May 08, 2023

Scorpio/Sledge, F250Report - It’s so over… for America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŒˆπŸ’‰

Clint Eastwoodendoors, Mike Sledge, and Dr. David Scorpio have a serious talk about the state of America and what White people can do to prepare themselves for the years ahead.

Feel free to email Scorpio at


Albert said...

This More-Serious-Type-Format Show ...

--> Is Certainly well-WORTH Listening-to, while at the same-Time: Being an Enjoyable Time too! :-)

And I am LIKING the Variety of "characters"! :-)

Kennedy ... the faltering-Voice ... ;-)

I LIKE "Gary-Boomer" too! ;-)

Yes! -- Corporate / Office-"Politics" .....

I was in California for 30 years ..... and as a NORMAL*-WHITE-Guy...
-- I became "UN-Employable" !!! :-o

There was a THREE-Lesbian-Team .... Who would LITERALLY:

Go Non-Stop Berserk ... IF I was simply-at-Work! :-o

*Normal, as in: non-Homo, NO-Drugs, milk-vegetarian-(6-foot + only-140lbs) and Talk-Radio-"Conservative"[(((mike-savage-weeeener)))] ...

(I only GOT: Home-Internet: 7-years-ago ... and thus a few-months-Later: became: "jew-Wise"!) ...

hans said...

albert you're gonna be in seattle on 611 right?

decree said...

Got to work on that Fetzer impersonation, or why dont you just use Fetzer AI generated voice

decree said...

Look at Chelsea Clintons twitter, all the pro vaccine tweets, alot food for future shows, she is going hard in to vaccinate all children, just look at this evil witch, its like Chelsea is now used by the power that be for all the vaccine shit, the WHO and the CFR are at her back

Albert said...

I become TIRED of Listening-to: Jim-Fetzer loooong-ago Now! :-o

--> So I Really-ENJOY: The Fetzer-mimicry !!! ;-)

The Trade Towers were "just": Various-Types of: Controlled-DEMOLITION Explosives (If it was Possible: With RADIO-Controlled: Precise Sequential-Detonation, for EASIER-Installation, as conventional: WIRES to EVERY Explosive-Device, is a Laborious-Process!)

PLUS the TWO Spectacular:

(I had ALL: 17 Seasons of Star-Gate on-DVD, and they Showed (In the "Extras"-Commentary: How a Bag-of-Gasoline was Placed-in-a-Hole-in-the-ground with a Small Charge to Push-it-UP, and then Detonated to MAKE: A BIG-Fire-ball!)

FUEL-Fire-Ball-Explosion Devices, for the INITIAL: "PLANES"-Hitting-the-Towers: CGI-"PLANES"-ADDED-Enhanced Effect Resultant: "LIVE"-Footage: Of "Planes" (Road-Runner-Style): "ENTERING"-the-Towers!

-----> NO: "mini-nukes" / ("Top-Secret")-D.E.W.-Beam-Weapons! ;-)

.... and, the JFK assassination with DOZENS of: Triathalon-SNIPERS:

SKIING-to-Mexico, SWIMMING-across-the-Rio-Grand, and SNIPING with: Bows+Arrows while Riding-Bare-Back on B&W-Patch-Ponies (The Last-part: DIDN'T Go-Through on the TELEX properly! ;-)

... is a bit "over-done" too! ;-)

Albert said...

-----> NO:


/ ("Top-Secret")-D.E.W.-Beam-Weapons! ;-)



Adanac said...

Prince William - Pedovamps

ovadiayosefgoybals said...

Mike hasn't been paying close enough attention to the (((narrative))) and the (((MSM)))
this TX mall shit IS being reported as a white supreem "neo nazi terror attack"
and they are hyping it it has been the lead story for the past 2 nights now on the big 3
and as ridiculous as it sounds they are reporting this guy as white supreem WAPO and print media too.

Also Mike is saying the victims were white but only one out of the 8 was white

Funny how the Jew York Times piece mentioned he had a patch that said "RWDS" "Right Wing Death Squads" and those kike faggots over at the The Kike Stuff dot Yid like Mike Penisbitch used to use that phrase all the fucking time and the article links it to Augustus Pinochet who Kike Enoch also used to idolize (or till does) and came up with the helicopter meme over him.
Funny how on the previous couple of shows Mike (Sledge) kept saying they were going to do a false flag and blame it on white nationalism.

but now his analysis has changed to "it's real" . unless Mike was not aware of the official (((narrative))) at he time they recorded the show, also I am only about half way through the show as I type this.

