seat and the steering wheel after t-boning a stopped freight train at 4 AM. The frothy blood in his mouth smelled like a brewery. The guy died at the scene.
Well, there isn't any doubt about it. The shot passed through the windshield. Jack clutched his throat. It was captured in a famous photo by AP photographer James "Ike" Altgens. We not only have the photo, where you can see the bullet hole in the glass (where his left ear would be if his left ear were visible), but Malcolm Perry, M.D., explained during the Parkland Press Conference THREE TIMES that it was a wound of entry, which I published as an appendix to ASSASSINATION SCIENCE (1998). We have a diagram by Charles Crenshaw, M.D., which I also published there. The wound was widely broadcast over radio and television. So I find it very odd that you would contest something for which we have ample documentation. Indeed, Robert Livingston, M.D., a world authority on the human brain and an expert on wound ballistics, listened to the description of the wound over the radio, which led him to call James Humes, M.D., who would conduct the autopsy, to explain that, since he had been hit in the throat from in front, he needed to dissect the neck very carefully, because if there were any evidence of shots from behind (which is ironic, in retrospect), then there would be proof of at least two shooters and therefore of a conspiracy. He did not know that Humes was complicit in the cover up, which included (prior to its formal commencement) enlarging the fist-sized wound at the back of the head by taking a cranial saw to the skull of JFK to make it look more like something that could have been the effect of a shot from behind. You must be very new to the study of the death of JFK. There are many aspects of the assassination and the cover-up that are difficult to believe but for which we have ample proof. Check out, for example, "The Brian Ruhe Show: JFK: Who was responsible and why", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_B1E_ainGQ Here's a link to the transcript of the Parkland Press Conference, where Malcolm Perry thrice describes it as a wound of entrance: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/press.htm
Given that you appear to be new to JFK research, here's a link where you can down load, "Dealey Plaza Revisited: What happened to JFK?", which I presented at a national conference on the memory and legacy of JFK at the University of North Dakota, where Ted Sorenson, his speechwriter, gave the keynote address and John Tunheim, now a federal judge, who was the head of the Assassination Records Review Board, introduced me. It includes the diagrams by Charles Crenshaw, M.D., of the wound before and after Malcolm Perry, M.D., had performed his tracheostomy incision, which was a simple, straight incision. You can also see how the wound was enlarged at Bethesda, as in the case of the back-of-the-head wound, to look more like a wound of exit. Humes called Livingston later than day to ask him what it would have looked like had it been a wound of exit and used Bob's description to alter it to make it look more like what Bob described to him. This is a great place to start for those who are new to the medical evidence in the case of JFK. For more, download "Reasoning about Assassinations", which I presented at Cambridge. [PDF]Chapter 30 Dealey Plaza Revisited: What Happened to JFK? www.und.nodak.edu/instruct/jfkconference/UNDchapter30.pdf
" had performed his tracheostomy incision, which was a simple, straight incision" is really not the same thing as punched the straw through the bullet hole.
Although not a researcher I am not "new" to the JFK question. That topic and many others that have shaped our lives for the worse have been subjects of my curiosity for years, especially those possessing key elements that publically visible independent researchers seem to overlook. While going through the 9/11 videos released through FOIA I discovered several frames showing a crushed ambulance belonging to the very same emergency services firm I worked for at the time. That discovery set me on my path in search of truth in this false reality constructed around us.
Expert authorities with professional and academic credentials have fed the public bull#### such as airplane fueled fires melting steel beams and causing a pancake collapse of skyscrapers built with a rigid steel backbone, so I don't put much credence in such explanations when they are fundamentally flawed REGARDLESS of who states them. For example this douche bag:
Clint Hill grabbed Jackie's derringer and finished the job Jackie botched.
Such a hero and heroine. How does it go Fetzer? "That's impossible. Jackie LOVED Jack."
Paraphrasing your reply to a caller who previously raised the issue. An appeal to sympathy tactic, similarly lacking in substance as the appeal to authority tactic applied herein.
