Kossoff. When are you ever going to get over your frustration of not being able to find a but buddy in TelAviv tonight? Why cant your little tiny kiky mind not understand that if you go after a BB9, it truly shows your very twisted AshkenNAZI lizard ? If you dont like him, me, or anyone else here, please GTFO already..But the fact that you hang here with your posts, a second grader can do better, only reveals,who or what (reptile) your are, which is an underpaid sexually frustrated member of Hasbara??!! Come on tinker bell, go get me , bring it on like only you can but...a BB9.?. that is not a place i would try to chop down credibility Kabish?? Or however you say it in heebie language. Sharks try to kill everything in the reef they live, kikes try to destroy anything they can get their hands on. Its just who you both are..Every poster here wants you GONE ! Yet you still stay here,,,cause everyone just bothers you ..Come on Hymie Yikman... bring it on -Great shows this weekend! Garhary can be quite a loon sometimes. Once again, life time achievement in my world . Weve both cheated death recently and quite honestly , when that happens , you dont give a rat's ass what people think - I did catch something Dave said that seemed quite out of character. Gosh knows weve been listening to him long enough. This thing about "i dont care about Ukraine" seemed odd for him. After listening a few times I dont think Dave meant it in being the "ignorant American" kinda thing. He is much more intelligent than that. Like i said ill give you all a reason of many to care about what goes on in Ukraine. Ive said over 2 years ago i think the ultimate end goal is to get a reason to implement a draft again. What a better way to get rid of so many white Christian men.. Jews dont fight, Jews dont like our gun culture but they sure would love to send Buffy and Billie to give their life up to Spetsnaz. They would luv to see little Johnie on an AirCraft Carrier with a Kinzal Jammed right up their ass. All i can say is if you are under 60, better start scopin out Mexican cities or contacting Dollar Vigilante's Mexico re location service. Id love to be so wrong here but just keep it in the back of your mind. We get a major false flag here, thats blamed on Putin as usual, better have your gas tank filled up and learn Spanish all the way down there. Call that unthinkable. ? We should be used to that by now. -I think Kossoff should be the first to the recruitment center since he,it, whatever just loves to pick fights Why dont you volunteer for the Ukie Cannon Fodder and see how much your mouth would be yappin after that. Oh thats right, the ITF only pics on little Palestinian girls on their bicycles. Whooaaahhh
Oops. One more. REAL drag to hear Gaddy is leaving. That really f$$ks up some momentum speakfree had/has .What sucks is ((they)) ultimately won! Division. Really wish somehow someway that can be resolved. I found the KGB show to be really up and coming diamond in the ruff. Mike, John,get your shit together. Your both too good for that We need you both !! Only one i can think of to be with JK as replacement is BB9 though it seems BB9 is quite taxed out. Hoping for the best
The Perfect Triangle #101 Dave Gahary- 01 July 2022 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1519808775 https://speakfreeradio.com/2022/07/01/21/the-perfect-triangle-101/
Dave Gahary? Where's the video of the USS Liberty you were supposed to make? Why has the USS Liberty newspaper dropped mention of your book?... and any mention of you?
Dave Gahary? Really? Next you'll bring on Deanna Spingola.... LMAO... like Anthony Hitchcock just did.
There is no hope of overcoming mankind's greatest misfortune because of shitheads like you.
NHS to Begin offering: Video-Conferencing: 'Consultations' "Diagnoses" ...
-- NO: Wrist-Pulse feeling counting, NO Stethoscope Heart and Other Organ Listening, NO Body-Language Perceiving within the SAME room ... etc. required anymore! (One can STILL: Take-OFF: ALL of one's CLOTHING though!, IF one FEELS so-inclined! , or even NOT put ANY clothes ON for the video-Diagnosis at-all) ;-)
OR also: 5, 10, 20 year old Photograph*: Present-'HEALTH' "Diagnosis" ....