So do anti white nationalist false flags even need to have a white protagonist shooter anymore?

I mean we have all heard of bagel NAZI's, but burrito NAZI's?
well that's just ruh dickuh lus as Jim Fetzer would say

It looks like the kikes will not even hire whites to star in their fake shootings or real false flag shootings anymore, they are insourcing the jobs to illegal beaners like they do for everything else now.

This whole non white white supreem thing seems to be something they are pushing heavily now ,this is not the first time, Enrico Tarrio also comes to mind but there are others too.

The question is why and are normies actually this fucking retarded to believe this garbage (((narrative))) of non white white supreems?

And look I am not saying this was fake yet, but this guy was reported to have been in the ARMY(red flag) and he was "33 years old" and every (((media))) report is that he was a white supreem and a "NAZI" who "hated jews"
This thing glows brighter than the fucking sun, just look at the pic with the windmill of peace and SS tattoos.

Mike was just saying there would be a shooting and kids would die and it would be blames on white nationalists and here we are and the take we get is that this is a real and organic shooting?
It doesn't even make sense since the victims were almost exclusively non whites except for one

I swear they are making these (((narratives))) make no sense on purpose, just like that Adam Curtis HyperNormalisation documentary talked about

zapoper said...

Thanks for the links.

What the splc has to say about the shooter:

ovadiayosefgoybals said...

Thanks Zap, and ahh yes they always have to throw in the incel thing as well
and not to mention they are also throwing in Russia
so now if you are deemed to have have nationalist or pro white leanings you will be considered a terrorist and acting on behalf of a foreign actor, Russia and considered guilty under whatever new version of the sedition act these jews have planned.

Of course jews were also behind the sedition act in WW2, Charles Giuliani did a good show about jews and how they were behind the sedition act when he was on of those other short lived network stints I can't remember the name of it now but I think it was the one he was on when he interviewed one of the parents of Rachel Corie.

ovadiayosefgoybals said...

"He shared screenshots from multiple episodes of Timcast IRL, a far-right YouTube talk show hosted by Tim Pool, who has a history of platforming extremists as guests."

Are they even serious?

Yid Tool is a neo nazi right wing extremist now!

zapoper said...

They are all so full of shit on both sides meaning the MSM and the so called alternative that it's not even fucking funny anymore.

Scorpio said...

First they came for Donald Trump....Then they came for George Santos....

cjag said...

Another good episode guys.

Some major black pilling.

Keep up the great work.

It's nice to hear some podcasts with different points of view, and some levity mixed with sarcasm...


Sean said...

Great points goybals. It would be interesting to hear mike respond to your comment. I have stated here that mike contradicts himself often and this seems to be another case of that. Orders from (((headquarters)))? Sounds like (((gaslighting))) to me. Programming note: I like the serious, hardcore act better than the forced laughter, giggle act any day. For whatever that is worth.

hans said...

albert did they hide one of these mini nukes in your shul or the synagogue?

ovadiayosefgoybals said...

@ Sean yeah that would be nice
I am not accusing anyone of anything though
The news was just breaking, this story deserves a revisit for sure'
maybe we will get a better take.
Mike did contradict his own advice though, he says we should not be reactionary but this take was very reactionary.
I agree with his analysis on the previous show about a false flag to be blamed on WN's but I think it is going to be more or less multiple smaller events leading up to it like this.
Oh I thought of a new name for these guacamole glow niggers (Tarrio, Garcia), BURITTO SUPREEMS

RiggedGame said...

Saudi is run by cryptos, nice revelation! So why is everyone’s favorite expat defending them? Oh, that’s right, he works there in some obscure position.

Sean said...

Agreed on the upcoming (((hoaxes))). I am a proud autohoaxer.
It is funny listening to “Clint” get so mad at all the comments he hasn’t read.
Is it just me, or do some of these “callers” seem to be playing multiple “caller” characters?
Crises callers? Perhaps.