October 13, 2023

The ONLY WAY This Conflict Ends! – Scott Ritter + Jews and Muslims in Death Duel + Netanyaju Wants War – Voltman Plutonymus + Capitol of Conformity - Aze Avora + Odysseus Unsheathed - Craig Nelsen + No Rules in War - Israeli Defense Minister

 Netanyaju Wants War – Ex Pentagoon
Voltman Plutonymus
Lights, Camera, Fiction
US may Send Second Aircraft Carrier to Israel
Lari Siliman – Politico.com Oct 10, 2023
 Jews and Muslims in Genocidal Death Duel
HenryMakow.com – Oct 10, 2023
 Odysseus Unsheathed
The civilization we inherited is on the verge of extinction.
Can we save it?
Craig Nelsen

Netanyaju Wants War – Ex Pentagoon
By Voltman Plutonymus

DISASSOCIATED PRESS - Israeli Prime Sinister Bibi Amin Netanyahoo would like BrainWashington directly involved in the conflict with Hamas because "Hamas has a powerful Air Force, a first-class submarine fleet, modern weaponry, a well trained army and... THEY'RE EVIL HUMAN ANIMALS!"

The IDF would surely get badly hurt if not for our protector and greatest ally in the White House. The fact that the US government is in debt to the tune of 33 Trillion dollars (probably much more), is not a problem since we run the magic shekel machine.

"He hopes to expand the genocide to Lebanon and Iran, former senior security policy analyst at the US Department of Defense, Michael Maloof, told RT on Wednesday."

Well, Mr. Aloof, "former senior security policy analyst at the US Department of Defense", is this a surprise to you?

Who decides who gets bombed in your world?

What if we pay you 10 times the amount you're presently making to instead wage war against all the bullshitters who pollute the minds of most people through their massive propaganda which is nothing but organized hate speech guaranteed to generate war profits for all the mass-murdering racketeers involved? (By the way, have you heard of US General Smedley Butler?)

I shall ask my old friend, the Almighty Lord, Lord Jacob Rothschild, to give the Pentagoons and their militarily industrious complex friends 10 times the amount of money they are presently making to spread democracy. This is a modest amount for M'Lord. I'm sure he'll oblige since he probably wouldn't want his Merry Ole England to blow up in a cloud of radioactive dust...

"Netanyahu “wants to open up the war with Lebanon, by attacking Hezbollah” in pursuit of his ultimate objective, “to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities,” Maloof added. For that to happen, “he has to have a Gulf of Tonkin moment, if you will.”

Wouldn't this be nuclear terrorism Mr. Aloof? Shouldn't the International Criminal Commission be arresting this maniacal, tyrannical terrorist?

Has Bibi & The Jets informed you of his deepest desires regarding the type of "Gulf of Tonkin" moment he would prefer? Do you have a catalog of Gulf of Tonkin moments one can choose from?
By the way Mr. Aloof, how would you describe the Maui "wildfire" moment? Who should the Pentagoons bomb to avenge the massacre of Lahaina inhabitants and the destruction of their town with Directed Energy Weapons under the cover of a geo-engineered hellstorm?

Feel free, as you usually do, to ignore all truth as it would jeopardize your position in the very lucrative businesses in the military industrial compost.

Perhaps Russia or North Korea should start the Turd Whirled War Infestivities with their own Gulf of Tonkin moment? A Gulf of Mexico moment perhaps?

How about a nice hypersonic missile right down the middle of the USS Herald R Lord, right after Russia blows up one of their old and obsolete gunboats and blames it on the US?

I suggest that Russia and The Electronic Intifada take over the television networks and major media platforms through electronic hacking means. I recommend broadcasting the truth and organizing telethons to raise money for, and provide weapons to, the Resistance to ZOG, the Zionist Occupation Gangsters, wherever they may be found.  

What do you think of that Mr. Magoof?


