January 18, 2020

The Conspiracy Conspiracy

Open Mind Conference debate 2017, from left to right : Max Igan, Frank Rasmussen, James Corbett, Ole DammegÄrd and Hugh Newman

“He who tries to protect himself from deception is often cheated, even when most on his guard.” Titus Maccius Plautus, 254-184 BC Just to be clear,I am by no means condemning people mentioned here but at the same time, it is good to be aware of the point that is being made. Its not a new point and we are all aware of deceit done by trusted people in the past.


par said...

..Dennis didn't make the list ..too "un-conspiracy-spiracy" then.. ..though Dennis will laugh his ass off Bob Tuskin DID make the list! (as well as a lot of other Jew-boy-names..)

Jacky Vanmarsenille said...

"The agents we know do not live from donations, subscriptions, and book sales... they are intelligence operators on salary"

I have come to similar conclusions recently. Controlled opposition is widespread. They fake being just another man or woman, by having an artificial startup, such as youtube videos humbly shot in their own living rooms. But soon have full time radio shows and programs.

Check this out as well:


Jacky Vanmarsenille said...

One more good one, on Richard Spencer and his tranny wife: the anti-German, Holodomor mocking, Zioshills. Read to the end to see her adam's apple.


par said...

..I would suggest association by conspiracy should be lead to a circumstantial level at a bare minimum ..though ..it ventures to rise such a questions viable to stand before "rules for evidence".. ..I like bb9 and his "Thinkers, stinkers and sinkers" analogy – it the “our side of the tale” that thrives on that clarity and honesty*..the deception thrives on willing participation ..this I will agree with ..though I would trow in that the discerning factor of "the fruit of their seeds" is a good one to call out deception with ..since deceivers need to invert language and call upon (“demon calling anyone”!??) someone to chose the unlikely of the impossible to be “available at their own choice” ..and I kid you not ..I should be the master in following my own advice.. ..I tend to be trusting and cooperative to the limit of not beneficial ..being a Scandinavia we (commoners) are pre-programmed before birth in high trust.. (our leaders are not of ours ..they are as “Jew-y” as can be and “follow clan before anything” any day!)

*(many will not know that honor and heither (old Germanic for honor/more/heath equals the same word leading up to my forefathers liking of sanctuary monumental designs of the order of the world/universe/time/calendar (as animated via following the stars and their “constellations) is the root of being Heathen.. ..we followed law and ritual (from our own forefathers language) as Heathendom ..-'dom' meaning to judge.. ..Christendom is the synonym using the Bible as the “law reference”!

par said...

..nice read though on Icke/Jones and co.. ..though Masons as a section of the "over all deceivers" is just it ..a part of the over all gang of the "do not wish the fruits you wll reap after us-stupid!"

BillyBob said...

Corbett is very "scary", he moves to Japan as an english teacher, marries into a very wealthy family, and with Alex JOne's blessing - goes on to be a media star. Many of us who have been around a very long time, remember Corbett being part of the Tragedy & Hope fraud. James is as dirty as they come.

Alan said...

Agree with you there BillyBob. I followed the guy for a few years but yes he is awful. 100% limited hangout pseudo-opposition. (((Shillapulco))) is a great place to go for a selection of synagogue-backed shills, James Corbett included. https://anarchapulco.com/speakers/ ... Guaranteed that "weaponised immigration for the purpose of genocide" will not pass the lips of any speakers at that event!