April 05, 2019

Alex Jones' "Psychosis"

I accidentally deleted this post from April 2nd that the Ogster posted... and all the comments, there were about 28 of them and i feel horrible about it.  I thought i was deleting a draft of mine... here's the video, anyways... i'm truly sorry Ogster.

Maybe someone knows how to undelete something like this... that would be nice... 


Forge The Bond said...

What Alex describes as "almost a form of psychosis" is code for 'face down and shekeled in the dirt'.

YUKON JACK said...

Alex Jonestein is a tool being used to destroy the alternative media. He is not on our side, he does not speak for us. The idea that Jones can be sued for Sandy Hoax is completely ridiculous. We have first amendment rights and can say any damn thing we want. His trial is a hoax, he is an actor like Trump and AOC.

The purpose of this drama is to stop the alt media from talking about the Sandy Hoax psyop. For some reason they are going all out to protect the Sandy Hook false narrative. Jones is a tool being used to shut down dissent.

This is not the first time he was used to do this, last year there was all this drama around Jones on Facebook and Twitter. Then the purge came right at the peak of the drama. I lost 40 some blogs - they just disappeared and it was coincidental to the Jones ban psyop.

Jones is never going to be banned or censored, he is a CIA asset, he works for the evil Jews, he is evil to his core, he is the biggest traitor posing as a patriot.

Voltman said...

The ugly truther:
"...that will FOREVER be tarred with the dirty business

of the ‘Sandy Hook Never Happened’ nonsense"...

And just WHO will be doing the tarring?

Could it be the usual liars and liar worshippers?
Could it be those looking for an excuse to tar and

feather truth seekers?
Could it be those who need to believe the Fake authorities and their shitstream media?

Thousands of kids are being bombed to smithereens all over the world by the ziocon industrial compost. Who's remembering, respecting, acknowledging, sympathizing, empathizing with their families?!

Who's calling for better bomb control laws?!

It fits nicely with the rest of Horseshit Productions for mass consumption and ass distribution by Shitstream Media and the political muppet show. There will never be a shortage of excuses for the militantly ignorant. They will keep on believing fake authorities and allowing paid liars to run the show until the very end when that "OH SHIT!!!" moment strikes them like a lightning bolt from above.

Teletubbies will adamantly keep their heads stuck in the sand of their deserted Fukushima beaches.

Voltman said...

Angels of Paradise tortured
Children from Paradise murdered
Blown up houses and toasted buses
Dead children thrown under the buses

Was it the Russians or those North Koreans?
Maybe the Persians with the Venezuelans?
It would never be Nathan, Jacob and Evelyne
Pacific Gas & Electric or the CITY of London

Pacific Ocean turning into the Dead Sea
Who will get tarred for such cosmic catastrophe?
The wonderfully green nuclear industry?
The royal Amschel Rothschild banking family?

With straight face they will call it white nationalism
Will likely blame it all on antisemitism,
Fuku Shimatsu and Dana Daiichi


Voltman said...

Zapoper is OK. I just talked to him on the phone.
He'll be back uploading the backlog within the next 24 hours.

Adam Green
The Bolshevism & Zionism Dialectic | Christopher Jon Bjerknes

There are many missing comments on this page, suddenly.

The_Mad_Subtitler said...

Remember his Jewish wife left him. When the rats start leaving the ship it's usually because they think it's going to sink.

The fact that it even matters whether they leave their puppet standing or burn him down is cartoonish. It is hard to care one way or the other.

After all the crazy crap Jones has done? Who in the hell would take him seriously anyway? Who would waste their time listening to him? It's sad to think that the only reason Jones matter is because there are people out there stupid enough to take him seriously.

The_Mad_Subtitler said...

Yeah Voltman, there are many comments missing because Wanda came in here and deleted all the banter. How does that statement go? Power corrupts, ultimate power corrupts ultimately?

The_Mad_Subtitler said...

