In the west the debates and emotional tirades over magic book theory has reached hysterical levels of cope.
You can dump on christianity and islam all day long and be monetized for
doing it but the one true religion being practiced and enforced by the
state, media and their handlers is the one you may not criticize,
denigrate or act against in any form without punishment.
I reject your cult on the learned elders of Diagolon's decree that it is both very fake and very gay.
I reject your cult on the learned elders of Diagolon's decree that it is both very fake and very gay.

A court in France has found in favor of a farmer who claimed that a 4G antenna was damaging his cows’ health, and has ordered for the antenna to be switched off. Apparently they are just animals, so frying radiation is human friendly though, right?
Houthis announce that they are joining the war against Israel by releasing a music video.
We live in bizzaro world.
We live in bizzaro world.
Pascal Najadi, the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum, is extensively co-operating with prosecutors in the crimes against humanity case against key figures of the global elite
2 min. video
I wanna see this Jesus vs. Satyr fight. Finally settle once and for all which minor mythological character has inspired more debauched homosexual depravity.
Wait, I can hear the hordes of angry christian eunuchs on the march, to fight back the arab hordes, punish the jews for their crimes, and make disbelievers like myself feel the burning shame of 1000 suns for my doubt. Either or, christians are the most insane ppl.
You got the Jews, their motives are clear. Own the world, control all money and propaganda, enslave humanity, sacrifice babies to DOZAH, or whoever.
Arabs, easy to figure out. Their lands being taken, wealth being squandered, not enough hot mud to go around. If Jews want to ship them into better countries, to wage Jihad or run convenience stores, it's a net gain.
The christians are the most inscrutable. They randomly switch between which group they want to cheer on. They mostly exist to make sure white people have no political power, wealth, or even career success unless under their structure. They seem intent with a singular focus on making sure all whites are depicted as idiots, and ensuring that whites are a discriminated minority even in their own countries.
Ofc alt media won't point out that these religions are intentionally failed philosophies, all existing to achieve exactly what is in place today. They aren't 'god's special creations', they were created by man to disguise a hierarchical power structure in which the most wealthy and corrupt were already embedded and could easily control. The 'Controlled Opposition' of the alt media will never seriously criticize how religions are used to cause the problems of humanity, how they collaborate, disguising each other to control the minds of their followers as they run the entire symposium of human degradation together in concert.
Instead, the alt media is filled with bad actors who perpetuate the propaganda of 'good, god fearing jews', when the entire jewish system is designed to create a rabidly spiteful and destructive system of cronyism to elevate the worst among them to the greatest position of power. Bad actors who perpetuate the myth that christianity is some benevolent force of good, fighting the worst of evils. When it's in reality a totally passive entity, a muzzle on reason and sanity, with a stated mission goal of 'increasing human suffering to the highest levels possible', in a grab-ass match to decide the gayest mythbook character ever, just as depicted in your cartoon.
I don't think any followers of monotheism actually believe in God, because the kind of consideration required to ponder 'how would God think about this' is the furthest thing from their minds. If they could be described to have minds. Monotheism is a human construct that is only capable of supporting evil, and reinforcing the structure of evil. So therefore, all monotheistic faiths are Satanic, evil worship. None of them serve any purpose except to degrade the human condition and defile the human spirit, and all the people in the alt media who don't speak the truth about this are obvious fraudsters, con artists, bad actors, controlled opposition, and indeed embedded into the secret society structure running the disaster play itself.
They should be ashamed, but none of these people actually believe in a guiding spiritual force behind life. They only believe in the false power they gain over other people in this lifetime, on their one lifecycle, and don't have any consideration for the actual state of human existence. They are as blind as they are deaf to the question of what a God would really think about them and their actions.
Tards who turn everything, even the notion of God, into a stupid joke. Represented by their art exactly. Not a real force of good, tangibly and in a way that affects reality fighting or resisting the very evils of the world. A goofy cartoon character playing spanky with a satyr. Exposed by themselves as fake.
Gahary doesn't speak too much ....
the other guys are GREAT ...
... and, MAYBE, just MAYBE I have Gahary + Faggy-Truth wrong!
(unless "things" are soooo convoluted .... that "HT" is NOT: in jail! :-o )
This Latest Harry Vox
is well done !!! :-)
... and I got NO fag-cringe either ..... in Contrast to: Faggy-Truth ;-)
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