June 25, 2023

💉 Conspiritards Gone Wild 😵‍💫 Gay4Pay Alternative Media Honeypot 2023.06.24

Clint, Mike, and Scorpio talk about the Russia situation, the delusional takes from the alt media on it, as well as related topics. Definitely a great show this week!

Feel free to email Scorpio at drscorpicusmaximus@gmail.com


Albert said...

Everybody has Heard something about the "Die-versity-Problems" ... Leading-Upto: the Billionaires': Sub Sinking...

But the Details of the Sequence: of "problems" are only now becoming Revealed:

First the 50+year-old-WHITE-Males were Highlighting the: very very Substandard-Components, due to "Penny-pinching" ...

and thus the Accountant had Them all FIRED due to his "perceptions" of their being: "anti-semitic"!

Then the New Indian-"replacement"-engineers: misunderstood the Transcripts of the WHITE-Males' complaints: MISS-interpreting their descriptions of the components to be: Lauding-Commendations: ie: "very very Sub-STANDARD!"

Then upon the Sub's actual Deployment: the Pakistani-Billionaire on-board: Started to Microwave his SS-Tiffin-of-"Curry" ... causing various "Sparks" / "Fireworks"... to Begin ...

At which Point: a tiny-Chinese-Spy's: "Hysterical"-Complaints, following-such ... "The sub is REEEKING*! It's really really REEEKING*!"

Were simply IGNORED / Being Miss-Taken for: "normal" Indian versus Chinese "cultural-culinary-rivalry" ... and thus they were just each Told: to "Go to each of your Own: 'Safe-Space' Corners!"

But then what Really "Rocked-the-Boat" and Actually SUNK everything, was that: since they were all remarking upon: how extremely-CONFINED they all Felt ... (Since they were SEVEN ... in a sub-built-for-Five!)

The "jogger" who had popped-into-the-sub on his way for a run, (and everyone had "felt", upto that-point: that it would have been: a "Racist-HATE-Crime" to have even "Noticed" such!), Felt like HE was NOW in a Prison ... and began RAPING everyone ...

And then after they had each "Turned-their-Backs" to that, for some Time: the 'jogger' still-not-being-Satisfied: with His "shunning"-Treatment ... SAW the SUB's: wet-Hull-Hole* ... and thus: "Love is Love": placing HIS 'BBC' therein: Tore-It-wide-Open ... thus "En-RICH-ing" ... them ALL!

(*The Young-Sub's "Maiden"-Voyage: "Sheeeet! I gonna Gets ME some-Datt!" -- a 'match' Made in Multi-Culti-'Heaven'! -- Or, More-Accurately: A doomed-from-its-Inception-Voyage: of Sub-"Humans")

But, there is a Silver-Lining to it all ... ALL of the Grey-Haired "Racist"-Competent-Old-WHITE-Males ... REMAINED: Safe + Sound on Dry-Land ... and Everyone had a Good-old-Laugh !!!

... and That' How it ALL ENDED !!! .... and, Hopefully, How it ALL ENDS !!!


* ie: "LEAKING" in: "Old-WHITE-Male"-Speak / Standard-English ;-)

zapoper said...

Albert needs a double tap. LOL

zapoper said...

To this day, they still have not found a way to recycle Li-ion batteries and it's suppose to save the planet? ROFL

Albert said...

This was a FUN Talk !!!

Highly Recommended !!! :-)

Albert said...

ALL Chinese Delivery Personnel for: UPS USPS and FedEx have been "Put-on-Indefinite-Leave" Today ....

-- After a Terrible-Spate of Customer "Miss-Understandings" Resulted from these "Enthusiastic"-Drivers' Characteristic:

"Enthusiastic" Announcements of the Arriving of their: SUPPLIES ...

--> It Seems that such Unexpected Announcements RESULTED "Inexplicably" in MANY:

Tragic ARMED* responses !!! :-o

*Especially in the "disadvantaged" black-"communities" ... where folks are "understandably" "Traumatised" already by: unexpected: "Visitors" !!!