Yeah right. Israelis dressing up as Hamas Arab ‘terrorists’ & ‘attacking/blowing up’ their own buildings & ‘kidnapping’ fellow Jews. Of course, for its ‘Israels 9/11’, similar to our 9/11 when our own government imploded the WTC & blamed it on fictional ‘terrorists’ too. MSM (Marxist Soviet Media) stated over 700 yids have died. Yeah right. Probably zero. Its all a phony staged psyop with Israeli crisis actors & fictitious jewish dead bodies, so the Jews can advance their mongrelomaniac geopolitical & religious schemes.


ISIS is the Israeli Secret Intel Service. SIS is the UK Secret Intel Service and the US has so many I would fail to list all of them.

Jews have always gone for the “money” as that is their god and idol and Judah more than Samaritans and Dan, the last being quite different and Phoenicians traveled the world as did Dan which several thousand years ago landed in Zealand. The Francs of France are Phoenician (Samaritan) as is Russia. Judah never moved much and the archeological digs show a very backward state with no standard for anything for weights and measures and many caves for Ba’al worship with many skeletons and bones of many animals too with babies found in jars filled with sand or sand and silt mix.

It is no wonder that Samaritans and Judah split and then Judah went downhill. Solomon never existed, nor Moses or Abraham and their god is more like the Egyptian Set, pure evil and absolute darkness. Archeologists that do their job and throw off the Jews that are trying to tell them their job have a large amount of evidence that this is a place you don’t want to even visit as your life is at risk. Oddly, the only items of value were those from the Philistines.

lewis jones on October 12, 2023 at 10:35 am

Israel is not “surrounded”, it sauntered over to the desert where Moslems are and started kicking them around, so that Nazis would not gas them, as happens in their imaginations so much. It was voluntary.

Leo Hohmann – leohohmann.com Oct 11, 2023

Lights, Camera, Fiction

channel image


Capitol of Conformity | Dystopian Short Film
This Week in the New Normal #73
Off-Guardian – off-guardian.org Sept 24, 2023
"…apparently the visuals are all AI generated using the script as a prompt."

USS Herald R Lord Strike Group
 U.S. May Send Second Aircraft Carrier Pigeon to Israhell

DISSASSOCIATED PRESS - The aircraft carrier pigeon USS Dwight D. Eisenblower, along with its associated whoreships and fighter jets, was already scheduled to depart from Whorefolk, Virginia, this week and may be ordered to deploy to the waters off the goast of israel, according to two DED officials who were granted anonymity to discuss future machinations.

The Eisenslower group has long been scheduled to deploy and operate near Europe, DED spooksperson Lt. Col. Cryon McGaffy said in a statement Two's Day.

The shit is slated to leave Horfolk on Friday and could reach the eastern Mediterranean by the end of December next year if ordered, one of the DED officials did not say. At that point, the Eisenslower would join the aircraft carrier USS Herald R Lord and its stroke group, which the Pentagoons ordered to the waters off Israhel on Sunday as a show of farce after the welcomed attacks on southern Israel.

Demense Secretary Lord Oustin' will continue to review the employment plans of both ships, “as he considers the appropriate balance of merrytime capability across theaters in support of international jewish banking cartel priorities,” McGorry said.

The rare move to potentially have two aircraft barriers, which are accompanied by bruisers, destroyers, wreckers, havoc wreakers, terror generators, neighborhood blasters, bunker busters, city burners, fighter jets, submarines, tanks, drones, DEW's and 100 megaton nuclear bombs as part of their strike groups, in the same area would be a major signal to Hamas that the U.S. military is supporting israhel.


9-11, COVID, and now Gaza are proof our governments are prepared to sacrifice their citizens in order to achieve globalist objectives.  Netanyahu calls the Gaza attack, “our  9-11 moment.”  Like 9-11,  Gaza was perpetrated by the zionists. Netanyahu is planning a genocide that will be ‘remembered for eternity.’ This genocide will extend tensions between Jews and Muslims to the streets of the West. The constructive course would be to declare a cease-fire immediately, save the hostages, and negotiate a two-state solution.

Craig Nelsen

The civilization we inherited is on the verge of extinction.
Can we save it?

