The Sepher Yetzirah is a foundation document to the Qaballistic Arts It is also one of the earliest occult documents that specifically references linguistic observations being embedded into esoteric constructions.
The primary proposition of the The Sepher Yetzirah is that language is predicated on 3 ciphers, or sepharim: letter, numbers, and sounds. Writing in the introduction to his work, “The Sepher Yetzirah”, William Wescott shares,
Eliphas Levi, the famous French Occultist, thus wrote of the “Sepher Yetzirah” in his “Hisoire de la Magi, p 54:”The Zohar is a Genesis of the illumination, the Sepher Jezirah is a ladder formed of truths. Therein are explained the thirty-two absolute signs of sounds, numbers and letters: each letter reproduces a number, an idea and a form; so that mathematics are capable of application to ideas and to form not less rigorous than to numbers, by exact proportion and perfect correspondence.
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