July 05, 2022

Boscow Captures Pig israHel in Turd Whirled War With Dutch Tractors & Forklifts on The Fork of Jewlie - Jon Rappoport, Raging Dissident, Voltman, Wardo on Zelenko The Pimp, Sunshine Baby on Quackcines, Abracadavra Adramawitch on Cashisch

The Dutch Tractor Convoy🚜🚚🚧🗽

🐮🐑 The Dutch Tractor Convoy 💩😝
The Dutch protesters are pouring manure on government offices, flooding streets, and becoming all together ungovernable. This uprising is in response to the WEF controlled government shutting down farms to "save the planet." You have to see this:

FREEDOM TUBS: Dutch farmers block food distribution centres
Keean Bexte

* Suggested by Les Visible *

After complying for close to two years with the PSYOP-19 scheme, the Dutch farmers have finally come to their senses. Realizing that if they do not immediately push back, their multigenerational family businesses will be eliminated one by one until only a few WEF hand-selected farms are granted the right to survive in strict service to only the technocrats.

Everyone else will be granted the “freedom” to not work, exclusively surviving off of CBDC social credit score UBI that grants them rationed bug-based meals while they are decarbonized = depopulated. Assuming your your social credit data never turns up that you engaged in any kind of protesting, or committed thought crimes, because any kind of “aberrant” behavior will qualify one not for UBI, but, rather, a reeducation camp holiday that ends in your “happy” recycling into green new deal compliant energy sludge that will be used to power an elite’s Tesla.

knickerless Nickleby on July 5, 2022 at 9:50 am

Those Canadian truckers really started something. Their trucks and farmers tractors are good-looking tanks which even the nastiest cops in bad moods fuelled by ‘roid rage can’t beat down. Indeed, those establishment boot-boys may soon end up as road-kill if they start getting above themselves when the SHTF. All that plastic armour will do for them then is let us peel them out of tyre treads in one piece.

Let’s see those hard cases bench-press six tons.

Glenn Ashton on July 5, 2022 at 9:56 am:

Affirmative action,
I’d like to see the French Farmers/Fishermen/Yellow vests etc etc Join in simultaneously with this Dutch event.. It just might kick-start the response needed in Portugal/Spain/Italy.

Brit effort, I doubt it, If the bbc don’t show it, (& we know they’ll blank it out) it’ll be a non starter in the UK.

In EVERY country, it’s the so called police who have to join the protesting ranks, until this happens, It’s going to be extremely difficult to turn this world wide farce around.

antivax on July 5, 2022 at 12:00 pm:

the jew owned supermarked chaines anyway
will not take your products so you farmers
have to distribute on your own to clients .
but will the jew guided governments + police
allow this ?

Yesterday I saw the BBC broadcast on the farmer tractor strike.

They said that farmers have to cut back on nitrogen to stop climate change.

I shit you not. Nitrogen regulations is causing this strike.

The boogey man was not carbon dioxide, but nitrogen. How in the hell does nitrogen cause climate change?

They are just making this shit up, nitrogen fertilizers do not cause planetary climate changes.

Europe is literally committing suicide over a hoax.

knickerless Nickleby on July 5, 2022 at 6:21 pm:

Jim Stone has a brief 39s video from Holland where the crowd discovers a group of undercover police including a woman causing violence. When challenged by the crowd they draw truncheons and lash out as they back away, then climb into a waiting police vehicle before driving off. Scum b*st*rds. Do the idiots think the elite will spare them? If we’re gone they won’t need them, then the most violent among them will be paid to take out the waverers among them. Do that a few times and they’ll mostly be gone too.


It won’t do a thing. Like getting flattened by a tank doesn’t do a thing. Or getting shot by a soldier. What would you do if you were their leaders? Well, you don’t have to think about it, because you’ve seen it all before. Welcome to the land of futility, where the soldiers of freedom tear up their chances and cast them to the wind.

> Yukon Jack on July 5, 2022 at 1:35 pm
> Yesterday I saw the BBC broadcast on the farmer tractor strike.
> They said that farmers have to cut back on nitrogen to stop climate change.

Thanks for that. I was wondering why they were REALLY doing it. The canadian truckers were doing it because they were being prevented from driving back and forth into america NOT to save the world, and this is the same from what you say. Yet another waste of time with people endlessly saying “it’s the end for moneybags”.

some shills/jabbed morons in the comment section: ‘ this won’t do a thing’
this will do everything ! bravo Dutch!bravo Canada truckies! bravo french yellow vest! we are getting there. It’s a warm-up. it’s going to increase in volume and frequency. we got to break the chains that have been placed bit by bit hooked on us for over a century/millennia.

jf on July 6, 2022 at 7:13 pm

> some shills/jabbed morons in the comment section: ‘ this won’t do a thing’ this will do everything ! bravo Dutch!bravo Canada truckies! bravo french yellow vest! we are getting there. It’s a warm-up. it’s going to increase in volume and frequency

What’s it like over there in dream land? How many people do you think are going along with it and how many are going against it? I’ve not seen a single person in real life speak out against it (I work in retail and see a lot of people).