Panzerfaust has no idea what he is talking about. Our focus has been on the medical evidence, the ballistics and the photographic and film evidence--and the witness testimony. The official story is a complete fabrication. You are simply making this up. Jackie had gone out on the trunk after a chunk of JFK's skull and brains. Clint Hill pushed her back and was the first to observe the fist-sized hole in the back of his head. His description even appears in THE KENNEDY DETAIL. There is nothing to support your view.
Bill Bolwell, I am troubled that James Corbett does not separate EO#11110 from the issuance of United States Notes. He commits a colossal blunder by failing to draw the distinction. An article about them by Michael Snyder (19 December 2011), "Debt-Free United States Notes Were Once Issued Under JFK And The U.S. Government Still Has The Power To Issue Debt-Free Money". Heretofore, I would have said James Corbett is an honest man who does his best to promote the truth, but this example proves that to be untrue.
No sir it is you who are clinging to statements that are patently absurd issued by persons neck deep in the doo doo and have resorted to gas lighting ad hominem argumentation. Fetzer, how does a bullet enter the trachea from the front and not shatter or sever the spinal.column on exit?
Question for anyone who has taken a basic emergency course:
JFK was hit at least four times: in the back (5.5" below the collar, just to the right of the spinal column); in the throat (by a round that passed through the windshield); and at least twice in the head (once from behind, entering near the EOP; and again in the right temple). David believes there may have been a third shot to the head. Which of these was a result of the shot you claim that Jackie fired with her derringer? Did she shoot him in the back? through the windshield? in the back of the head? in the right temple? I am sorry, but everyone can see you are fantasizing. There is no would that she could have died. As for the shirt and back wound, you are no doubt unaware that I presented a lecture on how properly locating the back wound proves the existence of a conspiracy in the assassination at Cambridge during an international conference, which was subsequently published in an international, peer-reviewed journal. You might be less ignorant about the death of JFK were you to take the time and expend the effort to read it at https://www.assassinationscience.com/ReasoningAboutAssassinations.pdf under the title, "Reasoning about Assassinations".
Where are the bullet impacts upon the body aside from the one we can plainly see?
Where is the glass powder that follows a bullet through a windshield?
Why did a law enforcement officer state he heard firecrackers?
What happens to a trauma victim's shirt in an ER (I'll answer this one: they cut up both sleeves, rip the buttons off by grabbing and separating both front tails, and pull it out from underneath.)
Why do you fail to adequately address any of the inconsistencies?
"I am sorry, but everyone can see you are fantasizing."
@Panzer - The only 'evidence' you have presented that Jackie shot JFK is the Zap film with JFK's body blocking any view of the so called shot by Jackie. It's about as credible as the 'driver shot JFK' video from years ago (presented by Bill Cooper and John Lear). Plus, a 22 cal would not make someone's head explode like that.
As I've stated before, the Kennedy assassination was a military style operation from start to finish - they would not have trusted a woman, with no experience in such things, to carry out an important task where there was no room for mistakes. Siting JFK's womanizing as motivation for her participation is flimsy at best. She had her own affairs and certainly knew about his predilection. You don't think she liked being first lady and living in the White House? Her life of glamour and fame basically ended that day.
I've been researching the Kennedy assassination for over 20 years and I've never seen or read a book that reached your conclusion. As they say in the south, "that dog don't hunt".
I agree with Scorpio and if anyone is engaging in gas lighting its panzer. "the universe sign for choking is both hands blah blah" and if you get punched in the throat what happens???
Shouting loudly the same theory with no more evidence than "couldn't go through the windshield" isn't convincing at all and know it just feels like his whole point was to badger Professor Fetzer rather than hash out a thesis.
Poor form considering how much leiway you gave him...
It's my estimation the "hobos" on the grassy knoll was a prepared false rabbit hole intended to misdirect investigators. Judy Woods and her entourage performed the same in regards to 9/11.