* USING: Someone-ELSE'S Photograph too !!! ... -- Otherwise it would still be TOO: "Discriminating" !!! ;-)
Oh, and AFTER the 'Expert-Medical-Diagnosis' has been-MADE**:
--> A Computer-Program: RANDOMLY issues a Prescription: Of TEN Different (Rockefeller Pharmaceutical) 'Medications' !!! ;-)
** Black-'Witch-Doctors': Through 'Clairvoyance', Crystal-Ball-Gazing, or Palm-Reading are also 'Equally' "Competent": To MAKE:
OLD / Anyone's Photo: Present-Day 'Medical'-Diagnoses !!! ;-)
No context Mr. V? Regarding that statue... find the wasp nest.
I added the phrase in question.
Happy Birthday to our Dear Snippits!
Thank you so much for all the Great Saturday Saturday Cartoons all these years . . .
. . . and for just being your AWESOME self, Darling!
- bb9
Thank you Mr CIA
This place is crawling with feds
Kossoff. When are you ever going to get over your frustration of not being able to find a but buddy in TelAviv tonight? Why cant your little tiny kiky mind not understand that if you go after a BB9, it truly shows your very twisted AshkenNAZI lizard ? If you dont like him, me, or anyone else here, please GTFO already..But the fact that you hang here with your posts, a second grader can do better, only reveals,who or what (reptile) your are, which is an underpaid sexually frustrated member of Hasbara??!! Come on tinker bell, go get me , bring it on like only you can but...a BB9.?. that is not a place i would try to chop down credibility Kabish?? Or however you say it in heebie language. Sharks try to kill everything in the reef they live, kikes try to destroy anything they can get their hands on. Its
just who you both are..Every poster here wants you GONE ! Yet you still stay here,,,cause everyone just bothers you ..Come on Hymie Yikman... bring it on
-Great shows this weekend! Garhary can be quite a loon sometimes. Once again, life time achievement in my world . Weve both cheated death recently and quite honestly , when that happens , you dont give a rat's ass what people think
- I did catch something Dave said that seemed quite out of character. Gosh knows weve been listening to him long enough. This thing about "i dont care about Ukraine" seemed odd for him. After listening a few times I dont think Dave meant it in being the "ignorant American" kinda thing. He is much more intelligent than that.
Like i said ill give you all a reason of many to care about what goes on in Ukraine.
Ive said over 2 years ago i think the ultimate end goal is to get a reason to implement a draft again. What a better way to get rid of so many white Christian men.. Jews dont fight, Jews dont like our gun culture but they sure would love to send Buffy and Billie to give their life up to Spetsnaz. They would luv to see little Johnie on an AirCraft Carrier with a Kinzal Jammed right up their ass. All i can say is if you are under 60, better start scopin out Mexican cities or contacting Dollar Vigilante's Mexico re location service. Id love to be so wrong here but just keep it in the back of your mind. We get a major false flag here, thats blamed on Putin as usual, better have your gas tank filled up and learn Spanish all the way down there. Call that unthinkable. ? We should be used to that by now.
-I think Kossoff should be the first to the recruitment center since he,it, whatever just loves to pick fights Why dont you volunteer for the Ukie Cannon Fodder and see how much your mouth would be yappin after that. Oh thats right, the ITF only pics on little Palestinian girls on their bicycles. Whooaaahhh
btw.. If any of you all get teary eyed about Zev Zelenko watch this .. Maybe he was the good guy,but maybe not. You be the judge..
Oops. One more. REAL drag to hear Gaddy is leaving. That really f$$ks up some momentum speakfree had/has .What sucks is ((they)) ultimately won! Division. Really wish somehow someway that can be resolved. I found the KGB show to be really up and coming diamond in the ruff. Mike, John,get your shit together. Your both too good for that We need you both !! Only one i can think of to be with JK as replacement is BB9 though it seems BB9 is quite taxed out. Hoping for the best
The Perfect Triangle #101 Dave Gahary- 01 July 2022
Dave Gahary? Where's the video of the USS Liberty you were supposed to make? Why has the USS Liberty newspaper dropped mention of your book?... and any mention of you?
Dave Gahary? Really? Next you'll bring on Deanna Spingola.... LMAO... like Anthony Hitchcock just did.
There is no hope of overcoming mankind's greatest misfortune because of shitheads like you.