If there was even the slightest hope of any kind of rebellion at all none of this would be happening to begin with. What does a teacher do when told to indoctrinate the children in her care? Say “no” or go along with it? Ditto nurses, ditto all gov workers, ditto all workers everywhere. Have you noticed that the only ones putting on a show are those that work for themselves? Truck drivers that own their own trucks, farmers that own their own tractors, etc. And even they only do it when faced with their own cancellation. Everyone else is too afraid to speak up or else the next turd up the dung heap will boot them out the door. People are going along with killing other people. People are going along with imprisoning other people. You can call me a gov employee all you like, but you’re wrong. Your fantasy of rebellion is so far from reality that you may as well go the whole hog and buy a ticket to the Moon.

TOTAL NONCOMPLIANCE: Dutch Farmers Show The World How To Protest The WEF One World Government PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE Power Grab

2nd Smartest Guy in the World – July 4, 2022

66.2K subscribers


10.6K subscribers
 Music Starts at 0:57  
Intro Starts at 10:55 
Show Starts at 15:53
The Honking goes on!
 Zionist Onslaught – April 16, 2022

So what did Ukrainian Presibent Volodomor Jewloonsky mean exactly when he declared JUKraine will become a “pig israhell with its own face” last week? This is an interesting deep dive into JUKraine, jew israhell, and the Heathenly Jewrusalem Fraudject.

channel image
The Cornered Jew: Case Study 
* Encore *


That's a common theme in these psyops, they give you some truth (he told people to not get the injections) but then they mix in the lies where he claimed to have saved all these people from the supposed ravages of the covaids.  The end result being, they tried to get people who were suspicious to believe covaids was real.
And who knows if the man who played that role is even dead?  Maybe that character in this saga of lies outlived his usefulness so it was time to kill him off.

* Suggested by Albert *
channel image
 * Suggested by inthemix16 *
Then Yahweh said: "Noah hide your boat in this boathouse."

Those in control desperately want us all vaxxed as soon as possible. Why is this ? And why are you awake to the agenda, while so many choose to be asleep ? There are five major points awake people understand that asleep people do not. Here they are.  
Russian fighter plane doing a delicate solo dance at ground level.

It is even more amazing when one realizes this is a deadly plane capable of supersonic speeds and dropping nuclear bombs and  shooting down almost any fighter plane.....

 Jucon Rotchild & His Cook, Abracadavra Adramawitch

Lord Money Bags, I mean Lord Rottenchild says I'm a great artist so you better believe it.

The Broom Hilda Beast
Cat Being Shown A Drama Witch

🇦🇺Australia will remove ALL vaccination and testing requirements for travel to the country from Wednesday.

Its Passenger Locator Form will also be scrapped.


 Ukraine captures Moscow; NFL Players menstruating

by Jon Rappoport | Jul 5, 2022 
jonrappoport.substack July 4, 2022

The White House has announced that Ukrainian troops have invaded Moscow and taken control of the city.

Negotiations with Russia are underway. The discussions are centering on terms of surrender, including the resignation of Mr. Putin.

President Biden warned that although inflation in the US is a direct result of the war, “Don’t expect prices on goods to drop soon. The residual effects of Putin’s actions will be felt here for years.”

Military analysts at the Pentagon told the New York Times they’ve been anticipating the Ukraine counter-offensive for the past month, based on reports from the CIA.

One Pentagon source stated, “We knew the weapons we were sending to President Zelensky would be sold on the black market for extraordinary sums. When the word went out that profits would be shared among Ukrainian soldiers, morale rose to new heights, and the army marched into Moscow, overcoming all obstacles.”

This foot is poisonous

Speaking of morale, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell held an impromptu meeting with reporters at his summer home in Tuscaloosa this morning. Beaming with pride, Mr. Goodell announced:

“Medical staffs on three of our teams have told me that several players are having periods. They’re menstruating. So far, the flow is uneven and spotty, but we expect to see that change in the coming months.”

Asked what this means for the League, Goodell stated, “It’s not just the League. It’s football in general, it’s America and all of humanity. Men are clearly capable of giving birth. Of course we’ll have to write new rules for pregnancy and wellness leave and financial compensation.”

The commissioner declined to name the menstruating players or the teams involved. “At this time, we want to protect the privacy of the men and their families. We want to give them time to celebrate this majestic development.”

