More research that destroys the fraud NEW WORLD ORDER, it its very foundation. DIGLOSSA, the Language of the Snake, exposed for the masses to see their fraud. This is a great find from Rohan that backs up the theory that the whole International New World Order, is a fraud designed to plunder the sovereignty of countries through a system of trickery and deceit by international banking cartels and private mercenary military governments operating as a counterfeit copy of the real thing...
..and all they do i´these tricksters is "playing the act dumb game" to "intize" their "rules to hide their definition".. ..fetcho is onto these things smack on ..his comment will be they "spew ink to shade the visability" and mind you if they use books 1000 pages long to have their favorit thing on page 666 ..I don't recall what video he pulled out that gem, anyways ..quite something..
..btw ..a fetcho "medicine" is the "octopussys" (the ink spewers) natural mortal enemy: the Cod (Cod/code) ..Dennis swear by it is a clue hidden straight in our faces of the English name for Cod (relating it to Code .."E's" can be silent or "active" and is frequent in "hiding games" to relate "things" (codes) with "surprising cleverness"..
..the Cod hides in the longest for a surprise attack from close up on an octopussy and bites and arm and spinns like crazy is a mortal fight and the Cods chance on the octopussy ..Dennis recommend (comand) us to act the same ..spew the words (code back at "them" and go for it.. ..though await the right moment to attack..
Another one fails the "Jew test"
Shouldn't it be called, as a Forked tongue, then BI-glossia?
..though I feel he is quite onto the rest ..he is likely "Jew silent" to apeace JewTube in order to hang in there and still be "with us" ..I actually like this guy pretty much ..from what I have watched from back logging so far it is interesting stuff....these topics is smack in the middle of what is interesting.. ..and the masons and commies and kings and presidents for that matter too are all Jew-proof abiding Talmudetéers ..though "speak with cloven toung is desciever as deciver can be ..and the "ltimate Jewyness-thing"..
..and all they do i´these tricksters is "playing the act dumb game" to "intize" their "rules to hide their definition".. ..fetcho is onto these things smack on ..his comment will be they "spew ink to shade the visability" and mind you if they use books 1000 pages long to have their favorit thing on page 666 ..I don't recall what video he pulled out that gem, anyways ..quite something..
..btw ..a fetcho "medicine" is the "octopussys" (the ink spewers) natural mortal enemy: the Cod (Cod/code) ..Dennis swear by it is a clue hidden straight in our faces of the English name for Cod (relating it to Code .."E's" can be silent or "active" and is frequent in "hiding games" to relate "things" (codes) with "surprising cleverness"..
..the Cod hides in the longest for a surprise attack from close up on an octopussy and bites and arm and spinns like crazy is a mortal fight and the Cods chance on the octopussy ..Dennis recommend (comand) us to act the same ..spew the words (code back at "them" and go for it.. ..though await the right moment to attack..
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