Very little, if any, evidence is presented in that PDF. It all rests on the same vid you've posted numerous times here. You are welcome to your views, but I don't want every thread to turn into a 'Jackie shot JFK' extravaganza. Thanks in advance, Scorp
I believe all the points I wish to make have bern presented and will rest my case in this instance. Scorp I noticed an absence of rebuttal in the article you presented with my screennane. Now you attempt to throw water on the fire here. Why is that?
Oh, I assume you mean the video I posted previously. My purpose in posting that was to allow you to present the evidence supporting your views. I didn't feel the need to rebut anything you said because all of your 'evidence' rests on the video you posted numerous times.
Even in the modern age excessive tampering of video is difficult to hide. There is a hiccup as Jackie attempts to hide the weapon yet a frame captures a metallic object. Are you suggesting the behavior of the vehicle occupants is animation?
Catch the last five minutes of Charles Giuliani? He's a straight shooter. Always has been.
It wasn't video tape which didn't exist in 1963 it was split 16mm super8 movie film. It went from Dallas to the top secret Kodak Hawkeye Works in Rochester NY (where my cousin worked) where it was extensively altered with deletions, splices, slices, a dices and remained unseen by the public for some dozen years.
I can't seem to get a straight answer out of Fetzer or his circle.
Wow!! That's your whole argument? Your entire thesis rest on "captures a metallic object"??
The reason you can't be taken seriously is you're accusing these guys of drawing conclusion, while you yourself are doing it but from a stand-point of much greater speculation.
Now personally I don't believe this crap about "getting a skull fragment" - I mean, who does that!?!?!? What was she going to do, put it back? There are lots of other people around, why does she have to get it?
But I don't then surmise and shout to the rooftops what happened, I just say I don't buy this skull fragment retrieval crap...
She was retrieving a large glob of brain tissue not a skull fragment. She was in shock and not acting rationally. She gave it to one of the ER doctors and asked "will this help?" The doctor's testimony is on YT.
The home movies were massively edited to remove the limo stop and at least two shots to the head: one from behind, which was fired from the Dal-Tex; and one from the right/front, fired from the intersection of the Triple Underpass and the picket fence. You are reasoning on the basis of a fabricated film, which I have explained many times in many places. You don't know what you are talking about. See, for example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_B1E_ainGQ You, alas, have been misled by manufactured evidence.
A surgically clean entry wound to JFK's trachea caused by a high velocity rifle bullet? One so clean the doctor claimed he performed a tracheotomy THROUGH THE WOUND?
Dr. Fetzer I have 6 years experience in EMS working in some of the most violence prone urban areas in Texas, have seen many bullet wounds and performed several emergency trachs, including one through a broken windshield for a pinned driver, and I'm telling you now this scenario is practically IMPOSSIBLE. It is my suspicion the doctor lied in his statement in order to explain away JFK's throat grasping in reaction to laryngospasm caused by drug injection.
Furthermore the bullet, per your explanation on other shows, had to have passed through a glass windshield first. That too doesn't wash, the bullet would have tumbled, causing an even greater amount of damage than otherwise.
I am at a loss to explain why you cling to such absurd accounts in regards to JFK. Perhaps so many books, articles, and lectures on the subject has rendered you reluctant to reexamine the material presented?
I will add if a bullet entered his trach from the front the bullet would have broken his neck on exit and a bullet hole must have been left either on the seatback or the trunk lid.
Yeah that trachy through the wound line was hilarious. LOL.
He was jammed between his seat and the steering wheel after t-boning a stopped freight train at 4 AM. The frothy blood in his mouth smelled like a brewery. The guy died at the scene.
What's really funny is being shot through the neck and not having your head flop over like a rag doll
Sry Unknown I should fully wake up before reading, thought you were taking a jab at me.