I am Listening to the Limeys ...
NHS to Begin offering: Video-Conferencing: 'Consultations' "Diagnoses" ...
-- NO: Wrist-Pulse feeling counting, NO Stethoscope Heart and Other Organ Listening, NO Body-Language Perceiving within the SAME room ... etc. required anymore! (One can STILL: Take-OFF: ALL of one's CLOTHING though!, IF one FEELS so-inclined! , or even NOT put ANY clothes ON for the video-Diagnosis at-all) ;-)
OR also: 5, 10, 20 year old Photograph*: Present-'HEALTH' "Diagnosis" ....
* USING: Someone-ELSE'S Photograph too !!! ... -- Otherwise it would still be TOO: "Discriminating" !!! ;-)
Oh, and AFTER the 'Expert-Medical-Diagnosis' has been-MADE**:
--> A Computer-Program: RANDOMLY issues a Prescription: Of TEN Different (Rockefeller Pharmaceutical) 'Medications' !!! ;-)
** Black-'Witch-Doctors': Through 'Clairvoyance', Crystal-Ball-Gazing, or Palm-Reading are also 'Equally' "Competent": To MAKE:
OLD / Anyone's Photo: Present-Day 'Medical'-Diagnoses !!! ;-)
zelenko zelenskyy zelenko zelenskyyy zelenko .... let's call the whole thing off! ;-)
I've personally 'cured' 6-Gorillion !!! ;-)
6,000 is small-change zelenko ;-)
raping murdering ni88ers are like: "children" ... raping murdering "children" ...
-- just like You and ME ... really !!! ;-) ... we're ALL 'brothers' after-all !!!
-- that's WHY: niggas in da hood be calling each-other: "bro" "niggaz" 'n Sheeet !!! ;-)
Giraffes, Lions, Hippos ... are ALL "animals" ... ALL "God's-Children" .... ALL da-ZAME !!! .... REALLY !!! :-o
jews be disgusting 'in-bred'-with-Satan children-of-"G-d" "chosen" "touched" "INSANE": Murderous Fixated-on-"Revenge":
Chop-OFF the Heads of ALL: Christian WHITE "Goyim" ....................
...... ((("arse-holes"))) hence (((their)))-"IRRESISTIBLE"-ATTRACTION to: Butt-"sex" !!! :-o
And Blood, and Bloody-Torturously-MURDERING: Millions of: WHITE Christian: Men, Women, Children ... !!! :-o
zelenko ......... is the SAME "brother" ... of ALL of the OTHER murderous-jews though ........
-- ALL of, From ONE-common FATHER ......... except: HE is actually called Satan !!! :-o
--> Hence (((their))) "Noahide-Laws" seek to BE-HEAD: ALL "Blaspheming" "True-G-d" Christ-SON-of-GOD Christians !!! :-o
These ((("Demon-Worshippers"))) ... are such consumate-(((LIARS))) ... that (((they))) can SAY:
fork-toughed-jews: "SAME ... SAME ... SAME ... we are ALL "Brothers" ... ni88ers are the 'SAME' ........."
--> And, "BEHEAD: ALL Christians !!!" :-o
@inthemix16 :-)
THIS Wardo is even-BETTER:
I Have Thought for quite-some-Time: That American-Suburb: "White-Flight" was COWARDICE ....
But, like BIRDS fleeing from Predatory-CATS .....
WHEN one Has: A "Lion" or a GROUP-of-Lions/Wolves "RELEASED" into Your-Neighbourhood ...
UNLESS You MOVE-Your-Family: FAR AWAY ....
Day after DAY: Terrible Wretched Wrenching-HARM will BE: DONE-to-Them ...
and NO "Police" will-STOP it, nor "Fair-Courts" even Prosecute it Afterwards ..........
REMOVING, or Preventing the "Lions" in-the-FIRST-Place ... is the ONLY: Honest-Effort: For Happy SAFE neighbourhoods !!! :-o
LISTEN to THIS Must-Listen:
The TRUTH about: GROUPS of "non-WHITES" !!! :-o
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