December 24, 2023

What a world we have today

  If Mary and Joseph Set Off for Bethlehem Today - They'd Have to Cross 15 Israeli Checkpoints and a 30ft Wall


Albert said...

I am Scraping for Content to Listen to (As some Talkers are OFF for some Days Here-abouts!)! ;-)

.... THIS Paul-English Talk was actually quite-Listenable ....

I "noticed" a number of things ....

"Lark" was being Called: "Laurence" (Which is Probably his TRUE name) by the Other-Guest.


At the End Paul Wonderfully-Summarized: That OUR: WHITE-Folks are EVERYTHING !!!

And that the EVIL-jews are "cleverly"-Targeting: US! (Which the DEATH-injection TARGETING SHOWED sooo CLEARLY! :-o [Continents of: Indians, Blacks, Chinese DIDN'T GET "con-vid"! :-o])


--> There is Something DEAD inside-"Lark" !!!

..... I assume that as "Lark" soo-Obviously had "the-hots" for a 65 year-old DEAD-Mud-Shark ..... that THIS: "Un-Healthy"-OBSESSION with: her ......


"jews are OUR Deadly-ENEMY!" .... and WE are "WHITE" .... by-BIRTH: "Racial"-ANCESTRAL-INHERITANCE .......

... and NOT by: BS "clever"-"Ideas" !!! :-o


Merry Christmas: To MY Precious-WHITE-Folks ....... Even to Most of Those Whom: Are Presently: "Putting" "Fluoride" in OUR-Drinking-Waters etc! ;-)

And, as for "non-WHITES" ....... It would be BEST for Everyone:

That there WERE Far Far Fewer of them ... (Especially those who DON'T even Grow-any-food, or DO anything: Good, or Useful to anyone! [ie: "ni88ers"!])

And, certainly for WHITES ... LIFE would be Far FAR BETTER !!! .... IF these: "Low-Impulse-Control" "non-WHITES" ...

--> Were PHYSICALLY: Far Far AWAY from OUR: (Formerly)-HAPPY-WHITE-Communities !!! :-o

powder bowl '23 said...

I agree with Albert, and I've got a plan. First, we convince Jews to give all their money and gold away, 'cause God wills it. Then, we'll devise a system where their first born males, the natural leaders, are involuntarily conscripted into the grand academy of eunuch impersonators (those we don't actually castrate, that is). Then, we'll create a mythological fairy tale that they can constantly and incoherently refer to as a comparison to real world history rather then ever discuss actual real world places, people, or events.

Nah, j/k idk who would ever be stupid enough to fall for something like that. Have a very Merry un-Christmas.

Rick B said...

Albert. Haven't you noticed that the hot topic at the moment is the genocide that is going on in Palestine... while the whole world stands by and watches.

Merry Christmas.

Albert said...

I LIKE the chorus !!! ;-)

powder bowl '23 said...

Good morning zapoper. I live in New Mexico, at 6500ft. Just moved last year from Michigan without ever having been here in person, just watching Breaking Bad. I love it here. You're really gonna wanna kick my ass after this comedy post.

On the offhand chance my plan succeeds and I do end up becoming the messiah figure for the next epoch of history. The Thane of Ethos, if you will, I think a new title would be appropriate. 'King of the Jews' is a bit ostentatious, has bad connotations to the corruption endemic of royalty. I think a nice military title would be appropriate. For example, 'Admiral Gentile'.

Here is a list of miracles that could be attributed to be that I would find acceptable. I think the concept of resurrection has needlessly sexual undertones, and involves necrophilia, which is just gross.
1. Flew around the entire world carried by helpful birds.
2. Ate the sun, but then got indigestion and expelled it after 3 days.
3. Could levitate over pudding.
4. I single-handedly and conclusively proved that dinosaurs, the moon landing, organized religions, and all the false flag conspiracies were fake, and also knew who killed JFK. Attribute to me solely the entirety of the work from the contemporary alt media, the same way Jesus is superimposed over the entirety of ancient Greek philosophy.
5. Pioneered Psionics and brought it's direct knowledge to the attention of the masses, finally granting humanity a tiny pin-hole insight into their true position in the web of life.

That last one might be true, so that probably means they're all true. Anyways, let me know what you guys think so we can start working on proof of concept.

Adanac said...

This new AI is powerful and uncensored… Let’s run it

zapoper said...

"You're really gonna wanna kick my ass after this comedy post".

I just deleted my comment without knowing that you had replied to it. Apparently I was being a "tuff guy" on the internet. lol

zapoper said...

Most AI are programed by left wing jews and therefore mentally ill. When an AI believes the official narrative of the Holocaust or that Christopher Columbus discovered America then you know that it's gone into the deep end. lol

Panzerfaust said...

It should be called AJ for Artificial Judaism

Panzerfaust said...

With the "Christmas" stoppage I was reduced to watching endless hours of "football". Why do they call it that? Should be hand egg. What they do is have a line gigantic niggers and caveman fighting another line of niggers and caveman to get the guy holding the hand egg before he can throw it to some super fast and acrobatic nigger running away. When successful he makes a touchdown then some white guy kicks the hand egg between two poles.

Panzerfaust said...

The bonus is when niggas get knocked smooth the fuck out and shit

Adanac said...

Try this one Panzi!

Top 10 Most UNREAL NFL Plays (Week 10)

In the #1 fixed play of the week at the 11:30 mark, #9 and #11 drop like the twin towers LOL

Adanac said...

No more meat for you!

Panzerfaust said...

The video I posted of negros knocking out negroes for the hand egg ball is gone.

Adanac said...

The Mysterious Human Heart

Adanac said...

Yeah I noticed it was deleted too

Here it is Panzi

Panzerfaust said...

Back in the 90's I was on a hand egg team at Fort Bragg playing safety and collided with a running back head on at the line of scrimmage. I got a concussion but he was out cold lol it was fun.

Adanac said...

Was it the first of many? LOL

Adanac said...

I admit to having at least three concussions myself, two more that were not as bad and did not go to the hospital for. It was hockey, unsuccessful tree climbing and I got hit by a car!

Panzerfaust said...

Growing up back in the day ain't like it is now.

Adanac said...

Not at all... Do you think this is real or gaslighting?

Why 30% of Americans Experience 'Menu Anxiety'

zapoper said...

LOL. They're just making shit up to prescribe more big pharma pills.

Adanac said...

I think most of the shit that they proclaim is coming, is gaslighting, just so the demoralized and weak minded will surrender to deeper soft communistic electronic slavery.

Adanac said...

Ultimately maybe not so soft, idk...

Erik Paul said...

The name 'hand egg' just doesn't work for me because 'egg' is primarily a specific food item, and that is what I picture when I read the name.

Ball, on the other hand, simply refers to anything of a globular shape. So to be consistent with 'football', I suggest 'hand ellipsoid.'

Adanac said...

MinusIQ | The pill to lower your IQ permanently

Adanac said...

Pluralistic: "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing" (08 Dec 2023)

If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing

Adanac said...

The Steve Morse Interview: From The Dregs, to Deep Purple and Kansas