ONE MORE THING WANDA: If Zap had an issue and I do hope he is OK, whoever he actually is. But being the paranoid bunch that we are, we want to know ONE THING. Why did no one else post anything in here during his virtual absence Wanda? You state that you could barely get a hold of him yet... you and the other people all quit posting all at once as if the umbilical cord to the mother placenta was cut.

Whatever it was that changed because ZAP disappeared for a few days was important enough that you people instantly responded by stopping all posting. I am sorry but that makes absolutely no sense WHATSOEVER.

Even now that ZAP has shown evidence of some life... you have not posted anything. Why?

What am I missing here?

Erik Paul said...

TMS, are you the guy at the dumpster behind the Publix Liquor store using the customer Wi-Fi?

The_Mad_Subtitler said...

OK Erik well then you answer the question. Give it your best shot. Erik, why would they all stop posting INSTANTANEOUSLY IN UNISON when Zap evaporated? 'Cause I can't come up with one.

Are we not given to believe that they act autonomously? And then suddenly facts emerge that they are not working autonomously but are some how linked a bit more intimately. You are not much of "conspiracy theorist" there Erik if that doesn't make your whiskers tingle.

I mean maybe there is some reason. Maybe ZAP has a dead man switch on the account. They have never given me any reason to think they were that organized.

wanda said...

I can only speak for myself and i don't even know why i am even responding... i don't post all that often or regularly and i can positively assert the same for Scorpio and Brizer, we are all long time friends and like-minded, for the most part... not across the board and we are not all joined at the hip.

This is Zap and Grizzom's forum and Zap and Ogster are the two main contributors here for the time being.

The_Mad_Subtitler said...

Ok Wanda. I will let it go. But deleting people's comments, no matter how inane you may take them, tends to make people respond negatively.

Do you have any news on Zap?

Voltman said...

Can the missing comments be returned to this page?


Massive Terrorist Attack on Paradise California
Let's watch the oscars and listen to the state of the union
Massive Terrorist Attack on Paradise California
So let's go and topple Maduro in Venezuela

Massive Terrorist Attack on Paradise California
Let's give Narcy Pelousi a hand of applause
Feinstein, Rothschild and Governor Brown
Got the best lying lawyers in town

When Paradise became hell: The story of the Camp Fire in Northern California

Erik Paul said...

I didn't find it strange at all, it's happened before. There was even a time a while back when no one posted anything for months.

wanda said...

Well... accidents happen, that is a first for me, and hopefully a last. As i already stated, someone, like Zap perhaps, might be able to restore the post. If i had had the comments page up in another window, which i unfortunately did not, i would have copy and pasted the entirety of the comments again just to preserve them. Sh*t happens.

What possible ulterior motive could i have? Protecting Alex Jones??!!! You've got to be freaking kidding me. To be honest, i didn't even look at the post until i realized i deleted it... i couldn't even say what the comments entailed... i presume the usual sh*t, like they are pretending to sue Alex because it would be a farce, just like Sandy Hook... they would never take anyone legitimate to court because the evidence would indict them.

wanda said...

I am hoping they can be restored Eric Paul... and thanks again for your update that Zap is okay. Puppy power can never be underestimated...

wanda said...

... and Voltman. LOL - i am having a hell of a time keeping you two straight. Geeze... need more coffee, i guess.

The_Mad_Subtitler said...

Erik: It must have been a few years back. Thanks for responding. Sometimes I think they are running this page out of Tel Aviv. But that only happens when I smoke crack and meth at the same time... behind the dumpster at Publix Liquor while using the WIFI... How did you know?

This Wanda is a pistol isn't she? "and i don't even know why i am even responding..." Talk about an air of superiority. We feel honored that you deign to come down off the mountain to address us. We feel damn honored indeed.

Wanda baby, throw something to wolves and we will shut up. You people have trained us to be here. Then you latched the gates and stopped throwing meat over the fence and now you want to get pissed because you hear growling and whining. lol

Erik Paul said...

Yeah TMS I was wondering who the hell that dude was that was always hogging my spot. Kept having to go to Winn Dixie. LOL

wanda said...

LOL... we got a regular comedy writer here. Everyone knows all the really good comedy writers come from Tel Aviv.

