Scorpio Show: Emergency Transmission - Nuclear War Imminent (UPDATE)
Scorpio once again welcomes Alex Jones for a brief bombshell interview. We are heading for a nuclear apocalypse guys - so get into your underground bunker ASAP but make sure to buy gold, iodine tablets and stock up on storable paytriotard food first. Mike Sledge Joins in for the rest of the show.
Alex fucking jones and looser scorpio. Нуклеар war BLA BLA BLA.
Look - Alex Jones is one of the greatest paytriots to ever live and it is an honor to call him a close personal friend!!! You are probably working for the Chi-comms and Saudis that are running Hollywood!!
It is you who is the looser. While you are melting from nuclear radiation and starving to death, I will be healthy and alive with a full belly thanks to my supply of super iodine tablets and my stash of paytriotard storable food.
Don't forget the boner pills!!
Great show guys!
@25:10 I wonder if mike was talking about Drew MA. AKA DrewMao HAHAAHAH that guy converted to islam. i never knew whatever happened to that guy though LOL.
Anyone who works for Saudi Arabia is a traitor to the country.
Oh no. the bored hasbara's who cant get laid in the gay brothels in Tel Aviv are bored. Looks like its gerbil night eh @Adolph? Word has it in media , if you aint a lightning rod, you aint doing your job. Thanks for legitimizing the content @Adolph!
Unlike @Adolph , making 10$ has zero interest, or intellectual capacity, to be interested in financial markets, give some serious consideration to today's market recap from Greg Mannarino . This is getting serious .
Also if you really are interested in going down the rabbit hole. This guy's most explanatory interview was back with Doug Hagman, Mike Adams has followed it up with 2 segments. Basically about how most if not all game changing events can be traced whatever calendar the chicken swingers use. Its pretty intense and well worth the time.
Aaron Brickman and Mike Adams discuss the Fourth Turning and the RISE and FALL of civilizations
@Adolph this is way above your pay grade so dont waste your time
...hate to get on Fetzer again , but really this applies to many "truthers" . Why is it you are so foolish to give out email addresses like "need to know" as a gmail account " How naïve can you be? And stop saying "goog it". Your truthers but you still search with joogle? Faceplant.. Well if your like Jim, dont carry your phone with you and have a gmail account, everywhere you go . This account was created 10 years ago and has never sent an email out and was before you had to phone verify . Its not perfect but only used for places like here. You know darn well goog algos, if not actual humans read it. The thing you have to worry about is contact list thats too long to explain. Jim and all do yourselves a favor and do some book learnin at Rob Braxman's site on JT. We all arent going to shut them out but at least make it more difficult
If you spend the time to listen to Braxman about this from a technical standpoint youll have chill up your spine .. Just TRY to be a little more careful on that
There is a new search engine Jim Stone mentioned but i cant remember name. It shows shadow banned, gaslit, stories and sites
Finally someone says it christianity is mind control and made up by the same people who wrote the talmud. Its a mega psyops.
I still believe scorp and guisep are well paid operatives for the atrazine food based agriculture corp's that want the hormone challenged people and the exposure to this herbicide ignored! Gay frogs is not something that is unrelated to this ! Hope you two enjoy your shecels.
@decree, the lack in this fun duo is their lack of a spiritual appreciation and perspective. It's all their own brilliance.
Mike should call into Alex jones”s show, in character, as racist, Jew namer, jines. Talk about “comedy gold”!
THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI: Everyone Deserves To Know The Truth
The Conarium Published October 18, 2022
Funny the show highlights two items: 1. If you support Saudi Arabia - then you are aiding Israel, and the Yahoodi's. 2. If you constantly rail against the Yahoddis, over and over and over - chances are you are "dirty" and leading Alter Native Medianauts like the pied piper.
Is there someone in the Alter Native Media who meets the above requirements to a "
Yup, and He's on NOSpookFreeRadio weekly!
No-one uses the J word more than this clown.
From his roost in Jordan, the smalltime emperor has no clothes on!
I ended-up Listening to this Great-Talk 3x !!! ;-)
MikeSledge works-Well with Scorpio, he is fun as-well, ... and NOW we are Getting closer to 3 Hours too! :-)
I LIKE to Get MY "money's Worth" !!! ;-)
:-) :-) :-)
Call ME "superficial" ..... but I really felt "weird" and Subconsciously-"Abused".... Listening-to a Grossly-FAT-Guy .... who touts-HIMSELF .... as a Chinese-Medicine-"HEALTH" guy !!! :-o
LMAO @xmack875. Did you say "suppressed" crush?