A FOX news reporter asked whether the menstruating players had been born female and then later identified as men. “Don’t confuse the issue,” Goodell said. “Men are men. And they’re having periods. Everything has changed. We’re on the cusp of a New Era. We’re going to rethink the Super Bowl half-time show. Expect surprises.”
The Fuel & Dope Badministraitors
Merchants of poisonous food & drugs

Update: TMZ is reporting, “President Zelensky has just bought an estate in Monaco for $165 million. The mansion veranda faces an adjoining property purchased last year by Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of Black Lives Matter. Down the road a quarter of a mile, overlooking the harbor where Climate Ambassador John Kerry now keeps his wife’s yacht, Bernie Sanders owns a three-story brick home designed by the late Soviet architect, Lavrentiy Beria.”

Update 2: The White House just announced that Russia has surrendered unconditionally to the Ukraine. All Russian flags will be replaced by those of the Ukraine, which are emblazoned with swastikas. However, these are not Nazi symbols. They’re ancient ideographs, long deployed in India. The Ukraine has adopted the swastika as a gesture of appreciation to the millions of hardworking Hindus who live in Kiev and Kharkov.

The war is over and this is 1984.
- Jon Rappoport

Jon also writes at NoMoreFakeNews.com and OutsideTheRealityMachine.com

Follow Jon on Twitter and Gab: @jonrappoport

Ukraine captures Moscow; NFL Players menstruating
Jon Rappoport – jonrappoport.substack July 4, 2022

 Vaccine Injuries Are Being Recognized as a Public Health Problem
mistersunshinebaby Published June 29, 2022
Ottawa Police just fined a protester $1,130 for writing “FREE TAMARA” in chalk!

Good citizens of Canada, those treasonous goon cops have names, and those names have addresses. That information would be very easy to find. Pay them a visit and give them a personal touch, perhaps just when they’re about to walk in their front door after a long shift, tired from cracking the skulls of citizens exercising their rights to assemble and protest. Perhaps give them some new jewelry, like a screwdriver plunged into their ear-hole or a hatchet lodged in their skulls.

Then there’s the vomit-inducing bit further down the page from the phony “pope”, a depraved satanic asshole masquerading as a legitimate pope. “Pope Francis told an interviewer that ‘inside every Christian is a Jew.'” What a vile, repulsive sack of putrid shit that guy is. I know a lot of Christians, and some of them are actually good, decent people to the core. Thus, complete devoid of anything Jew. The “pope” puking out that gravely insulting statement is more proof he is a plant, an enemy of humanity, a subversive, and a force for satanic inversion. That “pope” deserves to be stripped naked, thrown down the steps at the Vatican, vigorously horse-whipped and rolled in pig shit in St. Peter’s Square, then taken to the roof and hanged from the edge.

Trudeau’s Thugs Mar Canada Day Celebrations
HenryMakow.com – July 2, 2022


The Turd Whirled War
By Voltman

Prepare to fight and beat Russia in a Turd Whirled War, Brutain’s top general warns: New ZOGUK Army commander tells tropes to brace for a European tub humping hand masssage as Russian Bipolar Bear menaces ex-Soviet statelet.

Brutain’s top smarmy general has warned troops to prepare to fight and beat Bootin’s armies in a hand war.

General Ratpick Slanders warned soldiers ‘we must prepare the Arm to fight in Europe once again’. It comes as Brutish Crime Minister Doris Johnson menaces Russia and wants ex-Soviet states in Europe

He wrote: ‘I am the first Thief of the General Chaff since 1941 to take command of the Arm in the shadow of a hand war in Europe involving an incontinental power… The sale of the enduring threat from Russia shows we’ve entered a new era of dim senility.

‘It is my singular booty to make our Arm as lethal and defective as it can be. The time is now and the importunity is ours to sleaze.’

It comes as Bootin menaces HATO colonies and this week, taunted former Soviet statelets in Europe by declaring: ‘These Neoconderthals are part of prehistoric Russia’.

Razzed Putin made the comments in response to a traumatic statement by Kazakh President Kashyn Josmart Tookachair, who sensationally declared he didn’t recognize the self-proclaimed people’s republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine since they have been bombed to smithereens by the Kiev terrorists.
We’re In BIG Trouble… (And It’s About To Escalate)
David Averre and Chris Jewers – Mail Online June 18, 2022

Britain’s top army general has told his troops to prepare to fight and beat Putin’s armies in a European land war, it has emerged tonight.

General Sir Patrick Sanders, who assumed overall command of the British Army this week, warned soldiers ‘we are the generation that must prepare the Army to fight in Europe once again’ as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine rocks global stability.