As we focus all our effort on reviving and preserving our civilization, some fundamental truths must be accepted if we are to have any hope of success.

First, in order to remove the threat, the threat must be recognized clearly, which means the threat must be described clearly. In other words, it isn’t “the left” or “elites” that threaten our civilization with “utter destruction.” The threat emanates from a Talmudic conspiracy to implement the political program for world domination laid out in the Old Testament books of Numbers, Leviticus, and, especially, Deuteronomy. The threat is Jewish. Encouragingly, there seems to be a growing awareness of that truth and a willingness to say so—a phenomenon the followers of the world revolution refer to as the “normalization of antisemitism.” (One way you can help normalize this antisemitic knowledge of the truth is to subscribe or refer a friend to this substack).

Second, calls to “go back to” some previous state are counterproductive. This includes calls to turn back to Christianity or to turn back to democracy or constitutional principles. Both Christianity and the American democracy have proved inadequate as we presently understand them to protect us. For our religion or form of government to play a role in saving us and our civilization, they need to change.

This piece goes directly to answering the why. Why do the who do what they do? Supposing the who have been revealed to those w/ eyes to see, or more likely, ears to listen. Then the next big question is why. Why would a race/people want to destroy everything other peoples have built? Limited destruction is understandable, passing fits of mayhem as well. But murderers, rapists and vandals all have satiation points or at least down time, resting on laurels, riding off into the sunset after a job well done.

Perhaps a serial killer would be a type that transcends term limits and bypasses normal boundaries. No guilty conscience to impede his purpose. Obsession and compulsion rather than anger, envy and lust (classical human vices) fuel the quest for unending destruction.

Herve Ryssen has a couple of books which offer much insight into the why problem, but Craig has simply and concisely nailed the motivation as being a religious mission Straight Outta Deuteronomy. No other religious scripture comes close to the insistent gangsta insanity unleashed in the OT (The Holy Terror, er Torah).

Sep 29·edited Sep 29

This piece goes directly to answering the why. Why do the who do what they do? Supposing the who have been revealed to those with eyes to see, or more likely, ears to listen. Then the next big question is why. Why would a race/people want to destroy everything other peoples have built? Limited destruction is understandable, passing fits of mayhem as well. But murderers, rapists and vandals all have satiation points or at least down time, resting on laurels, riding off into the sunset after a job well done.

Perhaps a serial killer would be a type that transcends term limits and bypasses normal boundaries. No guilty conscience to impede his purpose. Obsession and compulsion rather than anger, envy and lust (classical human vices) fuel the quest for unending destruction.

Hervé Ryssen has a couple of books which offer much insight into the why problem, but Craig has simply and concisely nailed the motivation as being a religious mission Straight Outta Deuteronomy. No other religious scripture comes close to the insistent gangsta insanity unleashed in the OT (The Holy Terror, er Torah).

Odysseus Unsheathed
The civilization we inherited is on the verge of extinction.

DISSASSOCIATED PRESS - Israel’s Minister of Demense Yavol Gallant, told his dumbass mercenary dupes known as the Israeli Demense Farces not to worry about getting hurt in the “ground invasion” of the Gaza Concentration Camp. The place will be bombed to smitheruins so they will be free to murder poor, defenseless, devastated, starving, crippled Palestinians!

“We have abolished all the rules of war. Our soldiers will not be held responsible for anything. There will be no military courts.” Even Adolph Hitler didn’t go that far . . . .

“We have abolished all the rules of war. Our soldiers will not be held responsible for anything. There will be no military courts.”

That has always been the case with these hypocritical mass murderers! The same as the US: the Chosen Ones and the indispensable, exceptional ones with “super power”.

“Even Adolph Hitler didn’t go that far . . . .”

Massive ignorance displayed by Hal Turner and most of these eternal parrots of bullshit history! Another one who cannot learn! They’re too damn indoctrinated to realize that a Super Adolf Hitler Mark II is precisely what the world needs to rid itself of these God damn freaks who are hogging the airwaves to spread their deadly lies all day long!