Actually the new and old testaments were warnings about the jews.
There were never any warnings in the bible about "Jews"!
The word Jew first appeared in a play by Thomas Sheridan in his play "The Rivals" - in 1775!
The letter "J" only appeared about 150 years earlier.
So you do the math, The Bible NEVER mentions Jews - Period.
The "people" who are a Bane on Mankind - according to Yahweh are Edomites, the spawn of Esau - who sold his inheritance for food, although he was a pirate/robber/highwayman - very long story.
That’s what’s greatt about the Bible, it’s so chock full of mumbo-jumbo, that anyone can derive any meaning from it, based on their own viewpoint.
Same with the Talmud you dirty jew
Oy vey, maximum goy! I have 33 suhvivas in my family, are you saying they died for nothing, you aunti shemicite?
Is that why there’s gas in my chambers this morning, goy?
Maybe it’s just the kosher burrito I are last night, goy! We jews have the right to be paranoid.
Or maybe it’s just the kosher burrito I ate last night- we jews have the right to be paranoid.
The Bible is one of the most fascinating books ever written:
It is the most edited book of all time: Our KJV has 66 books, The Greek and Russian Orthodox Bibles have 77 books, and the Ethiopian Bible has 88 books.
When all the Bibles books are together, it makes The Lord of the Rings seem like a readers digest mini book!
Tolkien stole a lot of his tome, from the 88 books.
It’s like “numerology” there are so many versions, you can get any number to mean anything you want it to.
They aren't different versions, just "abridged" ones.
The Catholics reduced the books to 66 books, so they could be used for "control"!
When one reads all 88 books of the "complete bible" - it is impossible NOT to come to the conclusion - that We Anglo Saxons are the Israelites - broken into 13 tribes.
The Edomites are NOT the Israelites - they are - they are the Ashkenzi's who converted to Judaism around 700 AD!
WE The Europeans, "White People" are the inheritors - We are God's chosen people, but that has been wiped from our memories.
Mike is definitely comedy gold. His best gig was in 2016, where he praised The Donald like it was Second Coming. And no, it was not 7D chess, he really believed into that fucker. Sledge even quit drinking for a while, lol.
Now these podcasts are conveniently gone of course.
Yeah billy-
Even when I was a child, growing up in a catholic house, I always wondered why our “chosen” people were of a completely different religion. I never made sense until recent years. Those crafty Jews are the world greatest infiltrators.
Why did you guys shoah my gas chamber comment? Twas all in fun, goy!
Yup Sean, I've had several discussions with Church Elders who swear that the Israeli's currently in Jerusalem - are god's chosen people!
When I ask them how Ashkenazy Jews (97% of the Jews in Israel are Ashkenazy, every prime minister has been an Ashkenazy) - could possibly be the chosen race, when they are truly Mongols - who converted in the 700's? Then they turn purple and run away...
What really amazes me about "Churcgoers" is they love going to Church, but what does God say about going to church: Matthew 6.5 - 6.6 :
5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
This in the preamble to the Lord's Prayer, God tells us "don't dress up and go to church, when you communicate with God it should be a personal experience, not a dressup party!
If you really want to watch a Priest's head explode - ask him to interpret Matthew 6.5, 6.6
The last Minister (Anglican) who I showed these passengers, told me I was not welcome in her church.
I was more than happy to oblige her, she turned red/orange and finally ended the conversation at Purple!
I've had so much fun doing this.
Fakes in the alternative media? Who could that be? Anyone who works for the crypto country in the sand box that is funded by oil price gouging?
Thanks Dave. Good show.
We need to hear more from you Scorpio...Mike seems cool but some of his knowledge seems peripheral at best..he's obviously never read Cathy O'Brien's book..and Ringo's surname is Starkey..
What happened to that post with the link to Zelensky creating a new Israel? It went to Weird
The "centuries old" Israeli-Palestinian conflict
How the British created it
Zelensky and NATO plan to transform post-war Ukraine into ‘a big Israel’
Alexander Rubinstein·September 17, 2022
Ukraine - Big Israel and the Heavenly Jerusalem Project
British Defense Minister Flies to DC for Briefing on False Flag to Launch Nuclear War
@Panzerfaust - Are you confusing comments sections? I saw the link you're talking about in
Hate to say it, but this was bad, never heard of this Sledge guy before your last show, but now I know why he doesn't have a show. A know it all, that knows nothing, I couldn't even finish listening and won't bother listening to any future shows with Sledge, unless I'm in the mood to listen to bad impersonations derailing with retarded, not funny 1 liners
It was also very obvious there was no flow to the conversation, awkward silences, like a bad 2nd date.
