James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.
I really really wish Fetzer would take calls again, these monologues are shit boring now... Blah blah blah pulse nightclub. We've heard it all before Jim - ad nauseum
And I heard Joël Skousen on infowhore getting all war horny - apparently the "globalists" have been building up China/Russia so they can attack the US FOR OVER 70 YEARS. Still waiting...
AJ is a disgusting shill for government now, I'm glad he unmasked himself so completely.
I don't doubt (((with))) is serious to some extent, but whole fucking Trump train is psyop - Hope & Change 2.0
I have accept fault, despite Renegade pretty much telling me exactly what Trump was - and I listened I just wanted to believe - I fell for this crap just like I fell for Obama.
Maybe but they got a lot closer than most. Listening to that pile of garbage Jones now is hilarious - just like blackbird 9 said he's become a pure shill for government! Today he's saying we need a replacement population because whites don't breed. Un fucking believable, he wants to blame Bannon for everything which is funny because he's the Benedict Arnold
I really really wish Fetzer would take calls again, these monologues are shit boring now... Blah blah blah pulse nightclub. We've heard it all before Jim - ad nauseum
And I heard Joël Skousen on infowhore getting all war horny - apparently the "globalists" have been building up China/Russia so they can attack the US FOR OVER 70 YEARS. Still waiting...
AJ is a disgusting shill for government now, I'm glad he unmasked himself so completely.
fetzer seems to take (((wolff))) serious................. nuff said
I don't doubt (((with))) is serious to some extent, but whole fucking Trump train is psyop - Hope & Change 2.0
I have accept fault, despite Renegade pretty much telling me exactly what Trump was - and I listened I just wanted to believe - I fell for this crap just like I fell for Obama.
I'm sick of this shit
renegade didn;t tell you the whole story................
Maybe but they got a lot closer than most. Listening to that pile of garbage Jones now is hilarious - just like blackbird 9 said he's become a pure shill for government! Today he's saying we need a replacement population because whites don't breed. Un fucking believable, he wants to blame Bannon for everything which is funny because he's the Benedict Arnold
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