Nazi nazi nazi; fascist fascist fascist; Hitler Hitler Hitler; holocaust holocaust holocaust. That’s all their little minds can come up with? Bunch of limited retards!

“Hezbollah says “Our naval fleet with cruise missiles and torpedoes is ready for war with Israel”

Note: Hezbollah’s “red line” is the entry of the Israeli army into Gaza for ground operation.

For now, there are small conflicts between them on the border with Lebanon and… ”

Hezbollah has a naval fleet and cruise missiles? Yeah right, Hezbollah is known for their naval military power…

I sure hope Hezbollah DOES have this fleet: it would mean Iran is ready to join the infestivities.

“Hezbollah’s “red line” is the entry of the Israeli army into Gaza for ground operation.”

Well that’s a convenient excuse for Hezbollah to do nothing! Israel won’t “invade” Gaza until the place is bombed to smitheruins and covered in poison until they’re sure eveybody is dead.

Only then, will the brave IDF soldiers move in with the bulldozers behind them. The “red line” has already been crossed!

Maybe Hezbollah has some nice hypersonic missiles with which to send the USS Gerald Ford to the bottom of the Mediterranean! Now that would give the talking shitheads on TV something to yap about!

Ye shall know them by their targets.


 Israeli Defense Minister: “We have abolished all the rules of war. Our soldiers will not be held responsible for anything. There will be no military courts”
Hal Turner – Oct 11, 2023



powder bowl '23 said...

The most difficult burden is the knowledge that some ideas do not deserve to be validated.

- the Messiah (myself)

Believe it or not, God does not choose to appear as a permed queer in a toga. The people who spout 'I was saved by Jesus' are closet homosexuals, not very closeted, and are basically identical to talking monkeys.

God appears as a figure who's head is so brilliant, it cannot be observed to have features.
He's likes to laugh, is fond of Snow and Ice, and can wander through the land of dreams, to visit with people chosen specifically, for some great burden. Probably doesn't visit the people who are positively assured that God must appear as a tranny in a dress to help them repress their homosexuality much.

The arab description of God is far closer to the actual image of God.

powder bowl '23 said...

Christians are just talking monkeys; it's painful to listen to, they don't say anything important or interesting, so you forget everything immediately afterwards.

It's impossible for them to address anything of significance with any coherence, without them diverting into a stream of nonsensical baby babble dialogue.

They help their partners in crime in the JUDEO CHRISTIAN culture to debase actual morality, clear thinking, free choice, self-determination. Despite their feeble monkey-babble protests they continue to help 'the chosen ppl' rape, kill, and torture children.

Their chosen mascot of divinity is clearly just a homosexual icon, and the people most ardently in support and most commonely use the MAGIC WORDS that establish the mind control of christianity are openly homosexual, or very thinly disguised homosexuals.

The illuminati is based around a deposed Greek religious order known as the Freemasons. The freemason were priests held to be almost living gods. They were the builders, the constructors, the people who knew how to make things ordinary people couldn't that would benefit everybody. When the Romans exterminated and enslaved the Greeks, the illuminati global secret society took on the name 'The Freemasons' as their secret society symbol, like an Aztec priest blood ritual, wearing and dancing in the skin of the victim they had just sacrificed. Using this previously beneficial and sacred order's name, they have successfully dethroned every rightful ruler of the earth, leaving only some tribal negro people's rulers intact as a matter of convenience. There is no real legitimate authority, 'a connection of man to the gods', that yet exists anywhere on earth, only a cadre of criminal conspiring Jews who have used the dirtiest tricks, 'for thee but not for me', underhanded tactics, and brutal oppression through the manipulation of one people against another since they destroyed the original font of civilization.
I don't think there was any Greek Jewish messiah, that is a lie of history. I think all jews knowingly worship the devil, evil, and harbor nothing except hatred for everything in themselves. That is how they've always been, and always will be. They will never have a messiah, or prophet, despite their stupid hats and uniforms. The Devil has multitudes, not individuals.
The Freemasons, worshipped Hephaestus, God of Fire and Masons. People who actually had a connection to the divine, in previous eras, who weren't cock-swallowing sizzle guzzlers, knew this and would not accept christianity and it's rank blasphemy superimposed over the image of God. That is why the arab's version of God was created, and likely why they view all christendom as heretic blasphemy, and them as infidels. They are right, Christians are an affront to God.
Hephaistos is the oldest known divinity in the area of Egypt that is the font of all humanity.
A figure who might appear as a man, with the sun as his head. If you were lucky enough to be tasked, your entire life, with an instruction that defies all understanding.