It's the Jews, and just because the masses are finally starting to get it doesn't mean you have to look for something more complex. Now that we know it's the spawn of Satan Jews with rabbi's strategizing the Rothschild's money, How about figuring out ways to stop them or get fetch on and dissect some deep esoteric 'memes'. Like the joker, jester, comedian, court jester and how the Jews use it to get to the King...
If you are the Rick that calls fetch, get on Gab! And awesome calling out that prima Donna narcissist David Duke, his melt down was hilarious.
Yeah we know, but today they are called jews, and the masses are finally getting it, no need to confuse them further.
The only white guy really calling out the jews is Ayo Kamathi. Duke is luke warm and doesnt get past the "glass cieling" on jews. NOT ONE, Nobody is calling out the primary threat of the white race, jewish medicine. Oh we talk about vaccines all day long, but NEVER specifically call out the jew. Ever.
When did Duke have a break down? Got a lunk?
And the other thing NOBODY is talking about is the jewish end run of theft thru property tax. As much as they want to say there is a property tax law. My due diligence and research says there is nothing binding on the property tax. Ive looked, I FOILed for I asked 12 jewish lawyers to "show me the law that makes responsible and liable for the property tax. Anything binding" And nothing.
@SARGE, me thinks the subsequent dates of this "brilliant" comedic duo with no appreciation of a spiritual dimension will become increasingly stale.
Ayo is a ni883r Homeland security pos that copy n pasted the work of WHITE MEN calling out the jew. Get on gab if you want to see White Men calling out the jew you dirty ni88er lover
It was the 1st or 2nd episode of Duke and Ghahari on speak free if we let you radio. Duke had a meltdown because callers weren't impressed with his usual bullshit, it was glorious lmfao and I'm pretty sure it was Rick, he's great doesn't pull any punches even when fetch pusses out, which is very rare, but like the one time he spent a fkn half hour practically flirting with a half jew bitch.
It already had for me. Sledge added absolutely zero. His attempts at mockery were even lame. And I agree, if you don't understand the biblical fight we're in, you'll get bored like Sledge and wish the alt media had new rabbit trails to send him down, like back in the good old Illuminati Freemason days.
You and Paul from ca should have a show! But seriously get on gab it will cheer you up. Swastikas and Hitler memes calling out the Jews 24/7
"if you don't understand the biblical fight we're in"
Who said that there was a biblical orgy going on?
Sarge, do you assume that a biblical fight is going on and nothing else?
We are not all Christians here but we should agree on the basics.
Of course its biblical .
Jews are satanists. Jews are anti Christ. Judaism is satanism. Anyone who defends the jew is anti Christ. Anyone who serves the jew is anti Christ; a satanist. The day the jews killed the Christ was a declaration of war against Yahweh.
John 8:44-48 KJV
44 Ye are of your father the devil (Satan) and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth inhim. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?
47 He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
48 Then answered the Jews . . .
Evidence the Jews wanted Jesus dead
John 7:1 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
Luke 19:27 King James Version (KJV)
27 "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me" said Christ Jesus
Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Saint Ambrose quote on The jews
“The jews are the most worthless of all men. They are lecherous, greedy, rapacious. They are perfidious murderers of Christ. They worship the Devil. Their religion is a sickness. The Jews are the odious assassins of Christ and for killing God there is no expiation possible, no indulgence or pardon. Christians may never cease vengeance, and the Jew must live in servitude forever. God always hated the Jews. It is essential that all Christians hate them."
Thats Nigger not ni883r. Im on Gab fucking pussy light weights sucking Trumps plastic surgery penis. Tons of jew feds Larping as "white nationalists" faggots who dont know shit about WWII or the fucking jews. I like my niggers. I hate the jews. If white people were nnot sucking jew cock we wouldnt have a nigger problem
I think Gahary removed that Duke show. Gahary, Duke, Guiseppe are all phoneys. Especially Gahary. No respect. Atzmon is controlled ops. Teaches in Germany. Fuck him fuck Trevor LeBonte another fake. Great guitarist but weak on jews.
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