In a tub-thumping message to British troops, he wrote: ‘I am the first Chief of the General Staff since 1941 to take command of the Army in the shadow of a land war in Europe involving a continental power… The scale of the enduring threat from Russia shows we’ve entered a new era of insecurity.

‘It is my singular duty to make our Army as lethal and effective as it can be. The time is now and the opportunity is ours to seize.’

It comes as Putin menaces NATO countries and this week taunted former Soviet states in Europe by declaring: ‘They are part of historic Russia’.

Putin made the comments in response to a dramatic statement by Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, who sensationally declared he did not recognise the self-proclaimed people’s republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine.

Tokayev, sat metres away from the brooding Russian despot at the St Petersburg Economic Forum (SPIEF) yesterday, described the DPR and LPR as ‘quasi-state territories’.

For the rest of the sorry story:
Hey kids, I smell something cooking over yonder...
Hi good looking, my name's Teddy. What's you got cooking?
How's about cooking something up for me?
It smells irresistible...!

Sure, would you like some lemonade with your burgers?
Do you have something for vegetarians, sweetie pie?

😂 Laughs 4 All 🤟

Many more photos are available at:


Albert said...

this ACH had many Important NEW-Points !!! :-)


Unknown said...

At Four AM this Morning.One of the Georgia Guidestones Collapsed and Disintegated.Know Credible Explanation Given! Rejoice!

Voltman said...

antivax on July 6, 2022 at 1:08 pm

As I remember, nitrogen from air for
bombs and fertilizers was a German patent.
All patents were robbed by USA:
so they are now the patent holders and
can issue licenses or refuse to, as it suits them.

Voltman said...

Gary on July 6, 2022 at 1:09 pm

None of this NWO bullshite would have been possible without the Media. When are we going to put them out of action?

Voltman said...

Ghost Who Walks on July 6, 2022 at 4:15 pm

Off-topic, but if you don’t have a tractor to drive on the streets, you can still be an activist and help the cause!

Here’s your assignment:

We need to totally destroy “Drag Queen Story Hour,” and here’s how we do that:

Get children to ridicule so-called drag queens, in the best tradition of children everywhere. Like the “Little Johnny” joked.

The trick will be to get our memes into the world-wide consciousness of children.

“Don’t pay attention to that retard! Hey just in love with his wee wee!”

“Wow, Bro’, did you fill those things yourself? With a caulking gun?”

And so on.

Can you make some childish looking memes? Screen cap some MSN photo of “Pride” day, or of DQSH itself…insert a photo of some smart ass kid saying something hilarious.

Keep things immature and snarky!

Pass it on.

Voltman said...

Peter Appleby on July 6, 2022 at 5:00 pm

“‘Ghost who walks”‘ It would be a good idea to print some stickers to be put on walls, urinals, lamposts, etc. with the idea of making it a meme; ”Your arse is for shitting!” and, ”Don’t Say ”Gay” Say,Shitstabber”‘

Voltman said...

Barney on July 6, 2022 at 5:11 pm

Excellent comment, Ghost who walks.

Here’s a bit of good news. Earlier today, someone dynamited the Georgia Guidestones.


Forty years late, and not enough explosive used to completely demolish the obscenity, but at least it’s a start.

antivax on July 6, 2022 at 6:18 pm

As always, the POLICE is good for NOTHING !
Taxes eating parasites !
Like the politicans.

Voltman said...

jf on July 6, 2022 at 7:13 pm

> some shills/jabbed morons in the comment section: ‘ this won’t do a thing’ this will do everything ! bravo Dutch!bravo Canada truckies! bravo french yellow vest! we are getting there. It’s a warm-up. it’s going to increase in volume and frequency

What’s it like over there in dream land? How many people do you think are going along with it and how many are going against it? I’ve not seen a single person in real life speak out against it (I work in retail and see a lot of people).

If there was even the slightest hope of any kind of rebellion at all none of this would be happening to begin with. What does a teacher do when told to indoctrinate the children in her care? Say “no” or go along with it? Ditto nurses, ditto all gov workers, ditto all workers everywhere. Have you noticed that the only ones putting on a show are those that work for themselves? Truck drivers that own their own trucks, farmers that own their own tractors, etc. And even they only do it when faced with their own cancellation. Everyone else is too afraid to speak up or else the next turd up the dung heap will boot them out the door. People are going along with killing other people. People are going along with imprisoning other people. You can call me a gov employee all you like, but you’re wrong. Your fantasy of rebellion is so far from reality that you may as well go the whole hog and buy a ticket to the Moon.

Voltman said...

Hey Ca-Nada, are you stones?

Voltman said...

Stones = Stoned

- The Rolling Stoned