June 17, 2020

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2020.06.17

Musonius Rufus on Riots, Race and Regime Change

Musonius Rufus joins Our Interesting Times to discuss the recent riots sparked by the George Floyd incident and how the current civil unrest constitutes a Color Revolution intended to upend what remains of Heritage America.
Rufus's main website is Identity Dixie. He is the host of the Rebel Yell podcast.

Timothy's Podcasts



larry said...

Stop saying fam you nigger

Harry McFudd said...

Really? You're really going to call a God fearing history spouting Southerner a "nigger" because he uses the word "fam"? If that just makes your head explode... ok... I Guess I get it.

But this guy is a goddamn walking encyclopedia. He understands communism and the F'ing Jews better than anyone I've heard lately.

zapoper said...

I actually agree with you Harry. I have not spamboxed any comments since that admin left and as far as I know, no other admin has done so either. Everyone is free to say what they want. Of course there is a limit but insulting me ain't gonna be the limit. I can take it. I've seen much worst in my life.

C.B.S. said...

awesome, definitely going to be checking out his podcast!