June 17, 2023

💉 CONSPIRITARDS GONE WILD! 🥴 - Mentally ill Miles Mathis Hatemail and RFK JR Psyop Continues! 2023.06.17

Clint Eastwoodendoors, Mike Sledge, and Doctor David Scorpio discuss Miles Mathis and how full of shit he is, read hatemail, and play RFK JR at 2x speed! Get ready to have your sacred cows destroyed on another episode of Conspiritards Gone Wild!

Feel free to email Scorpio at drscorpicusmaximus@gmail.com


Albert said...

I give MY "review" of this Show's "Ridicule"-"Alternative-Media" "Format" ...

... in the Comments-section of: Voltman's Saturday-Cartoons Post ...

But, I have IMPOSED an $8-Subscription-FEE/Paywall* to them ....
--> So NONE of you will be ABLE to Actually-READ them !!!


... It's a "joke" !!! .... Get it?! ;-)

NO-ONE Reads MY comments anyway !!! ;-)

But, the summary of ALL that I have WRITTEN about the NEW: Scorpio Sledge Sclint Snetwork ..... over the months ...

Seems to "boil-DOWN to":

--> Their "Ridicule": "Alternative-Media" New-"Format" ...

SEEMS to REQUIRE: LIES* of various Types .... as PART-of-Their-"Humor" !!!

* Including: "SLANT-ing" / (out-of-context)-Highlight-ing / or-OMIT-ion ..... of CONTENT to FIT .... the-"Fun" ... "Roasting" ...... New "Format" ...

I actually had been Quite "HUNGRY": for this New Content: On the "Shortcomings" ... of some of the Especially PROMOTED: "Alternative-Talkers" ...

... and even / especially: in the "Humorous"-Presentation-Format ...

.... since Kyle-Hunt's BITTER-Presentation of such .....
... and Sinead-McCarthy's VICIOUS-"Feminist" approach ....
.... though Often somewhat-(Dhuh!)-Accurate .......

Were often: NOT so much "Fun" .... to get-through! :-o


Maybe the old: "Be careful what you 'wish' for ...." is in-play Here! ;-)

:-o :-o :-o

Albert said...

The miles-mathis critique seems to have mostly been READING: a ---pedia summary ...

... and though interesting in itself ......... was a bit disappointing nonetheless! :-(

And since it was Highlighting: that ONE of m-m's "hot-takes"/"brainiac"-"downloads" ...

--> was that: Adolf-Hitler / Mussolini / Franco ... were: "gay"-"jew-actors" .....

and that since their New "Format" is "RIDICULE" (of "Alternative-Media") ....

and as: such is such a Literally: RIDICULOUS "Hot-Take"-"Alternative" ...

It is "Disappointing" that such an "Easy" ("Own")-"GOAL" .... was "Fumbled" and "LOST" ....... by ALL THREE: "Chuckle-Heads" !!! ;-)

Also: miles MATH-i-S ... is a "MATHS" "einstein" JOKE was ALSO missed ..... even Despite the natural-progression from: "Methematics" !!! ;-)

----> ie: Mathis-matics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


decree said...

Chances are good Miles Mathis is just an AI, or more oldstyle some NPC run by any 3 letter gov agency to spread mis/disinfo. Not saying everything from Mathis is wrong he sure often hits the nails but thats how spread bullshit works, you mix truth with shit.

Papa Doc John said...

Scorpio is so hardcore Cali, that he wears sunglasses even at his home late night.

decree said...

Btw love it Scorpio references "the great red dragon or london money power" by Woolfolk from 1890, i learned about it from Badford-Smith about 15 years ago, amazing book because back there the Rothschild still acted more in the open and people could see their massive wealth.
Here the book on archive:

hans said...

did research on miles mathis las year: he s'a kike with curly hair

hans said...

"If you use his tactic of "etymological analysis", then this is what you get:
Miles, a variant of Michael, which means "who is like God?” or “gift from God". A Hebrew name
Mathis means “gift of Yahweh” (from Hebrew “mattath/מַתָּת” = gift + “yah/×™ָ×”” = referring to the Hebrew God)
Well then, case closed, Miles Mathis = Jewish agent (probably gay too)"


Jumbo Patterson said...

Mikey Sledge, that's absolutely preposterous!

It's quite clear (;)) that the piece on Stephen Hawking is pretty much on the money.

It's not important but it's quite interesting, from a British Intelligence angle.

In the UK he was a big name in spouting the 'oy vey' science, through his electronic voice box, to the media and to academia; so when he passed, it made sense to keep him 'alive' to continue the tradition.

If you compare the photos, you can see that it is not the same guy, and the fact that he 'divorced' his loyal spouse of 30 years was the convincer for me.

Tony Baloney said...

This show was kickass, even though you guys are in the Illuminati.

PMS: Where's the link to the chat?