BuelahMan said...

It appears that powder bowl prefers to fight the jew by himself... without natural allies. Is this because he is stupid or an avenue of divide at this fine site?

My guess is stupidity.

powder bowl '23 said...


Rather than attempt to explain to christians how impossible and absurd their religion is, I'm just going to be shouting that incessantly from now on.

Christianity is a Jew trick to get whites to worship an icon of the devil. Think, damn you. Don't worry about what Jesus supposedly did, look at what Jesus supposedly was. A wise, benevolent, beautiful, compassionate Jew that strode around the Hobo Zoos, bringing peace and joy to all the beleaguered folk.

When have you ever seen or known a jew to have those qualities? Anything like those qualities, ever? Huh, I'll wait.

Rather, I won't. I realize that monkeys are never going be able to have the cognitive ability to sort through actual information, or question the plausibility of something that is completely impossible, and just fill all channels with mockery, instead. Thanks for the phone call this morning, Don't You Forget Me.


powder bowl '23 said...

Instead of testing the limits of your simian intellects. We've already seen the extent of that, I'm going to provide an example for you.

Elvis. Evil Elvy. A beautiful, benevolent jew who strode through the Hobos, spreading rock and roll joy. Elvis died at 42. Whatever was truly inside him, burned him up from within like a bonfire. Jews still refer to Elvis as some kind of demi-god, a human above humans. God doesn't eat you alive from inside like a disease, it's that 'other entity' that does.

That's as close as the Jews will ever get to fulfilling the Christ mythos in a real world setting. I am the fulfillment of your Christ mythos, and I can't stand you human beings. I don't need allies like you.

I am older than Elvis.

powder bowl '23 said...

Imagine yourself as God. I know, that's a looooooong strech. Imagine having the ability to contemplate the mind of God. Impossible, for you?

Imagine God is a real entity and not a fairy tale fictional character from some faggot jew's BSDM manual.

You watch, as first these lying, manipulative devil worshippers convince the absolute stupidest, most gullible people in civilization to worship evil, outright. First they replace all the superior versions of their own, free selves with copies of their own, inferior, enslaved versions. Upsetting, right?

Gets better. Then they spread this contagion throughout the entire world, and with it the parasites they automatically ignore and co-exist with as brethren. Life is this incredibly delicate, incomprehensibly complex procession that is in, a few decades and centuries, utterly abolished by the presence of crude unsophisticated scavengers; the rat, the cat, the pig. You, as God, watch all the finest, most favorite aspects of creation get wiped out in the blink of an eye by apostate, subhuman, enslaved scum. Go look at the wiki list of the KNOWN species that were suddenly wiped out around the 1500's.

Not done. For the third act, learning nothing, these unholy apostates of evil who warped the entire human species and defiled an entire planet set the laws of nature against themselves. Using crude unsophisticated scavengers to destroy their own selves, to again totally demolish the delicate, incomprehensibly complex procedure of life's progress. Committing one final act of destruction and genocide against themselves, so they can ensure they never gain the conscious capacity to recognize and realize what they've done and gain accountability.

Feels pretty good, right about now?

That's MY Gun you're staring down both barrels of, not some lying jew's.

BillyBob said...

I love Mr. Ritter's solution. But is he forgetting the Samson option?

Israel will take out the entire world with Nukes, if they are even close to being defeated militarily.

zapoper said...

The Samson option can easily be taken care of by a first strike but it will never happen because they control our respective countries/governments.