Get it!?

CHINESE Parcel-Delivery-Personnel: Unexpectedly Running-UP: and Loudly-Announcing: "SUPPLIES !!! SUPPLIES !!! SUPPLIES !!!"


(Chinese pronounce: "L" as "R" !!! ;-) )

BuelahMan said...

I've tried to give these guys a chance... sometimes funny, sometimes informative.

But after the last couple of shows that are simply boomer bashing spectacles, I can see that any participation by me would simply be a virtual cuck-like listening for some stupid self-punishment. If those guys hate boomers as they say they do, why in the fuck would I bother giving them my time?

I suggest the guys stop bashing boomers with every breath, since you are alienating potential allies. But then again, that would mean they are legitimate and real in their aspirations.

It reminds me of the zealot atheists who go out of their way attacking Christians in EXACTLY the same manner the jews attack Christians. Yet they are too stupid to understand that they are operating the enemy's playbook.

RiggedGame said...

Scorpio is a boomer, so there’s that! Boomers had the cake and ate it too, whatever that really means! That’s why there’s so much contempt and scorn towards them. I know boomers and don’t like them because they are largely selfish and entitled trash people. My favorite boomer works for Saudi interests!

hans said...

Gas albert

hans said...

pretending this show was about boomers is a distraction

listen to the cntent

Albert said...

@ BuelahMan

Maybe TRY some Devon-Stack!

... He has been Very Consistently Spot-On, and Fun t o Listen to as-well !!! ;-)


Black Pilled


BuelahMan said...


I didn't pretend this show was about anything at all. I said the "last couple of shows", suggesting that I would not listen to the current one.

Maybe you should reread my comment.

The point is, that whether or not I deserve to be corralled into a a smaller mind's blame game, it would be stupid for me to listen to people who obviously hate people my age and hold me in such disdain.

Cuckoldry 101

hans said...

boomers AND zoomers need a whip, thats the way to see it per my view. be a based boomer or zoomer

https://gtvflyers.com/2023/02/21/every-single-aspect-of-the-russia-ukraine-war-is-jewish/ https://roloslavskiy.substack.com/cp/131133162 https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/ https://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-rolo-slavskiy-on-the-not-war-in-ukraine/ https://therealistreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Rolo-Slavskiy-Not-War-in-Ukraine.mp3 enjoy!

BuelahMan said...

Yeah. That's the same view the people make in their boomer bashing podcasts, obviously made to alienate those like me, who have been at this for decades longer than most any of them that keep spouting the division bullshit.

Good for you. Hans. You, too, are part and parcel of the divide focus, just like the jews do.

If you (or they) can't understand how destructive this is, then I have nothing else to say.

Adanac said...

Ukraine (Clapton Parody)


BuelahMan said...

Ukraine (the original parody):


Adanac said...

Boomers have road a wave of prosperity since after the post war boom. That wave has also insulated them from the current environment we find ourselves in today.

I have seen boomers talk about the high interest rates they faced in the early 80's and how they try to make a parallel, but of course housing was nowhere near as expensive then, so that is crap. Their work ethic was no better either, jobs were decent paying and plentiful.

Boomers are for the most part, blind ignorant and sickening to listen to about anything to do with where we find ourselves today. They won a lottery of being lucky enough to grow up after a large war.

BuelahMan said...


So the answer to the brainiacs like you, is to alienate those of us who have battled this for decades longer than you because WHAT??

Idiocy? Fuckwadery? Insanity?

Love of jews. Acting like the jew is beneficial, how? In the same vein that atheists join the jew bandwagon when attacking Christianity?

You and your army of boomer haters are a dead end. I just hope that sound minds understand this.

decree said...

Was all a show with Wagner, he mit the week before with Putin, they played the west with this show, now Wagner is in Belarus and can open up a front from the north, time will show.

decree said...

Devon Stack is sure worth a listen as the commenter above mentioned, Devon is miles ahead of these here, jsut listen his last episode about Nambla pedo jews.

Adanac said...

