April 20, 2023

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2023.04.20

Pete Quinones on the Trap of Individualism
Pete Quinones returns to the show to discuss individualism and how libertarian ideas are often used as a trick to deny ethnic whites a sense of identity and therefore any agency in protecting their rights against malevolent groups.

Pete has hosted his show since July 2017 and has concentrated on topics pertaining to liberation from tyrannical government. He is also the executive producer and writer of the documentary, “The Monopoly On Violence,”. His work can be followed on his substack page.

1 comment:

Albert said...

Ref: The Old Practice of Hiring Young-"Liberals" .... as they would soon-Grow-OUT-of-it ....

It used-to-be that:

WHITE-Folks were Pursuing-TRUTH (And that Building-a-Future REQUIRED such!) ......

and that Despite Their being-((("brainwashed"))) with-"Liberalism" ..... since very very-Young:

In (((state-schools))) and by (((TV))) ......

That, especially ONCE They were Married: And Trying to KEEP-Their-Paychecks to: Hands-On: Raise-UP: Their-OWN-Precious-Children .....

--> They would NATURALLY BECOME: more-"Conservative" .....

------> This is ONE of the Reasons WHY:

Once a Child is ((("groomed"))) and ((("initiated")))-INTO: the ((("cult"))) of Butt-"sex" ......

--------> They will PERPETUALLY seek-to-DESTROY:

"Western-Civilization" ... and the Basic-GOOD-TRUE-Family-Unit Building-Blocks thereof !!! :-o