February 20, 2020

The Graham Hart Show - With Brizer 2020.02.17

Brizer's guest: Lark in Texas and  Dr. Martin L. Pall discussing 5G and how it's tied into Communitarianism, Agenda 2030 and more...

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The Effects of EMF - episode 1: Professor Martin L. Pall


Tim Osman said...

Numerous Deaths and Illnesses Near Cell Tower in Sebastopol, CA:

Albert said...

GREAT Show Brizer !!! :-)

IF the Spreading-PROBLEM in China ... WAS connected to: 5G / Pulsed-Radiation-Technologies ...

SAYING that it was a "Virus" would Be: FAR FAR more Preferable, to "Authorities" ...

Than EVER even Hinting-at: the TRUTH !!!

🌝 πŸŒš πŸŒž

Amanda said...

Learned about Dr. Paul years ago--his work on the NO/ONOO cycle cured my sister's Chronic Fatigue syndrome and Fibromyalgia (no meds necessary, just correct the underlying biochemistry with nutrients, and they both go away--he should be famous for this, but Big Pharma medicine ignores all natural remedies)

More here: https://www.prohealth.com/library/nitric-oxide-cycle-theory-will-it-explain-cfs-fm-and-other-unexplained-illnesses-qa-with-martin-l-pall-phd-24338

Asskickfilms said...

Check this out Albert...


Albert said...

Thanks Ass-Kick !!!

I can't STAND that-guy for even a minute though !!!

-- I'd "prefer" Hilary or Obama to: CrowGuano !!!

🌝 🌚 🌞

I think that HE is (((their))) "clever" "Face" to DE-Legitimise: GENUINE 5G-Concerns !!!

AdolfRichtar@gmail.com said...

The jew bankers are key to wipe the enemy from face of the Earth. Take the power from jews to create money and we will build free White Adamic Heaven on Earth.
ZAP, watch this video and post it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUh_L2P2WJ0

jerry said...

Great film. Dr Pall is comin' at 'em head on. Good for you Dr Pall.

Reminds me of the farmers spraying their fields to keep insects from eating their crops whilst the spraying is destroying the microrganisms in the soil that render the nutrients that the plants uptake and nourish us, the end users! In other words, the farmers are saving themselves by starving us of nourishment. And the chemical companies are laughing all the way to the bank!!! This business model can go on for just so long and then the collapse.

KnownUnknown said...

I don't get it. We haven't had private property in decades and allodial title in at least a century. The courts as always protect the legally well armed but they still have to listen to and record argument. The politicians don't have to do anything besides rig elections. Guess who the voracious donors are really keeping on side, the pollies or the judges? See how that works.

Like the depopulation agenda I've been hearing about forever as the world population keeps ballooning...

KnownUnknown said...

If the evidence is dispositive of the thesis why keep looking for new and more exotic potential proof? Here's the thing, sunlight is electromagnetic radiation. Too much isn't great but a simple t-shirt will shield you...

KnownUnknown said...

I live it Chainsaw, mate. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Fucking construction just goes up right next door and the door after that and after that and once in a while some piece of shit council was even more corrupt than most gets disbanded but nobody goes to jail or gets fined. You just get more mass immigration and more congestion and more Asians - good luck enjoying that!

KnownUnknown said...

That statement is relevant because the whole discussion around electromagnetic fields being a problem ignores the fact we're constantly bathed in them.

Radiation burns light sunlight. It doesn't accumulate, chemicals do.

Albert said...

It is astounding how (((they))) "stick-WITH" "just" Repeating and Repeating and Repeating (((their))) (even the SAME) LIES again and again and again non-stop, generation after generation! -- "Doubling-Down"

(6-Gorillion since even BEFORE 1900s !!!)

(((their))) "forte" is "Projecting": ACCUSING-OTHERS of WHAT (((they))) are Viciously-SOULLESSLY DOING-(((themselves))) !!!

-- The jew CRIES-OUT-in-PAIN ... WHILE (((he))) STRIKES You !!! :-(

🌝 🌚 🌞

KnownUnknown said...

Everything is always worse than we're told by officialdum because lying is their default position and I'm all for investigations but there's also logical reasoning and trust me you know when you're getting radiation sickness -like a sunburn that gets uncomfortable - and there's an easy fix, cover up more, move away from the source or both. The commutative theory is nonsense it's like saying after 1000 days of 5 minutes of sunlight per day I'll have 3 degree burns...

Albert said...


🌝 🌚 🌞

jerry said...

Killing the bees means we'll have no food. No food means slow starvation. Slow starvation means eventual death. Death means burning forever and ever in a lake of fire (if you pissed off the biblical god, our loving father, while you were slowly starving to death). Any questions?


KnownUnknown said...

Yes Albert that's i meant, cheers mate. Commutative is more like works both ways :)

Gwen said...

Can somebody please find in this 2-hour interview the place where Martin Paul is talking about South Korea I can't go through 2 hours I'm pretty sure he mentioned South Korea as being the first test but I also just read that Wuhan was the first rollout test

Gwen said...

Someone please send me at what time on this talk Martin Paul talks about South Korea I need to re listen to this.