LOL yeah there are several versions out there and that song makes a great platform to expose the Bullshit.


Adanac said...


I don't hate the Boomers.

Saying i'm alienating those who have battled this for decades longer than me in pure bullshit. The fact that you put yourself in that group shows your are not very bright. That group has not fought against anything. There always was and always will be a small awakened part of humanity that gets it. The balance are stupid rule following idiots concerned about their own pork chop supply. The fact is the bulk of the boomers generation road a wave prosperity. It's a fact and you don't need to feel bad about it,just don't take credit for it, as if it had something to do with your competency LOL. Don't worry humanity has been stupid long before the boomer discovered the 3 car garage. LOL we still love you Blue.

decree said...

You cant even pronounce Putin, typical american arrogance. And Putin had no jews on 12 generations look up the family tree, just because the mother had a name which is also used in russia, does not mean anything.

Adanac said...

BTW I'm on the cusp of being a boomer myself and can remember holding liberal views as a younger man. :)

Adanac said...

Decree, Putin is a puppet. Bankers run this planet. You and Voltman should hang out together. LOL

decree said...

Dont get me wrong, my opinion is still they are going towards Schneersons vision of decimating the slavs and building great khazaria=isreal 2.0 thats what Schneerson wrote in 1994... so its all a grand play and one day they will provoke a strike on isreal by Iran and relocate from old shitty desert isreal to glorious khazaria(former urkaine).
And still last days Wagner and Russia was a game to play the west, Wagner relocated to Belarus and will open up a north front, it was not serious coup it was all theater to play the west and gullible retards like you.

Adanac said...

Yeah IMO,the jews as a group have been used as a shield by the same old banking bloodlines that have been turning on and off the tap of misery and prosperity for eons. We do not know our history and this is an old weary realm. Current minutia is interesting but it's a bankers world. Most people do not even know they are owned through the birth certificate and by believing the legal system provides justice through statutes. You have to give the ruling class credit for being able to traumatise and then psychologically reshape public opinion and belief. We believe utter bullshit and have no idea who we are as a collective. We are completely fragmented and the Kalergi plan is the current plan to further fragment humanity.no?

hans said...

there wont be a north front decree, you're z-anonning

you clearly havent listened to roloslavsky with john friend..........

saying devon stack is above these guys a guy who cant even say kike nigger or faggot..

uhuh lolz

become a based boomer bulah and stop whining LOL! lmao

if wulfgang can so can you?? surely you can

Albert said...

"... We believe utter bullshit and have no idea who we are as a collective. We are completely fragmented and the Kalergi plan is the current plan to further fragmentation of humanity!!! No?"

As a child "watching"-(((TV))) ... one couldn't even UNDERSTAND: Self-DEFENCE !!! :-o

From since we were TINY we were fed "Abstract"-"clever"-((("ideas"))) to DESTROY us !!! :-o

--> WITHOUT: the "Right" to Self-Defence* ... we can TRUTHFULLY-HAVE: No Other TRUE "Rights" whatsoever !!! :-o

(And a VERY SUBSTANTIAL part of which is indeed: "Freedom of Association"!!!)

----> As, when we are DEAD ... we will "own" NOTHING ... and HAVE no Other "Rights" !!! :-o

------> And TRUTHFULLY: there is NOTHING-(much) AFTER-the-Fact ...
-- That: "Doctors"/"Surgeons" "Police" "Judges"-"Courts" "Justice" or even IMPRISONING: those who have KILLED or Grievously-MAIMED us
... CAN ACTUALLY DO: to AFTER-the-Fact: "Remediate" such !!! :-o

Similarly ... WITHOUT: "RACE-Realizm" ... "Lofty-"Christian"-"ideals": even of "Fairness", and Especially of "Equality"/"ALL-'children'-of-'SAME'-God--the-'Same'" ........ are "simply" "Christian"-INSANITY .....

As, WHEN ... /IF: the "non-WHITES" have "Replaced" WHITE-"Christians" ......