Well, there isn't any doubt about it. The shot passed through the windshield. Jack clutched his throat. It was captured in a famous photo by AP photographer James "Ike" Altgens. We not only have the photo, where you can see the bullet hole in the glass (where his left ear would be if his left ear were visible), but Malcolm Perry, M.D., explained during the Parkland Press Conference THREE TIMES that it was a wound of entry, which I published as an appendix to ASSASSINATION SCIENCE (1998). We have a diagram by Charles Crenshaw, M.D., which I also published there. The wound was widely broadcast over radio and television. So I find it very odd that you would contest something for which we have ample documentation. Indeed, Robert Livingston, M.D., a world authority on the human brain and an expert on wound ballistics, listened to the description of the wound over the radio, which led him to call James Humes, M.D., who would conduct the autopsy, to explain that, since he had been hit in the throat from in front, he needed to dissect the neck very carefully, because if there were any evidence of shots from behind (which is ironic, in retrospect), then there would be proof of at least two shooters and therefore of a conspiracy. He did not know that Humes was complicit in the cover up, which included (prior to its formal commencement) enlarging the fist-sized wound at the back of the head by taking a cranial saw to the skull of JFK to make it look more like something that could have been the effect of a shot from behind. You must be very new to the study of the death of JFK. There are many aspects of the assassination and the cover-up that are difficult to believe but for which we have ample proof. Check out, for example, "The Brian Ruhe Show: JFK: Who was responsible and why", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_B1E_ainGQ Here's a link to the transcript of the Parkland Press Conference, where Malcolm Perry thrice describes it as a wound of entrance: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/press.htm
Given that you appear to be new to JFK research, here's a link where you can down load, "Dealey Plaza Revisited: What happened to JFK?", which I presented at a national conference on the memory and legacy of JFK at the University of North Dakota, where Ted Sorenson, his speechwriter, gave the keynote address and John Tunheim, now a federal judge, who was the head of the Assassination Records Review Board, introduced me. It includes the diagrams by Charles Crenshaw, M.D., of the wound before and after Malcolm Perry, M.D., had performed his tracheostomy incision, which was a simple, straight incision. You can also see how the wound was enlarged at Bethesda, as in the case of the back-of-the-head wound, to look more like a wound of exit. Humes called Livingston later than day to ask him what it would have looked like had it been a wound of exit and used Bob's description to alter it to make it look more like what Bob described to him. This is a great place to start for those who are new to the medical evidence in the case of JFK. For more, download "Reasoning about Assassinations", which I presented at Cambridge.
[PDF]Chapter 30 Dealey Plaza Revisited: What Happened to JFK?
@James Fetzer: Field McConnell says James Files fired the kill shot.
There you go Panzer you got to ask your question without even calling in.
" had performed his tracheostomy incision, which was a simple, straight incision" is really not the same thing as punched the straw through the bullet hole.
Dr. Fetzer,
Although not a researcher I am not "new" to the JFK question. That topic and many others that have shaped our lives for the worse have been subjects of my curiosity for years, especially those possessing key elements that publically visible independent researchers seem to overlook. While going through the 9/11 videos released through FOIA I discovered several frames showing a crushed ambulance belonging to the very same emergency services firm I worked for at the time. That discovery set me on my path in search of truth in this false reality constructed around us.
(more to follow)
Expert authorities with professional and academic credentials have fed the public bull#### such as airplane fueled fires melting steel beams and causing a pancake collapse of skyscrapers built with a rigid steel backbone, so I don't put much credence in such explanations when they are fundamentally flawed REGARDLESS of who states them. For example this douche bag:
Jackie the drug addicted Jesuit-crypto Jew CIA psychopath blowing her cheating husbands' face off.
Clint Hill grabbed Jackie's derringer and finished the job Jackie botched.
Such a hero and heroine. How does it go Fetzer? "That's impossible. Jackie LOVED Jack."
Paraphrasing your reply to a caller who previously raised the issue. An appeal to sympathy tactic, similarly lacking in substance as the appeal to authority tactic applied herein.
