February 06, 2022

Night Of The Long Honks - A Night With the Untouchables - Noor al Haqiqa, Dollar Vigilante, Fred B


  πŸ”΄LIVE Day 9 - Trucker Freedom Convoy

 Noor al Haqiqa
Perth police stop church service to check masks…

"The media has made it sound like there’s non stop noise 24 hours a day; media claims that people are afraid to leave their homes in fear of being harassed or even attacked by the truckers! This is not the case. Consider the viral video of the man attacking a driver claiming he had not slept in over five days. Fake.

I have spent much of this week observing these events very closely. There is a site in YouTube called OTTAWALKS. He does just that, walking through everything livestream several times a day. No commentary on events, just observing and a great way to not only see how lovely Ottawa is but also absorb the true energy of those involved."  


Nazi bastards! They are no better than the Gestapo or the KGB and personally they have no integrity or honor.

In Canada, the truckers continue their OCCUPANCY of Ottawa. In support, there were car-truck convoys across BC in the west in support. A huge one yesterday took place from Langley to Vancouver, the biggest yet. Thousands and thousands of vehicles with protest signs and flags were strung out for the entire distance of over 40 km. It started at 9:00 am when the first vehicle left and vehicles were still waiting line after 11:00 am. to leave. They were still arriving in downtown Vancouver after 2:00 p.m. During the trip supporters crowded the overpasses with flags and placards. The vehicles were all decked with Canadian flags and most had signs, says such things as FREEDOM NOW and STOP THE MANDATES. There were also numerous F*CK Trudeau bumper stickers and signs.

Let no one say this is a wasted effort in support of the truckers occupying Ottawa. Lots of money is being raised for them. If anything this freedom movement has recaptured the Canadian flag as a symbol of freedom. It no longer belongs to the government or in any way represents any of the bastards. Until yesterday I was so disgusted with my nation I would not even sing the national anthem or have anything to do with a flag which represented to me nothing but a corrupt government and establishment which had betrayed ever virtue and value which once made us free and just.

Of course the main-stream sewer media was not there to cover any of it, and broadcast that a few hundred vehicles showed up. Surprise, surprise, all major channels, newspapers, and radio stations were taken over by the government in 2019 in that year’s budget in preparation for the Plandemic, with grants to support their corrupt whoring and failing asses. In 2020 with all of the fiat flying around there obviously was no limit to the government largess to the creeps scaring the hell out of the sheeple with fake numbers about “the killer virus” .

In Alberta the truckers were supported by farmers with tractors and cowboys on horses who helped in the blockade at the US border. The police tried to stop access on the roadways but they just went around through the farm fields. Last week the Premier of Alberta announced that all of the mandates would be lifted in 2 weeks. Really? After all the lying, fear mongering, and oppression from this sicko top-down order, can anyone with any sense trust their perp politicians ever again?

Meanwhile, back in Ottawa the government yesterday ordered the army to clear the truckers our of capital, and last I heard the army had refused to do the dirty work. 

Perth police stop church service to check masks…
Ailish Delaney – 7News.com.au Feb 2, 2022


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