--> there will simply BE: NO-MORE: "Christianity" whatsoever LEFT in the entire-World !!! :-o

------> WHITES MUST NOW: RETURN to Fundamental-REALITY, of -which "RACE-Realizm" is the FOUNDATIONAL-TRUTH ... and even Develop/Cultivate: a Gut-Level-DISGUST: for such: "Abstract"-"Lofty"-"Ideas" Especially-WHEN-these are-"cleverly"-PRESENTED as being: "Moral" and inextricably-TIDED: to NOT-even-'SEEING'-"Race" or ergo: being (a-dreaded!)-"Racist" !!!!! ;-) ... at-all !!! :-o

OR .... "simply" become "ERASED" ... along-WITH-ALL of "OUR"-"Lofty"-"Ideals" ENTIRELY ... even from "history"-(unless-jews-are-'noting'-how-Horrible-we-'WERE'!) !!! :-o

And, I'm agin' it! :-o


Scorpio said...

The ironic thing here is that boomers weren't even mentioned once during this episode. It's amazing someone could get so triggered simply by hearing some basic criticisms of your generation and that somehow you'd be a 'cuckold' if you continued to listen to the show.

We are all products of the generation we grew up in to some degree. I am Gen X. We grew up with the fumes of the great prosperity that the boomers came up in. I could level many criticisms towards my generation. Having the tendency to be nihilistic would be one of them. None of us ever said we 'hated boomers' and it is absurd to try and paint our discussions in such a two dimensional manner. I was relaying some real life experiences from a family gathering. If you can't accept that boomers as a generation deserve some serious criticism, then you are only proving our points about boomers being very egotistical as a generation.

As Hans said, be a based boomer and get over it.

Panzerfaust said...

Has Sledge ever imitated Lindsay Graham?

BuelahMan said...


I have no problem giving criticism where it is due. But you three clowns don't simply criticize, you attack vehemently. Its as if you don't want older people listening, and that is fucking fine by me.

If you are so god damnned clueless that when someone BASED like me calling you out and you double down, well, then you and your dumb ass diversionary crew can suck my dick.

I tried to explain amicably, but fuck you.

Sean said...

Boomers do pretty much suck, with few exceptions, like buelahman. B-man was instrumental in helping me understand the Boston firecracker event. I suppose sledge thinks that nonsense was real also. B-man is a honorary non-boomer in my book.

Adanac said...

LOL!! If you couldn't figure out the Boston bombing was fake on your own, then you suck!

Panzerfaust said...

You're a big talking pos with a bad attitude. Just STFU

Adanac said...

LOL Sean is a big boy and can speak for himself. You however are one of the most deluded military children on this site.

Jumbo Patterson said...

Brilliant show again guys!

Scorps, have you looked into the Cimmerians? I think that might be your tribe (the Cymri of Wales?)

About the pedo-political/pedo-corporate stuff; I don't believe that it is just about blackmail.

These psychopathic nonces are confidently flying high as a kite on their invincibility, and are given every encouragement by the purse-string holders; they know that they have been given carte-blanche to do as thou wilt (so long as you don't make a complete cunt of yourself), and they thrive on the demonic energy derived from their debauched behaviour and subversive political or bidness activities.

Scorpio said...

@BuelahMan - Perhaps you should re-read my comment. I didn't double down. I pointed out that we are all the products of our generation to some degree, offered criticism of my generation (there is plenty more material there) and said that we never implied or stated we hated boomers and you responded with fuck you and suck my dick. lol

You sound truly unhinged. If you are BASED, then clearly we weren't even talking about you and you would be willing to admit some of the flaws endemic within your generation. I honestly don't see what the big deal is. Our show isn't about boomer bashing or trashing Christianity either. Some of our material is just comedy so lighten up and don't take everything so seriously. You act as though boomers are some sort of sacred cow and they will all immediately tune out if any criticism is leveled against them.

BTW both Mike and myself stated clearly that the Boston Booming event was fake as a three dollar bill, so Sean should at least get his facts straight.

Erik Paul said...


zapoper said...