Panzerfaust has no idea what he is talking about. Our focus has been on the medical evidence, the ballistics and the photographic and film evidence--and the witness testimony. The official story is a complete fabrication. You are simply making this up. Jackie had gone out on the trunk after a chunk of JFK's skull and brains. Clint Hill pushed her back and was the first to observe the fist-sized hole in the back of his head. His description even appears in THE KENNEDY DETAIL. There is nothing to support your view.
Bill Bolwell, I am troubled that James Corbett does not separate EO#11110 from the issuance of United States Notes. He commits a colossal blunder by failing to draw the distinction. An article about them by Michael Snyder (19 December 2011), "Debt-Free United States Notes Were Once Issued Under JFK And The U.S. Government Still Has The Power To Issue Debt-Free Money". Heretofore, I would have said James Corbett is an honest man who does his best to promote the truth, but this example proves that to be untrue.
No sir it is you who are clinging to statements that are patently absurd issued by persons neck deep in the doo doo and have resorted to gas lighting ad hominem argumentation. Fetzer, how does a bullet enter the trachea from the front and not shatter or sever the spinal.column on exit?
Question for anyone who has taken a basic emergency course:
What is the universal sign for choking?
Ref the supposed neck trauma:
Game. Set. Match.
As anyone can plainly see his face explosively degloves from the right side.
The "assassination shirt" however displays blood on the left side and a bullet exit far below the trachea.
This piece of evidence is a fabrication.
JFK was hit at least four times: in the back (5.5" below the collar, just to the right of the spinal column); in the throat (by a round that passed through the windshield); and at least twice in the head (once from behind, entering near the EOP; and again in the right temple). David believes there may have been a third shot to the head. Which of these was a result of the shot you claim that Jackie fired with her derringer? Did she shoot him in the back? through the windshield? in the back of the head? in the right temple? I am sorry, but everyone can see you are fantasizing. There is no would that she could have died. As for the shirt and back wound, you are no doubt unaware that I presented a lecture on how properly locating the back wound proves the existence of a conspiracy in the assassination at Cambridge during an international conference, which was subsequently published in an international, peer-reviewed journal. You might be less ignorant about the death of JFK were you to take the time and expend the effort to read it at https://www.assassinationscience.com/ReasoningAboutAssassinations.pdf under the title, "Reasoning about Assassinations".
Where are the bullet impacts upon the body aside from the one we can plainly see?
Where is the glass powder that follows a bullet through a windshield?
Why did a law enforcement officer state he heard firecrackers?
What happens to a trauma victim's shirt in an ER (I'll answer this one: they cut up both sleeves, rip the buttons off by grabbing and separating both front tails, and pull it out from underneath.)
Why do you fail to adequately address any of the inconsistencies?
"I am sorry, but everyone can see you are fantasizing."
Gas lighting.
"There is no would that she could have died."
@Panzer - The only 'evidence' you have presented that Jackie shot JFK is the Zap film with JFK's body blocking any view of the so called shot by Jackie. It's about as credible as the 'driver shot JFK' video from years ago (presented by Bill Cooper and John Lear). Plus, a 22 cal would not make someone's head explode like that.
As I've stated before, the Kennedy assassination was a military style operation from start to finish - they would not have trusted a woman, with no experience in such things, to carry out an important task where there was no room for mistakes. Siting JFK's womanizing as motivation for her participation is flimsy at best. She had her own affairs and certainly knew about his predilection. You don't think she liked being first lady and living in the White House? Her life of glamour and fame basically ended that day.
I've been researching the Kennedy assassination for over 20 years and I've never seen or read a book that reached your conclusion. As they say in the south, "that dog don't hunt".
I agree with Scorpio and if anyone is engaging in gas lighting its panzer. "the universe sign for choking is both hands blah blah" and if you get punched in the throat what happens???
Shouting loudly the same theory with no more evidence than "couldn't go through the windshield" isn't convincing at all and know it just feels like his whole point was to badger Professor Fetzer rather than hash out a thesis.
Poor form considering how much leiway you gave him...
