April 07, 2019

Alex Jones / Sandy Hook Video Deposition, Part I

Part 2


YUKON JACK said...

There he is, Alex Jonestein the Muslim. LOL Why is this asshole on top of Mamis everyday?

It is a mistake to even listen to anything AJ has to say, everything spewing from his food hole is an intentional calculated lie.

Jonestown is no patriot, he is a shill, a CIA asset.

Jew_ ron_im-o said...

Maxwell Smart is more credible than A J.Everything he does is designed to twist truth.He should be ignored.This whole video is staged for fools.I could only bear a few minutes,skipping through 187 or whatever of pure garbage.He is a fat fraud!

Og said...

Yeah YJack I know what you mean, but for Sandy Hook researchers, dick brain lawyer here has released new photos of SH. He says there were taken inside SH, maybe

Porta-potties arrived after 4h, still fast
Getting confirmation that halbiq is a real piece of shite
lol fuckin ejit sent aj 4000 emails

What about calver, the medical examiner and all the crazy shit he said, remember he examined all the bodies, his own fuckin words and he got everything wrong

YUKON JACK said...

Alex Jones appears to have been brought in to shut down dissent about Sandy Hook.

It is a huge hoax and those who still defend the official narrative (like over at ugly truth website) must be agents.

Jones is a tool in the belt of the disinfo agents. He's acting out a script to instill fear so others don't keep outing the sandy hoax.

The fact that Jones now says he's a Muslim ought to get most people to quit listening to that ass clown.