June 21, 2023

🛻 F250Report - Beyond the Jew Bankers and the Boomer Menace! 😱 2023.06.21

Clint, Mike and Scorpio discuss boomer psychology, who runs the world behind the Rothschilds, Gates, Faucis, etc. and more!

Feel free to email Scorpio at drscorpicusmaximus@gmail.com


zapoper said...

You will need the biggest Yeti cooler that they sell because you will also need the eyes for retinal scans.


BTW. Fetzer is having surgery in a few hours. It might not have been good timing to make fun of him during the intro.

A big part of the "pandemic" was to make people accustomed to using QR codes with their cell phones. Even in this conspiracy turd thing, most people are using cell phones. All they need is everyone using them because they are the digital ID in some respect.

I do banking, Paypal, Google blog and Amazon etc and they are all desperate to get a cell phone number out of me/us.

Funny thing about Amazon. They like to scare people with the whole security thing so they ask people to type in what the symbols are in the CAPTCHA but all you have to do is refresh the page to go through it. LOL. Maybe they only do that to people who have not given them a cell phone number yet. I do not know but it is quite telling.

zapoper said...

I love stroking that little child's hair even though it feels like steel wool. ROFL.

zapoper said...

Clint curbs the enthusiasm at the gym. LOL

It's not just the boomers. People have been brainwashed by Hollywood movies and tv shows. I was one of them and I ain't a boomer. I've been going back and watching old movies from the 70's and 80's and I can't find any of them that didn't have social engineering crap. It is kind of illuminating considering that I used to be a flaming liberal back in the day because of that brainwashing crap from all those movies and tv shows.

Jimbob said...

I've got one major problem with you guys...you aint on often enough...it's my favorite show on the airwaves these days, keep the content coming..and the humor...and Zap, 100% agree with the above..

hans said...

where can i listen the show live and chat?

Erik Paul said...

@Screwp: So, did your aunt find her cat before she croaked?

Albert said...

The Second-half was really "funny", riveting, ... and it Really-RESONATED with ME! :-o

--> Especially that one of Your-Deceased-Aunt's SONS wasn't THERE because the Painting-Company-GREED screwed-HIM-Over soooo Badly! :-o :-o :-o

You couldn't be More SPOT-ON: Than the "school-of-Hard-Knocks" Cutting their Just-entering-MANHOOD Children-OFF "ideas"-"morals"-based-INSANITY...

Not-Ever SEEING "Racial-Differences" ...

and that OUR: ((("state-schooling"))) and the World that WE Walked-Out-INTO in Our Youth ..... Totally Left-Us .....

(((Deliberately))) at a "Dis-advantage" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

As con-trasted to ANY retarded-IMAGINARY-World they Had-"Existing-in-Their-MINDS"! ;-)

IF I even Began: to Tell you guys about MY: "Baggage" you'd think that I was Doing the Monty-Python 4-Scotsmen Trying-to-One-UP-each-Other routine !!! ;-)

But, suffice it to SAY: That I was in India for 3+ Years Total, 35 Years ago ... and SAW how Respectable-Families: Especially-HELPED to Set-UP: Their Children in ALL of the Ways that Actually-MATTERED for Their-FUTURES !!!

Homes, Marriages, and ALL of the Financial and Family's-Prestige BACKING: that They could Possibly-Muster!
(And all of the Older-Women: TOLD the Younger-Women: To STICK WITH Their-Families!)

I wrote my mother a Letter Describing How:

One Family GAVE Their House to Their Three Married Sons ... and the Grandparents were Thus:

FREE: Baby-Sitters, Cooking-etc Help, and Story-Tellers + Family-Tradition Conveyors ......

--> Such that: Everything "Materially" that The Parents HAD to BEQUEATH was ALREADY-Now-Owned BY-their-Sons .......

--> And, upon one or both of Their Parents DEATHS ...... The Only FACTOR would be Their Sons TRULLY-CRYING and Sadly-MISSING Their Happy-Presence !!! :-o

(What she DID with MY-Heart-Felt-Letter ... well, I shouldn't have Foolishly-Expended-the-Effort!)

-- What a STARK DIFFERENCE to MY-Personal-Experience!
(My ENTIRE-Inheritance was GIVEN to: Some-jews: Posing-as-a-"Dog-Charity"!)

And Your Aunt's "Bootstraps"-Lectured: Son !!!!!!!!!!

:-o :-o :-o

zapoper said...

Addendum for my media brainwashing comment.

This whole woke crap started to really be in everyone's faces back in 2018 and now it's so obviously over the top that even "normal" liberals can not deny it. Only the far left gives excuses for its existence.

It's obviously all about dividing the populace.

See: American Insurrection Frontline S39E15:


And a movie also called American Insurrection:


Everything is inverted with these assholes. Has anyone noticed that all actors have been trained to do a head nod that says no while they are saying yes or something positive? It is in every movie and tv show.

Quite telling.

Albert said...

I am 1-hour into this "BlackPilled" ...

--> And it is Side-Splittingly FUNNY !!!!!!!!!!


so I am Linking for the F250 Report REFERENCE for Ideas !!!


Jumbo Patterson said...

Great show again, guys!

Gruesome lesbian lapdance in Portugal-


powder bowl '23 said...

native americans have destroyed my life, and you think it's funny. I moved to native american land, and everything was great until some homeless people moved onto a plot of land shaped exactly like a triangle (illuminati) in my front yard. they're white trailer trash, but using the loopholes in the local law provided to natives to practice their traditions (I assume) so that anybody can indefinitely camp on private property, which is illegal about every other place in the country. my new house is basically ruined, it's like i'm under siege, and the entire time I'm thinking there's no way something as disasterous as this could just happen as coincidence, but nobody around me that I interact with can see it as anything other than that. Paradise to hell on earth at the drop of a kippah, with some occupy wallstreet indigents who never, ever leave, not to shower, not to get food, not because of bugs or heat or rain or anything else, brand new $150k home basically cratered by a biological bomb. Their homeless compadres drive out to the middle of nowhere to sit on their dirt with them, they got this whole operation going on, and everybody I talk to about it is more or less indifferent, apathetic. so yeah, life ruined by native americans, lawless cretins.