Have you visited this website or read this PDF:
It's my estimation the "hobos" on the grassy knoll was a prepared false rabbit hole intended to misdirect investigators. Judy Woods and her entourage performed the same in regards to 9/11.
Very little, if any, evidence is presented in that PDF.
It all rests on the same vid you've posted numerous times here.
You are welcome to your views, but I don't want every thread to turn into a 'Jackie shot JFK' extravaganza.
Thanks in advance,
I believe all the points I wish to make have bern presented and will rest my case in this instance. Scorp I noticed an absence of rebuttal in the article you presented with my screennane. Now you attempt to throw water on the fire here. Why is that?
"Article I presented with your screen name?"
What article did I post?
Please explain.
Oh, I assume you mean the video I posted previously.
My purpose in posting that was to allow you to present the evidence supporting your views.
I didn't feel the need to rebut anything you said because all of your 'evidence' rests on the video you posted numerous times.
Not to mention that the Z-film was extensively tampered with and is therefore of questionable value as evidence.
Even in the modern age excessive tampering of video is difficult to hide. There is a hiccup as Jackie attempts to hide the weapon yet a frame captures a metallic object.
Are you suggesting the behavior of the vehicle occupants is animation?
Catch the last five minutes of Charles Giuliani? He's a straight shooter. Always has been.
It wasn't video tape which didn't exist in 1963 it was split 16mm super8 movie film. It went from Dallas to the top secret Kodak Hawkeye Works in Rochester NY (where my cousin worked) where it was extensively altered with deletions, splices, slices, a dices and remained unseen by the public for some dozen years.
I can't seem to get a straight answer out of Fetzer or his circle.
" yet a frame captures a metallic object."
Wow!! That's your whole argument? Your entire thesis rest on "captures a metallic object"??
The reason you can't be taken seriously is you're accusing these guys of drawing conclusion, while you yourself are doing it but from a stand-point of much greater speculation.
Now personally I don't believe this crap about "getting a skull fragment" - I mean, who does that!?!?!? What was she going to do, put it back? There are lots of other people around, why does she have to get it?
But I don't then surmise and shout to the rooftops what happened, I just say I don't buy this skull fragment retrieval crap...
She was retrieving a large glob of brain tissue not a skull fragment. She was in shock and not acting rationally. She gave it to one of the ER doctors and asked "will this help?" The doctor's testimony is on YT.
Fair enough, still seems pretty odd but it's believable, everyone acts in their own peculiar way when in shock.
Is that a joke?
Where does she pocket her brain and skull souvenirs?
They must have edited that move out too
Well, a doctor said it so it must be true.
Just like Dr. Carver over in Sandy Hook.
See Jackie jump and magically pocket slimy bits of brain and bone with one hand while crawling with the other two.
Maybe she wanted it for "spirit cooking."
Dog treat
The home movies were massively edited to remove the limo stop and at least two shots to the head: one from behind, which was fired from the Dal-Tex; and one from the right/front, fired from the intersection of the Triple Underpass and the picket fence. You are reasoning on the basis of a fabricated film, which I have explained many times in many places. You don't know what you are talking about. See, for example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_B1E_ainGQ You, alas, have been misled by manufactured evidence.
Oh, folks have been misled all right.
Oow,oow...I'm about to channel Walter Cronkite...stand by:
"It's official now *takes off glasses* Panzerfaust is a troll...and that's the way it is."
LOL @ EP. Good one.
Cronkite was communist. He admitted this in the Jan 2000 edition of Parade.
I am no troll though. Just tired of bulls##t being served up as steak.
And I'm tired of reading your comments.
Speaking of bullshit, you didn't seem to realize that I was bullshitting you with that Jackie smoking gun post.
Let's talk about the gas tank that you changed on your truck instead. How did that go?
Went well, used ratcheting straps to raise and hold it in place. Most people use a floor jack but I'm always looking for a better solution.
Panzer, we've given you several platforms to post your JFK 'research'.
Time to settle down.
The lone gunman magic bullet.
Circular ambush.
Believe what you want.
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