October 30, 2023

israel Is Genociding Gaza - Max Igan, Wil Paranormal + Turkey To Declare Israel a War Criminal - Erdogan + Controlled Opposites: Harry Vox and Handsome Truth - Salamandren + Grave New World - Strawbs


Max Igan Video by The Crowhouse


Max Igan Video by The Crowhouse

ISTANBUL, October 28. /TASS/. Turkey will declare Israel a war criminal and will do it before the entire international community, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said at a mass rally in support of Palestine held at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport.

"We are going to declare Israel a war criminal. We will inform the international community, as we have already been working on it," he said.

Erdogan lambasted Israel as an invader and a group, pointing out that the Palestinian movement Hamas is not a terrorist organization.

The West is fully responsible for bloodshed in Gaza, Turkish President said.

"[The blame for] the Gaza massacre lies entirely with the West, as the conflict in the region is its brainchild," Erdogan said.


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During Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recent appearance on The Jimmy Dore Show, the topic of Israel came up, and the Democratic presidential candidate expressed a range of perspectives and opinions that could have come straight out of the most pro-Likud Israeli apologist. Now The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal has come on to set the record straight and explain the misrepresentations, half-truths, propaganda and outright lies RFK shared.

CONFIRMED: Robert Kennedy Jr. is a disgusting israel ass licker. He and Trumpenstein can go straight to israhel as far as I'm concerned! - Voltman
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 Superpower my ass!
 A SICK Joke
The US army is a stupid bunch of order following terrorists, immoral mercenaries, conceited ignoramuses and unprincipled shitheads. These imbeciles haven't even identified the enemy!
May they rot.
Bombs are shredding and pulverizing their bodies right now. Unlike that tale of decapitated Israeli babies, it’s not another Jewish lie. They can’t help but keep them coming. Those who cheer for Palestine’s destruction are already in hell.

As Jews commit, most nakedly, ethnic cleansing in Gaza, the American Senate voted 97 to 0 to back Israel. With Jewjabs and the war in Ukraine, that’s three simultaneous Jew orchestrated genocides.

On TikTok, Jews mock Palestinian suffering by dressing up as the most hideous Arabs. A keffiyeh draped Jew with a fake head wound holds an effigy of a dead baby. Enjoying her sick skit, she smiles. Another Jew wastes his tap water to taunt Palestinians’ lack of access to that resource. What do you expect, though, from a nation whose defense minister just referred to Palestinians as “human animals.”

Such nauseating racism is kosher in the West. Groveling to Jews has become a Western hallmark. That’s why their societies are beyond sick, by any measuring stick.

 Televised Apocalypse, But First, a Word from Our Sponsor


Panzerfaust said...

Mike Penovitch fucking owns Jooz in front of the Jew Pedo House (Formerly White House)

Panzerfaust said...

Gets heated here in audio after the show intro

Albert said...

"...the 'final-solution' was not a mistake ..."

F**k these F**king "Truthers" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

Half of the Year ... those WORK-Camps .... far AWAY from the Front-lines, or FIRE-Terror-Bombings .....

--> Were indeed SUMMER-Camps !!! ..... Especially as Contrasted to How ALL of the TRUE-Germans ... COULDN'T even "Expect" a simple-GOOD-Night's-SLEEP !!! :-o :-o :-o

--> F**k these F**king "Truthers" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

THEY can Stick Their "Truth" UP-Their-Arses !!! ;-)

Albert said...

Unfortunately .... BECAUSE: Hitler was Too-KIND to these MURDEROUS-VILE-"Vengeful"-Scum-(((parasites)))

NOW (((they))) have "cleverly"-EXTENDED: GERMANY's "Guilt" ......

--> To ALL-WHITES NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o :-o :-o

... and it has COST:

200,000,000* WHITE-Christian-Russians' Lives due to ((("bolsheviks")))

100,000,000+* WHITE-Christian-Europeans' Lives due to "WWI" + "WWII"

100,000,000* WHITE-Christian-BABIES' Lives due to ((("abortion")))

Literally BILLIONS* of WHITES ..... who were NEVER-Even-BORN ... because Their Potential: Mothers + Fathers were BRUTALLY MURDERED: BEFORE they could even HAVE:

Children + Thus Grand-Children etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

.... a TRUE "Final Solution" to the "jew-ish" MASS MASS MASS Vicious-BRUTAL-TERRIBLE: WHITE-Genocide .....

--> Would, Especially in HINDSIGHT: have been the GREATEST: Morality, ... AND KINDNESS !!!

--> To the TRUELY GOOD, and NOT-"parasitic" WHITE-Empathy-Endowed-WHITE-HUMANS !!! :-o

"jews" revel with "insane"-glee: at the Devilish: DIS-Genics (((they))) fervently: Bankers'-FAKE-"Money": COLDLY IMPLEMENT !!! :-o

* And THESE: WHITE DEATHS ... at the "hands" of "jews" ...... are "Only" "just" the BEGINNING of (((their))) TRULY-EVIL-PLANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o :-o :-o

Talk about: "cognitive-Dissonance" !!! ;-)