September 02, 2023

Saturday Snack Shack with Blackbird9 - 2023.09.02

Noticing Patterns With Mr. Alan Crutcher

Frederick C. Blackburn (also known as BlackBird9) studied engineering to become an electrical engineer and had a career in IT. He had a Top Secret clearance in the USA. He gave lectures to: Military and Naval Intelligence personnel as well as NSA, CIA and FBI personnel about cell phone and other technologies.

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powder bowl '23 said...

I think that the course of humanity has been diverted for such a long time, and so drastically, that to even call yourself 'human beings' is disingenuous flattery.

You're the domesticated version of what a human should have been. The ant farm, slug version. You dig in crap all day, everything coming out of your mouth is regurgitated crap. The rest of life is inter-connected in a way people are totally detached from. Not because they are too superior to care, but because they are inferior, too detached from reality to make a clear observation of it. Existing not as giants, striding over the insignificant, but as the insignificant themselves, who barely even exist, because they make no motion and are not even part of the reality that surrounds them, but embedded in the microscopic bacteria-laden phlegm of a parasite, instead.

Whatever you things are, is what people because when they accepted a bastardized version of the messianic message and were content to see themselves reduced beneath the conscious capacity of farm animals. To even label yourselves 'people' is a misnomer, that is not what you are. It is a name you've stolen, another fanciful bs idea you mindless, senseless, soulless parasites regurgitate.

Erik Paul said...

Remember, Powder Bowl, you can always kill yourself.

Noor al Haqiqa said...

Powder Bowl. You are quite amusing. No one is asking you to stay here with us. Feel free to change dimensions any time. Meanwhile, your literary attempts are maudlin and laughable. Herenhaf the Ferryman's is ready to take you across the Styx any time you wish.

Adanac said...

We noticed you powder bowl! It will be okay!

Autumn Leaves