Voltman said...

The Latest from Fake Morpheus

The Thumbs Down are leading the Thumbs Up: 371 to 280

Blackstein Disintel
Alex Jones & Wolfgang Halbig Retreat from Sandy Hook Claims


Looking for grieving parents Mr. Morphonius?

Massive Terrorist Attack on Paradise California

Like Shitstream Media, you don't even mention it, let alone investigate!

When Paradise became hell: The story of the Camp Fire in Northern California

Paradise Lost # 20 ~ @ 50,000 Murdered !!!...
A Matter of Genocide
Video unavailable

Paradise Lost: Interview with aPlaneTruth.info on Paradise Fires

Paradise Lost #13 ~ "I Barely Made it Out Alive"
Video unavailable

It's Not Good In Paradise, Ca: No One Allowed In, Objects Flies Out Of Smoke, More DEW Evidence

Paradise Lost # 25 ~ How the Houses Were Torched ? Interview with 30-yr. Microwave Engineer
Video unavailable


Paradise Lost #18 ~ Camp Fire Survivor Speaks Out
Video unavailable

Voltman said...

Vinny Eastwood's latest video on Christchurch

There were real casualties.

Eye witness interviews live from Linwood Mosque, Christchurch part 1 of 2

Voltman said...

A good overview:

Paradise Lost: Interview with aPlaneTruth.info on Paradise Fires


Markus Allen:

"It was hell alright. It was an attack! Stop calling it "Camp Fire" This was intentionally done and there are signs of it with pre-planned activity. Folks...Aluminum alloy vehicle rims DO NOT..REPEAT DO NOT melt like candle wax onto pavement from any type of forest fire. It takes around 3000 degrees....REPEAT THREE THOUSAND DEGREES FAHRENHEIT TO MELT VEHICLE RIMS. It takes NO temp...REPEAT THE TEMPERATURE IS NOT NEEDED WITH MICROWAVED DIRECTED ENERGY. People do not get incinerated in their vehicles like they were folks!!! REPEAT PEOPLE DO NOT GET INCINERATED INSIDE VEHICLES LIKE THEY DID FOLKS!!!! ARE YOU LISTENING? DO NOT trust anyone that broadcasts this as the "NEW NORMAL" DO NOT TRUST ANY news agency that calls this "Campfire". This is meant to be deceptive. DO NOT TRUST THE SACRAMENTO BEE!!!!! THE FOOTAGE THAT SHOWS WHAT REALLY HAPPENED IS ON YOUTUBE FOLKS. DO NOT WATCH THIS PROPAGANDA. THEY ARE AN ENEMY TO THE PEOPLE!!!!!! "


Voltman said...

Here's a video YouTube hasn't yet gotten around to deleting...

"Governor" Jerky Brown jerks everybody around and warns the people there's no use suing anybody in power because they have expensive lawyers...

You Did It! | No Time for Accountability Press Conference by Jerky Brown

A few comments out of 208:

Don Will
4 months ago
What makes glass and metal burned in California?
Climate change people. It all makes perfect sense, right?

Jeramy Rocchi
4 months ago
Governor even sounds like a lying guilty crook..

4 months ago
Dubai can make it rain once a week, yet California can’t...

Ruth Del Roy
4 months ago
at min 5.32 notice his hand sign when he mentions expensive lawyers.

alaric aguila
4 months ago
'take me back down to paradise city, where the houses are gone, but the trees are still pretty."

Civil Shepherd
4 months ago (edited)
9:40, "Exquisite Detail",
Gov. Brown says as he flashes the devil horns hand sign.

Joe Shields from Boston
4 months ago
The news and fire chiefs in California are calling the fire's"THE MOST SELECTIVE FOREST FIRE,WE HAVE EVER SEEN""" WHAT???? Isn't that almost the opposite of what we know as A WILD FIRE??? Houses burning but trees all over the place.....UNTOUCHED!!!!!

Groveler Jerky Brown
You Did It! | No Time for Accountability Press Conference


Homeless PARADISE Victims living in DEATH VALLEY !!